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1 abusive translation

2 adjustment

3 analysis

4 auto-translation

5 blank verse translation

6 class shift

7 coherence

8 contextual consistency

9 translation as decision-making

10 Descriptive Translation Studies

11 disambiguation

12 subtitling

13 exoticism

14 skopos theory

15 rewriting


16 忠信

17 口译


18 假朋友

19 常规

20 自然性

21 音译

22 配音

23 翻译理论

24 平行语料库

25 直译

26 不可译性

27 充分性

28 异化翻译

29 语内翻译

30 译后编辑


31 A fully-automatic factory, as we are able to envisage it today, takes the form of a complete factory with only a few skilled engineers to keep it in running order and a control committee to decide on the broad outline of the production plan. The details of the production plan will be decided by a computer which receives all the information necessary for the efficient running of a business. This machine will process the

information fed to it and pass on the results both to the control committee and to a second large special-purpose computer acting as the central production controller.


32 The sciences are differentiated precisely on the basis of the particular contradictions inherent in their respective objects of study. Thus the contradiction peculiar to a certain field of phenomena constitutes the object of study for a specific branch of science. For example, positive and negative numbers in mathematics; action and reaction in

mechanics; positive and negative electricity in physics; dissociation and combination in chemistry; forces of production and relations of production, classes and class struggle, in social science; offence and defense in military science; idealism and materialism, the metaphysical outlook and the dialectical outlook, in philosophy; and so on—all these are the objects of study of different branches of science precisely because each branch has its own particular contradiction and particular essence.

33 Almost 40 years ago, when Lyndon Johnson declared war on poverty, a family with a car and a Dutch Colonial in the suburbs felt prosperous, and, in the face of the president's call to action, magnanimous. Poverty seemed far away, in the shanties of the South or the worst pockets of urban blight. Today that same family may well feel impoverished, overwhelmed by credit card debt, a second mortgage and the cost of the stuff that has become the backbone of American life. When the middle class feels poor, the poor have little chance for change, or even recognition. Does anyone think twice about the woman who turns down the spread on the hotel bed?


34 中国的载人空间工程项目按照“三步走”战略计划进行。第一步将中国宇航员送到太空,进行数天和数人太空飞行并安全返回预订位置。第二步将在进行太空舱外活动等关键技术上做出突破,将太空站送进太空,并进行短期载人空间应用试验。第三步将建立一个太空实验室,用于宇航员进行长期载人空间试验。

35 随着印度规模庞大的人口中有更多的人开始使用手机,用户和服务提供商都面临的挑战之一是印度语言的多样性。印度有22个主要语种,有九种不同的文字系统。每种文字系统都有数十个字符,输入起来往往很麻烦。

36 在求职面试中,应聘者在握手时的表现或许至关重要。不过,能让企业了解到握手背后的真实情况的则是性格测试。很多各类企业都在采用性格测试来考察求职者的责任心、外向性格以及其他可能有助于造就成功职业生涯的性格特征。




