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新蕾快乐英语第四册 译文

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新蕾快乐英语第四册 UNIT 1

[00:00:00]Unit 1 Looks [译文]第一单元 外表 [00:04.34]1 I'm tall. [译文]1 我很高。

[00:06.68]Let's listen and say. [译文]听一听,说一说。 [00:10.92]tall [译文]高的 [00:14.36]short [译文]矮的 [00:18.64]young [译文]年轻的 [00:22.14]old [译文]年长的 [00:26.37]strong [译文]强壮的

[00:30.98]Let's chant! [译文]念一念!

[00:34.24]Let's have a talk. [译文]让我们一起来说一说。 [00:39.88]Let' s have a talk. [译文]让我们一起来说一说。 [00:41.26]My father is tall. [译文]我的爸爸很高。 [00:42.64]My mother is short. [译文]我的妈妈很矮。 [00:43.89]Is he strong? [译文]他很强壮吗?

[00:45.33]Yes, he' s strong. [译文]是的,很强壮。 [00:46.74]Is she old? [译文]她很老吗?

[00:48.21]No. She' s young. [译文]不。她很年轻。

[00:49.55]She isn't old. She's young. [译文]她不老。 她很年轻。 [00:54.40]Let's sing! [译文]唱一唱。

[00:57.47]Is he tall? Yes, he is. [译文]他很高吗? 是的,他很高。

[01:08.67]Is she tall, too? No, she isn' t. [译文]她也很高吗? 不,她不高。 [01:12.28]She' s short. Look at me. [译文]她很矮。 看看我。 [01:14.12]I' m tall. I' m strong. [译文]我很高。 我很强壮。 [01:15.93]I can help her. Great! Great! Let's help her.

[译文]我可以帮助她。 好极了!好极了!让我来帮助她。

[01:22.33]Is he tall? Yes, he is. [译文]他很高吗? 是的,他很高。

[01:30.81]Is she tall, too? No, she isn' t. [译文]她也很高吗? 不,她不高。 [01:34.28]She' s short. 0Look at me. [译文]她很矮。 看看我。 [01:36.16]I' m tall. I' m strong. [译文]我很高。 我很强壮。 [01:38.00]I can help her. Great! Great! Let's help her.

[译文]我可以帮助她。 好极了!好极了!让我来帮助她。 [01:47.68]Let's listen and point. [译文]听一听,指一指。 [01:51.80]Number 1 young [译文]1号 年轻的 [01:57.18]Number 2 strong [译文]2号 强壮的 [02:02.41]Number 3 short [译文]3号 矮小的 [02:08.04]Number 4 old [译文]4号 年长的 [02:13.71]Number 5 tall [译文]5号 高大的

[02:19.81]Let's listen and tick or cross. [译文]听一听,划勾或是打叉。 [02:25.07]1 Mary is old. she is young. [译文]1 玛丽很老。她很年轻。 [02:33.96]2 This is Tom, he is short. [译文]2 这位是汤姆,他很矮。

[02:44.74]3 Is Mike strong? No,he isn't. [译文]3 迈克很强壮吗?不,他不强壮。 [02:55.72]4 Is Lucy short? No,she is tall. [译文]4 露西很矮吗?不,她很高。 [03:06.77]5 I'm Lily. I am old. [译文]5 我是莉莉。我很老了。 [03:15.40]Let's listen. [译文]听一听。

[03:18.10]同学们。快来听!我们的动物朋友们正在表演马戏了。 [译文]同学们。快来听!我们的动物朋友们正在表演马戏了。

[03:25.92]Wow! What a tall horse! [译文]哇!好高的一匹马啊! [03:36.05]Yes, Oh look, It comes to Baby horse. It's very young.

[译文]是的,哦,看,它到小马驹的旁边了。 马驹很小。 [03:42.91]Look at the bear. [译文]看看那头熊。 [03:45.71]Oh, so strong. [译文]哦,好强壮。 [03:49.12]Look at the monkey. [译文]看看猴子。

[03:50.75]Do you think it's young? [译文]你认为它很小吗?

[03:54.57]No, it 's very old. what a poor monkey. [译文]不,很老了。可怜的猴子。 [03:57.98]what a happy monkey. look. [译文]多快乐的一只猴子。看。 [04:00.94]Ahh... [译文]哈哈哈……

新蕾快乐英语第四册 UNIT 2

[00:00.00]Unit 2 Clothes [译文]第2单元 衣服

[00:04.64]Do you like my new dress? [译文]你喜欢我的新连衣裙吗? [00:07.77]Yes, I do. [译文]是的,我喜欢。

[00:11.49]Let's listen and say. [译文]让我们听一听说一说。 [00:15.35]a shirt [译文]一件衬衣 [00:19.51]a jacket [译文]一件夹克 [00:23.99]a skirt [译文]一条短裙 [00:28.75]a sweater [译文]一件毛衣 [00:33.37]a coat [译文]一件外套

[00:38.01]Let's chant! [译文]让我们唱歌谣!

[00:41.23]Do you like her skirt? [译文]你喜欢她的短裙吗? [00:44.25]Yes, I do. [译文]是的,我喜欢。

[00:46.13]Do you like his shirt? [译文]你喜欢他的衬衫吗? [00:48.13]No, I don' t. [译文]不,我不喜欢。

[00:50.09]Her skirt is red. [译文]她的短裙是红色的。 [00:51.91]His shirt is black. [译文]他的衬衫是黑色的。 [00:53.75]I like red. [译文]我喜欢红色。

[00:55.77]I don' t like black. [译文]我不喜欢黑色。 [00:57.77]Look at my sweaters. [译文]看我的毛衣。 [00:59.44]Oh. I like it. [译文]噢,我喜欢它。 [01:03.15]Let's sing! [译文]让我们唱一唱!

[01:07.64]I like my cap. My cap is blue. [译文]我喜欢我的帽子。我的帽子是蓝色的。 [01:16.47]I like my hat. My hat is yellow. [译文]我喜欢我的帽子。我的帽子是黄色的。 [01:21.02]Does she like her dress? Yes, she does. [译文]她喜欢她的连衣裙吗?是的,她喜欢。

[01:25.29]Her dress is green. Does he like his T-shirt?


[01:32.79]No, he doesn't. He doesn't like pink. [译文]不,他不喜欢。他不喜欢粉色。

[01:39.44]I like my cap. My cap is blue. [译文]我喜欢我的帽子。我的帽子是蓝色的。 [01:48.87]I like my hat. My hat is yellow. [译文]我喜欢我的帽子。我的帽子是黄色的。 [01:53.57]Does she like her dress? Yes, she does.


[01:57.78]Her dress is green. Does he like his T-shirt? [译文]她的连衣裙是绿色的。他喜欢他的T恤吗?

[02:05.12]No, he doesn't. He doesn't like pink. [译文]不,他不喜欢。他不喜欢粉色。 [02:17.17]Let's listen and number. [译文]让我们听录音,标序号。 [02:21.41]1 a shirt [译文]1 一件衬衫 [02:28.05]2 a skirt [译文]2 一条裙子 [02:34.47]3 a sweater [译文]3 一件毛衣 [02:41.03]4 a coat [译文]4 一件外套 [02:47.32]5 a dress [译文]一条连衣裙

[02:54.36]Let's listen and colour. [译文]让我们听一听,着颜色。 [02:57.75]1 She is short. She has a red skirt. [译文]1 她长得矮。她有一条红色的裙子。

[03:08.55]2 She is tall. She has a yellow dress.

[译文]2 她长得高。她有一条黄色的连衣裙。

[03:19.17]3 He is strong. He has a green shirt. [译文]3 他长得强壮。他有一件绿色的衬衫。

[03:28.48]4 He is old. He has a blue coat. [译文]4 他年老了。他有一件蓝色的外套。 [03:38.23]5 She is young. She has a pink sweater. [译文]5 她年轻。她有一件粉色的毛衣。 [03:48.50]Let's listen. [译文]我们听一听录音。


[04:05.46]Look! A monkey, he has a red coat. How funny!


[04:09.75]Haa! Look at the cat, she is in a red skirt. She is beautiful. [译文]哈!看这只猫,她穿着红色的裙子。她很漂亮。 [04:14.74]Yes, she is beautiful. Where is the dog?


[04:18.54]He's on the bowl. He's in a blue sweater and green trousers. He's dancing there. [译文]他在碗那儿。他穿着蓝色的毛衣和绿色的裤子。他在那跳舞。

[04:24.50]]Who is that in yellow dress over there? [译文]那穿着黄色连衣裙的是谁? [04:26.94]That's the duck. She is dancing too. Ha... [译文]那是鸭子。她也在跳舞。哈哈……

新蕾快乐英语第四册 UNIT 3

[00:00.00]Unit 3 Weather [译文]第3单元 天气 [00:04.97]3 It's sunny. [译文]3 天气晴朗。

[00:07.67]Let's listen and say. [译文]让我们听一听,说一说。 [00:11.47]sunny [译文]晴朗的 [00:16.02]cloudy [译文]多云的 [00:20.14]windy [译文]有风的 [00:24.10]rainy [译文]下雨的 [00:28.39]snowy [译文]下雪的

[00:33.26]Let's chant! [译文]让我们唱歌谣!

[00:37.08]How's the weather? It's windy. [译文]天气怎么样?天气有风。 [00:41.68]How's the weather? It's cloudy. [译文]天气怎么样?天气多云。

[00:45.11]How's the weather today? It's snowy. [译文]今天的天气怎么样?今天下雪。 [00:48.46]Is it rainy? No, it isn't. [译文]天在下雨吗?不,没下雨。 [00:51.83]Is it sunny? Yes, it is. [译文]天气晴朗吗?是的,天气晴朗。 [00:55.16]It's a sunny day. [译文]今天天气晴朗。

[00:57.26]Let's go out and play. [译文]我们去外面玩吧。 [01:01.35]Let's sing! [译文]让我们唱一唱! [01:03.88]Sunny. Cloudy. Windy. Rainy. Snowy.


[01:22.54]How' s the weather today? It' s windy. [译文]今天天气怎么样?有风。 [01:29.27]Sunny. Cloudy. Windy. Rainy. Snowy.


[01:47.74]How' s the weather today? It' s windy. [译文]今天天气怎么样?有风。 [01:51.68]Cool! Let's fly kites together. [译文]太好了!我们一起去放风筝吧。 [01:58.44]Let's listen and number. [译文]让我们听一听,标序号。 [02:02.75]1 cloudy [译文]1 多云的 [02:08.80]2 windy [译文]2 有风的 [02:14.91]3 sunny [译文]3 晴朗的 [02:20.76]4 snowy [译文]4 下雪的 [02:26.98]5 rainy [译文]5 下雨的

[02:33.40]Let's listen and match. [译文]让我们听录音,找搭配。 [02:37.84]How is the weather in Beijing? It's fine. [译文]北京的天气怎样?天气晴朗。 [02:46.86]How is the weather in Tianjin? It's snowy. [译文]天津的天气怎样?在下雪。 [02:56.07]How is the weather in Nanjing? It's cloudy. [译文]南京的天气怎样?多云。 [03:06.40]How is the weather in Hongkong? It's windy. [译文]香港的天气怎样。有风。 [03:15.88]How is the weather in London? It's rainy. [译文]伦敦的天气怎样?在下雨。 [03:26.03]Let's listen. [译文]让我们听录音。 [03:29.57]同学们,让我们一起来听一段英语小短句。

[03:36.40]Good morning, mum! [译文]早上好,妈妈! [03:41.31]Morning! [译文]早上好!

[03:43.44]How is the weather today? [译文]今天天气怎样? [03:46.50]It's sunny. [译文]天气晴朗。

[03:49.13]Great! Let's go to the park. [译文]太好了!我们去公园吧。 [03:52.35]OK. Let's go. [译文]好的。我们走吧。

[03:54.44]Can I wear my new dress? [译文]我可以穿我的新裙子吗? [03:57.72]Sure! [译文]当然可以!

[03:59.59]Thank you! Mum. [译文]谢谢你!妈妈。

新蕾快乐英语第四册 UNIT 4

[00:00.00]Unit 4 Vehicles [译文]第4单元 交通工具

[00:04.90]4 Let's go by plane. [译文]4 我们坐飞机去吧。

[00:08.23]Let's listen and say. [译文]让我们听一听,说一说。 [00:12.15]by taxi [译文]坐出租车 [00:16.40]by bus [译文]坐汽车 [00:20.78]by plane [译文]坐飞机 [00:25.15]by bike [译文]骑自行车 [00:29.55]by ship [译文]坐船

[00:34.25]Let's chant! [译文]让我们唱歌谣!

[00:37.55]How do you go to Beijing? [译文]你怎样去北京? [00:42.41]How do you go to Shanghai? [译文]你怎样去上海? [00:45.45]How do you go to Hongkong? [译文]你怎样去香港? [00:48.60]How do you go to Dalian? [译文]你怎样去大连?

[00:51.73]By bus? OK. By train? [译文]坐公交车?好的。坐火车? [00:54.08]Oh, yes. By plane? [译文]噢,是的。坐飞机? [00:55.62]Oh, great. By ship? [译文]噢,不错。乘船? [00:57.16]Oh, super! [译文]噢,太棒了! [00:59.69]Let's sing! [译文]让我们唱一唱!

[01:03.59]How do you go to school? [译文]你怎样去上学? [01:13.09]How do you go to school? [译文]你怎样去上学? [01:14.90]Can you make a guess, can you make a guess? [译文]你能猜一猜吗,你能猜一猜吗?

[01:18.65]By taxi, by bus, by car or by bike?


[01:22.71]I go to school on foot. [译文]我步行去上学。 [01:25.94]Ha-ha! [译文]哈哈!

[01:32.39]How do you go to school? [译文]你怎样去上学? [01:36.83]How do you go to school? [译文]你怎样去上学? [01:38.83]Can you make a guess, can you make a guess? [译文]你能猜一猜吗,你能猜一猜吗?

[01:42.55]By taxi, by bus, by car or by bike?


[01:46.70]I go to school on foot. [译文]我步行去上学。 [01:49.52]Ha-ha! [译文]哈哈!

[01:55.40]Let's listen and point. [译文]让我们听一听,指一指。 [01:58.38]1 by taxi [译文]1 坐出租车 [02:04.20]2 by ship [译文]2 乘船 [02:09.80]3 by bike [译文]3 骑自行车 [02:15.89]4 by plane [译文]4 坐飞机 [02:22.11]5 by bus [译文]5 搭汽车

新蕾快乐英语第四册 译文


