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Propagation and collision of compacton-like kinks in Klein-Gordon lattice system

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Propagation and collision of compacton-like kinks

in Klein-Gordon lattice system

Xia Qing-Lin;Yi Jina-Hong;Li Li-Ya;Peng Yuan-Dong

【期刊名称】《中国物理:英文版》 【年(卷),期】2005(014)003

【摘要】We study the propagation and collision of the compacton-like kinks in the system of an anharmoniclattice with a double well on -site potential by a direc algebraic method and numerical experiments. It is found that the localiazation of the compacton-like kinks is related to the nonlinear coupling parameter Cnl and the potetial barrier height v0 of the double well potential. The velocity of the propagation of the compacton like kinks is determined by the linear coupling parameter cl, the nlonlinear coupling parameter Cnl and the localization paratmeter q. Numerical experiments demonstrate that appropriate Cl is not detrimental to a stable propagation of the compacton-like kinks. However, the collision of compacton-like kiks and anti-kinds in the lattice with comparatively smallCl leads to the emergence of a discrete stationary breather and small amplitude nonlinear oscillation bacdground ,while moderate Cl results in the emergence of two deformed kinds with raditing oscillations and lower propagation velocities.


【关键词】Klein-Gordon lattice;compacton-like


【作者】Xia Qing-Lin;Yi Jina-Hong;Li Li-Ya;Peng Yuan-Dong

【作者单位】School of Phyaics science and Technology and State Key Laboratory for Poder Metallurgy Central South University,Changsha 410083, China;School of Phyaics science and Technology and State Key Laboratory for Poder Metallurgy Central South University,Changsha 410083, China;Department of Materials ,Oxford University,Parks Road, Oxford QXI 3PH, UK;School of Phyaics science and Technology and State Key Laboratory for Poder Metallurgy Central South University,Changsha 410083, China;School of Phyaics science and Technology and State Key Laboratory for Poder Metallurgy Central South University,Changsha 410083, China 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】O4 【文献来源】

https://www.zhangqiaokeyan.com/academic-journal-cn_chinese-physics-b_thesis/0201251244471.html 【相关文献】

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Propagation and collision of compacton-like kinks in Klein-Gordon lattice system


