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第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



What’s On?

Simon’s Workshop

5.00pm-7.30pm Wednesdays at Victoria Stage

This is a good chance for anyone who wants to learn how to do comedy. The workshop looks at every kind of comedy, and practices many different ways of making people laugh. Simon is a comedian and actor who has 10 years’ experience of teaching comedy. His workshops are exciting and fun. An evening with Simon will give you the confidence to be funny.

Charlotte Stone

8.00pm-11.00pm Pizza World

Fine food with beautiful jazz music; this is a great evening out. Charlotte Stone will perform songs from her new best-selling CD, with James Pickering on the piano. The menu is Italian, with excellent meat and fresh fish, pizzas and pasta (面食). Book early to get a table. Our bar is open all day, and serves cocktails, coffee, beer, and white wine.

Electric Underground

7.30pm-1.00am Free at the Cyclops Theatre

Do you know who’s playing in your area? We’re bringing you an evening of live rock and pop music from the best local bands. Are you interested in becoming a musician and getting a recording contract (合同)? If so, come early to the talk at 7.30pm by Jules Skye, a successful record producer. He’s going to talk about how you can find the right person to produce your music.

Gee Whizz

8.30pm-10.30pm Comedy at Kaleidoscope Come and see Gee Whizz perform. He’s the funniest stand-up comedian on the comedy scene. This joyful show will please everyone, from the youngest to the oldest. Gee Whizz really knows how to make you laugh! Our bar is open from 7.00pm for drinks and snacks (快餐).

1. At which place can people of different ages enjoy a good laugh? A. The Cyclops Theatre B. Victoria Stage


Kaleidoscope D. Pizza World

2. Who can help you if you want to have your music produced?

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A. Gee Whizz. B. Jules Skye.

C. Charlotte Stone. D. James Pickering.

3. What do we know about Simon’s Workshop? A. It is held every Wednesday. B. It lasts three hours each time.

C. It requires membership status. D. It is run by a comedy club. 4. When will Charlotte Stone perform her songs?

A. 5.00pm-7.30pm. B. 7.30pm-1.00am.

C. 8.30pm-10.30pm. D. 8.00pm-11.00pm.


My name is Lin Hui. I like to tell stories about people who work together. What is even better is when countries help each other and build a good friendship. An excellent example of this happened when Britain and China worked together to bring the Milu deer back to China.

The Milu deer, a species of animal with large horns (角), used to be common in China long ago. Like other deer they lived together and ate grass and the soft parts of trees such as small branches. Milu deer were often killed for food or sport in the past. The Ming and Qing dynasties (朝代) did not protect them and many were killed. That is how the Milu deer disappeared from China.

Luckily before all of them were killed, some were taken to Britain to improve the environment of the beautiful park which belonged to the Duke of Bedford. He liked them so much that he took them from China to Britain. Milu deer liked the cool, wet weather in England and their number increased year by year. As a result, when in 1985 the government of China wanted to bring back the Milu deer, the Duke of Bedford was happy to help. The first deer came back to China to the Nanhaizi Milu Park 20 kilometers south of Beijing and the centre in Dafeng, Jiangsu province.

The deer certainly seem happy to be back in China because their numbers have grown rapidly. There are now so many of them that a new park has been opened for them in Hubei Province. At the moment the Milu deer live in centres where they are being well protected and cared for. It is hoped that one day there will be enough animals to let them live in the wild again. So Britain helped China by bringing back an animal that had disappeared from its homeland. This is a good example of friendship and understanding between these two countries.

5. The Milu deer disappeared long ago in China because ____________. A. they were not well protected B. they could find nothing to eat C. they died of a serious disease

D. they had the habit of living together

6. After some of the Milu deer were taken to Britain, ____________. A. people used them to carry things B. the Duke of Beford sold them all C. they didn’t like the weather there D. their number became larger and larger

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7. What’s the best title of the passage? A. The number of the Mulu deer. B. The life of the Milu deer.

C. The return of the Milu deer. D. The importance of the Milu deer.



My name is Hua Fei and I am a sporting robot of the 23 century. I am an expert at high flying exercises. I jump from spaceships and as I fall I turn, dive circle and dance until I softly land as close as I can to the finishing line. Robot


competitions in the 23 century are truly a popular sport. Fans from all over China watch their handheld TVs when a competition comes on. Last time I took


part in the 78 Olympics on a flying island above Brussels in the sky. I won the silver medal for my performance.

This year I had the honour to be chosen again. I wanted to meet robots from other countries and explore ideas about sport. However, my programmer fell ill the week before we were going to leave. It was very painful for her and I felt very frightened. I no longer felt so confident that I would win.

The day of the competition was rather cold for my legs and my special oil began to freeze. I paused before I jumped from the starting place on a little spaceship but then I began my performance. At the correct moment I tried to open my parachute but there was a problem. It only opened a little. Instead of flying softly to earth I began to fall faster and faster so that I could not turn, dive, circle or dance. My heart stopped beating as I landed heavily on a mountain covered with snow.

This is why I am writing to you from my hospital bed with two broken legs and a fragile (易碎的) head. I did not win anything at the Olympics after all. I need the factory to build me two new legs and an even bigger head. Then I will be able to compete once more. Let’s hope for greater success in the next Olympics!

8. What we know about Hua Fei is that he is .

A. an experienced expert B. a computer system

C. a flying spaceship D. a sporting robot

9. According to the passage, would be a popular sport in rd

the 23 century.

A. computer games B. robot competitions

C. plane controlling D. sky diving

10. The reason why Hua Fei failed to perform well this year is that .

A. he didn’t do it in the right way B. he couldn’t open his parachute

C. he didn’t replace the batteries D. he was affected by a wrong programme

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11. At the moment, Hua Fei is .

A. being treated in a hospital B. being repaired in a factory

C. being trained for the next Olympics D. being taught to do high flying exercises


Next time you go shopping, keep in mind that there may be hidden cameras analyzing your habits. According to a 2015 survey of 150 managers from Computer Services Corporation, a quarter of British shops use facial recognition software to collect data on shopper behavior.

With concerns that face-recognition cameras “are kind of invasive (侵犯的)”, British analysis firm Hoxton Analytics has come up with a new way of measuring footfall (客流量) — by filming people’s shoes. The technology can collect a large amount of personal information. “We have cameras at 50 cm off the ground and they point down so they are less invasive than facial recognition,” Duncan Mann, Hoxton’s officer said.

As modern cities get fuller—70 percent of the population will live in urban areas by 2050 — cameras and other technologies are taking over public spaces and collecting our data. Their purpose is to keep people safe, provide efficient services and prevent disasters and crimes.

But some are not happy with the cameras as far as their privacy (隐私) is concerned. “Very few of us have any real concept of what data smart cities are gathering,” said Renate Samson.

We begin giving away data as soon as we wake up. When we enter the transport system, we are giving away even more details about ourselves through smart cards, mobile phones or credit cards.

Nick Millman, director at a consulting firm thinks statistics are the key to the privacy concern. He used the example of Google Maps, which is to monitor the flow of traffic in Stockholm. He explained, “It is basically adding privacy controls to statistics so that you only see the data you need to know about.” In this case, Google gets enough data to improve traffic but not so much that it shows individual journey patterns.

12. What is the article mainly about?

A. An introduction to collecting shoppers’ data. B. The concerns about giving away personal data.

C. The problems caused by imbalanced distribution of population. D. An invention recording and collecting customers’ information. 13. The new technology invented by Hoxton Analytics ________. A. can gather a lot of people’s personal data from their shoes B. uses cameras fitted on the ground to collect customers’ data C. has improved the accuracy of facial recognition software D. offers a perfect solution to customers’ privacy concerns 14. According to the author, cameras in modern cities ________. A. cause a huge waste of public spaces

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B. help reduce the size of population in urban areas C. are likely to help improve traffic conditions

D. are to avoid crimes and disasters and provide efficient services 15. What is Renate Samson’s attitude toward the rise of smart cities? A. Worried. B. Optimistic. C. Confused. D. Uninterested.



If you are already making the time to exercise, it is good indeed! With such busy lives, it can be hard to try and find the time to work out. 16 Working out in the morning provides additional benefits beyond being physically fit.

● Your productivity is improved. Exercising makes you more awake and ready to handle whatever is ahead of you for the day. 17

● Your metabolism (新陈代谢) gets a head start. 18 If you work out in the mornings, then you will be getting the calorie (卡路里) burning benefits for the whole day, not in your sleep.

● 19 Studies found that people who woke up early for exercise slept better than those who exercised in the evening. Exercise energizes you, so it is more difficult to relax and have a peaceful sleep when you are very excited.

● 20 If you work out bright and early in the morning, you will be more likely to stick to healthy food choices throughout the day. Who would want to ruin their good workout by eating junk food? You will want to continue to focus on positive choices.

There are a lot of benefits to working out, especially in the mornings. Set your alarm clock an hour early and push yourself to work out! You will feel energized all day long.

A. You will stick to your diet. B. Your quality of sleep improves.

C. You prefer healthy food to fast food.

D. There is no reason you should exercise in the morning.

E. You can keep your head clear for 4-10 hours after exercise.

F. After you exercise, you continue to burn calories throughout the day.

G. If you are planning to do exercise regularly, or you’re doing it now, then listen up!





Not fancying the idea of going boating, Jack went to visit an old village, which had hopes of being __21__ as a world cultural heritage. He was __22__ at everything here, such as the houses decorated with carved __23__ furniture and the traditional customs that had survived from earlier times. The village was restored 3 years ago,

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