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成人学位英语 考前模拟

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28. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. The workers in Finland are paid by the hour.

B. The bosses in Finland are always too busy to check their employees. C. The workers are honest with their working hours.

D. The workers and their bosses will make an agreement in advance about the pay. 29. The word “those” in the last paragraph probably refers to _____ A. people who often take taxis

B. people who often have meals in big hotels C. people who are dishonest D. people who are worthy of trust 30. It can be concluded that _____

A. Finnish people are not smart enough in daily life B. Finland has been a good place for cheats C. the Finnish society is of very high moral level D. all the Finns are rich Passage 4

John Grisham was born on February 2, 1955, in Jonesboro, Arkansas, in the USA. His father was a construction worker and moved his family all around the southern states of America, stopping wherever he could find work. Eventually they settled in Mississippi. Graduating from law school in 1981, Grisham practiced law for nearly a decade in Southaven, specializing in criminal defense and personal injury litigation (诉讼). In 1983, he was elected to the state House of Representatives and served until 1990.

One day at the Dessoto County courthouse, Grisham heard the horrifying testimony of a 12-year-old rape victim. He decided to write a novel exploring what would have happened if the girl’s father had murdered her attackers. He proceeded to get up every morning at 5 a.m. to work on the novel, called A Time to Kill, which was published in 1988. Grisham’s next novel, The Firm, was one of the biggest hits of 1991, spending 47 weeks on The New York Times best seller list. Grisham lives with his wife and two children, dividing their time between their Victorian home on a 67 acre farm in Mississippi and a 204 acre plantation near Charlottesville, Virginia.

When he’s not writing, Grisham devotes time to charitable causes, including mission trips with his church group. As a child he dreamt of becoming a professional baseball player, and now serves as the local Little League commissioner. He has built six ballfields on his property and hosts children from 26Little League teams. 46. John Grisham is ________ at present. A. a novelist B. a lawyer

C. a professional baseball player D. a congressman 47. What inspired Grisham to write his first novel?

A. A case of murder. B. A case of rape C. His father’s experience D. His life on the farm

48. Which of the following is NOT true of the novel The Firm ? A. It was popular at the time of publication B. It earned Grisham great fame. C. It brought Grisham wealth

D. It was carried by The New York Times as a series.

49. It can be inferred from the passage that Grisham has built ballfields on his property ________.

A. to achieve his life’s goal as a professional baseball player B. to coach children in baseball C. It brought Grisham wealth

D. It provide facilities of baseball training

50, what will be reflexed the author’s attitude to the passage ? A, mystery B negative C neutral D subject


36、which sport has the most expenses training equipment, players’ personnel equipment and uniform?

A in place of B in term of C by means of D by way of

37、like with anything new, you should your physician before taking Colon Health Cleansing or any other vitamin.

A discuss B consult C request D tell

38、Dolphins are interesting because they human behavior at times . A discuss B express C display D distribute

39、people living in mordern times benefit from many discoveries and inventions that have enriched the world .

A filled B stuffed C enriched D extended

40、The field of artificial is a new branch of computer science. A intelligence B talent C capability D power

41、Compared to other mammals, human have a relatively long life A length B extension C expense D span

42、gestures, a body language of huamn beings, widely from culture to culture. A change B vary C differ D alternate

43、if you are traveling in Austalia ,take of the duty-free goods available at our store in the Sydney Airport.

A hold B advantage C notice D account

44、This training course is open only to dieters undertaking to starve themselves their own free will .

A at B against C of D with

45、most people are much less of the extent to which work provides the psychological well-being .

A conscious B free C proud D afraid

46、My father seemed to be in no to look at my school report that day. A feeling B attitude C emotion D mood

47、one of the most important battles of the American Civil War took at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, in 1863.

A position B part C place D chance

48、I can’t really assess my own performance at school, A not to mention him B meither you like to do C neither will you D let alone his 49、I didn’t expect that so many problems would during my absence. A rise B raise C arise D arouse

50、The food we are going to have is home-cooked with fresh A ingredients B components C elements D factors

51、The we got indicated that the enemy were planning further attacks. A knowledge B message C intelligence D imagination

52、The city failed to look after its schools , it spent over 1 dollar on its museums and stadiums.

A now that B whereas C because D as long as

53、Tom was very to all those who took the trouble to help him out. A graceful B grateful C regretful D wonderful 54、The survival of the civilization as we know is threat. A within B under C toward D upon

55、Daniel is a model student. He works very hard and is to his teachers. A respective B respectful C respectable D respecting

56、in no case be late for the annual board meeting to be held next Friday. A should you B you should C you will D you are

57、by the time the course ends , a lot about the culture of this country. A we’ll learn B we are learning C we have learnt D we’ll have learnt 58、Though I am always free on Sunday, I seldom watch television.

A so does my sister B my sister doesn’t C my sister is too D nor does my sister 59、Amazingly, most of the infants stopped crying they heard themselves in tapes. A as soon as B as far as I am concerned C no sooner than Dhardly when 60、his salary as a drivers is much higher

A than a teacher B than that of a teahcer C than those of a teacher D that of a teacher 61、there seemed little hope that the explorer, in the tropical forest, would find his way through it .

A to be deserted B having deserted C been deserted C having been deserted 62、so many directors , the board meeting had to be put off till next Monday. A were absent B being absent C been absent D had been absent

63、I never thought of his as a real problem, but now I realize how it bothered me more than it A would B used to C preferred to D had to

64、 Now Ross is bringing a welcomed medical revolution to the world so many people need it.

A that B where C how D which

65、Everything , the planned project will have to be cancelled. A considered B be considered C considering D being considering 66、under stress, people’s blood pressure goes up, their race or sex A whichever B no matter how C whether D no matter what

67、 I admit that ther problems are difficult, I don’t agree that they can’t be solved A because B until C while D but 68、Ballons float in the air boats do on the sea. A Just as B when C that D where

69、The lesson Edwards and Clark learned then is the more down-to –earth guy won. A that B what C why D only

70、 the new pop singer built her first album piece by piece.

A over a year and a half B over half and a year C over one and a half year D over year and half

71、my suggestion was that he offer as soon as possible . A should take B took C would take D will take 72、I am equally about every school record that I have broken. A interested B interesting C excited D exciting 73、Hot it was , he still went out.

A even though B however C as D nevertheless

74、if all the people in the world spoke the same language, cultural and economic ties be much closer among countries now.

A will B should C shall D are

75、it was very hard for my parents to pay my education fee, were very high in this country.

A what B that C which D as 五、完型填空 10题, 每题1分,共10分

Emerson Graduate College , the graduate programs are designed based on the latest

professional practices, technological advances 76 the traditional method. Emerson ‘s ability 77 to today’s communication challenges and adapt to an increasingly global world is the foundation of success for our graduates, which will help you 78 your career goals.

Emerson faculty are innovators in their fields and they lead by example. At Emerson, you will be surrounded by fellow students 79 desires are to shape the future of their fields. Fellow students and graduates are noted for encouraging and supporting 80 professionally and creatively.

Please join us for Emerson’s upcoming Graduate Open House 81 Saturday, March 24. Our Open House is your opportunity to 82 faculty and students in your program of interest and find out how to apply for and 83 your gradute education. You will also explore our lively campus 84 in the heart of downtown Boston. Your campus tour will take you past many of our state-of-the –art facilities, including the bran-new Max Mutechnick Campus Center. If you wish for a life in communication and the arts, let Emerson set the 85 for your success. 76、A other than B owning to C rather than D Except for 77、A responds B responding C respond D responded 78、A accomplish B understand C finish D choose 79、A who B whom C that D whose

80、A each and other B one another C one and another D each the other 81、A in B at C on D during 82、A treat B teach C meet D introduce 83、A finance B perfor C go to D pay for 84、A locates B locating C located D being located 85、A state B stage C chance D sence 六、写作1题,15分。

话题:使用手机的青少年越来越多,对于这些青少年来说,使用手机有什么好处和坏处?以“cell phone: are they advantage or disavantage for teenager ? ”为题写一篇120字的作文。



2、 Tom: Kate, you are back from vacation! How was it ?

Kate: to tell you the truth, I feel tired. Tom: ?

Kate: I had to visit all my relative.

成人学位英语 考前模拟


