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D、 both A and B

4The garbage does not simply disappear. It may go on to a . transfer station. Since it is difficult and expensive to dispose at landfill sites and incinerators. People are encouraged to recycle and compost (堆肥) their garbage. Garbage is picked up and taken and will be carefully buried or burned. The problem with these methods of garbage disposal is that they cost money, take up land and cause pollution. One solution to the problem of solid waste disposal is

composting. Some things that can be composted such as fruits and vegetable peels. People can compost these food products by placing them in an outdoor container where they

decompose( 分解 ) into a substance called compost. Compost, which contains plant nutrients, can be spread in the garden to help other plants grow.

Another solution to the problem of solid waste disposal is recycling.

Some things can be recycled, such as glass jars, tin cans, office paper and newspapers. People can recycle used products by putting them in the \Recycling and composting are two ways of reducing the amount of solid waste. These methods show people a new way of handling garbage: many things people throw away can be used again (本题分数:10 分,本题得分:4 分。) (1). Which of the following situation will be after the new ways to deal

with garbage is used? ( ) (2 分)

A、 more solid waste will be produced B、

less solid waste will be produced


The same amount of solid waste will be produced


people will stop producing solid wast

(2). The passage encourages people to ( )their solid waste (2 分)

A、 ncrease B、 burn

C、 hide

D、 recycle or compost

(3). The main idea for the second paragraph is ( ). (2 分)

A、 compost is a special substance that provides your garden with nutrients


composting is one of ways to reduce solid waste


it can take a long time for compost to z, depending on

what you put in the compost bin


meat, fish and grease are three things that you cannot put in your compost

(4). The passage is mainly concerned with ( ). (2 分)

A、 Explain how to make compost and how it can benefit your garden.


Choose the best way to reduce solid waste: composting or



Compare and contrast composting with traditional garbage disposal.


Classify the different methods of throwing away household


(5). Which place is not a destination for solid waste? ( ) (2 分)

A、 a transfer station B、

a landfill site


a recycling depot

D、 an incinerator

三、作文题 (共1题、总分20分、得分14分)

1This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You . are required to write a letter note according to the following instructions given in Chinese. Remember to write the letter on the Composition / Translation Sheet.给 Robert 先生写一封短信。 内容:希望能在贵出版谋求一个职位。我现年三十岁,目前受雇于彼得逊出版社。我离开现工作岗位的唯一理由是,目前的职位对我没有发展途。我擅长写作和编辑,所以一直想从事编辑工作。[注意:必须包括收信人的称谓,写信日期 (2004年6月),收信人( 杰克 )的签名等基本格式。] (本题分数:20 分,本题得分:14 分。) June, 2004Dear Robert,I wish to apply for a position wipublishing house. I’m thirty years old and at present I

正确by the Peterson Press.My only reason for leaving the pres

答案: would be to better myself and I feel there is no further

now.The editorial work has always been a great appeal tinterested in writing and editorial work.Yours trulyJac



