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1、人称代词的主格在句中作主语。如: We love our country. 我们爱我们的祖国。 She is a good student. 她是一名好学生。

2、人称代词的宾格在句中作动词、介词的宾语,还可作表语使用。如: I don't know him. 我不认识他。

His mother is waiting for them outside. 他妈妈在外面等他们。 ---Who's it? ---It's me. ---那是谁?---那是我。 3、人称代词的语序

几个人称代词并列作主语时,它们的顺序是: 单数形式(2,3,1) you, he and I 复数形式(1,2,3) we, you and they





He is a friend of mine. 他是我的一个朋友。


1. __________ is my aunt. We often visit __________.

2. China is a developing country. _________ lies in the east of Asia.

3. Professor Wang sets ________ a good example. We must learn from ________. 4. What day is __________ today? — __________ is Thursday. 5. How far is the thunder ? — __________ is three kilometers away. 6. I own a blue bike. The red one doesn’t belong to __________. 7. These new houses are so nice. __________ are very expensive. 8. __________ say that those old houses will be rebuilt.

9. Is __________ the milkman at the door? — Yes, that’s __________. 10. The fishermen caught a lot of fish, didn’t __________?

11. Ling Ling is a girl. ____ studies in a primary school. Her brother lives with ____ and helps ____ to prepare the lessons.

12. The ship is lying at anchor (停泊) . ____ comes from Shanghai. 13. This photo of your mother is very much like her. I like ____. 14. Mike is my classmate. ____ is good at physics . 15. Kate wants a glass of milk. Will you pass it to ____ ? 16. What’s the weather like today ? ____ is cloudy.


1. I ate all ____ sandwiches yesterday. Can I have one of ____ ? 2. Tell Tom not to forget ____ book. And you mustn’t forget ____ . 3. George has lost ____ pen. Ask Mary if(是否)she will lend him ____ . 4.. Jack has a dog and so have I. ____ dog and ____ had a fight (打架). 5. The teacher wants you to return that book of ____

6. Mr. and Mrs. Green and a friend of ____ are coming to see us. 7. Mary wants to know if(是否) you’ve seen a pair of gloves of ____ . 8. We are going to Paris to stay with a French friend of ____ .


A. 从括号内选择正确的代词填空 1. Your football clothes are on the desk.

Please put _________(they,them,their,theirs) away. 2. (We,Us,Our,Ours)_________ English teacher is Mrs. Green. We all like _________(she,her,hers).

3. (I,Me,My,Mine)_________ can’t get my kite. Could you help _________(I,me,my,mine)? 4. Tom can’t get down from the tree. Can you help _________(he,him,his)?

5. Her kite is broken. Can _________(you,your,yours) mend it? 6. We can’t find our bikes.

Can you help _________(we,us,our,ours)? 7. These are _________(he,him,his) planes. The white ones are _________(I,me,mine). B. 填入正确的人称代词和物主代词 1. This isn’t her knife. _________ is green.

2. These are your books,Kate. Put __________ in the desk,please. 3. You must look after ________ things. 4. Wei Fang,is that ________ ruler? Yes,it’s.

5. They want a football. Give __________ the green one,please. 6. It’s Lin Tao’s bag. Give ________ to __________. 7. Is this pencil-box Li Lei’s? No,___________ is very new. 8. This box is too heavy. I can’t carry _________. Don’t worry,Let __________ help __________.

9. _____ is a boy _____ name is Mike. Mike’s friends like _____ very much. 10. My sister is in _____ room. _____ is a teacher. 11. Jane is a little girl. _____ mother is a nurse. 12. We are in _____ classroom. _____ classroom is big.

13. My father and mother are teachers. _____ are busy 14. You are a pupil. Is _____ brother a pupil, too?


A) (1)Are these ________(you)pencils? Yes, they are ________(our). (2)—Whose is this pencil? —It’s ________(I).

(3)I love ________(they)very much. (4)She is________(I)classmate.

(5)Miss Li often looks after________(she)brother. (6)—Are these ________(they)bags ?

—No, they aren’t ________(their). They are ________(we). B)

1. This bike is my sister`s. It belongs to ______ (她的)。 2. This isn`t my book. _______(我的) is in the bag. 3. They quarrelled among __________(他们).


1. Mary works in a book store. _____ likes _____work very much. 2. John and I are in the same school. _____ go to school together. 3. Everybody likes that sport, don't _____?

4. She is a friend of _____ . We got to know each other two years ago. 5. Her sister makes all _____ own dresses.

6. I have many friends. Some of _____ are good at English. 7. May I use _____ bike? _____is broken.

8. Everybody is here except Ann and ________ friend Jane. ________ are in the library now.


1. Who’s singing over there ? — ________ is Sandy’s sister.

A. That B. It C. She D. This 2. ________ will spend the summer holiday in Hawaii.

A. She, you and I B. You, she and I C. I, you and she D. Her, me and you 3. Between you and ________, he is not a real friend.

A. me B. I C. he D. his 4. My uncle bought a new bike for ________.

A. theirs B. they C. me D. I 5. Mr Smith often praises ________ for his progress in studies.

A. he B. him C. I D. me 6. Here’s a postcard for you, Jim! — Oh, ________ is from my friend, Mary. A. he B. it C. she D. it’s

7. Don’t shake the young tree. ________ leaves are falling off. You should look after ________. A. It, it’s B. It’s, it C. Its, it D. It, it

8. Little Baby knows that he should not take the things that do not belong to ________. A. he B. his C. her D. him

9. Will anyone go on a trip with him ? — Not ________.

A. I B. me C. mine D. he 10. Among those lovely toys, the brown toy dog was given by ________.

A. he B. his C. him D. he’s


一,1.She,her 2.It 3.us, him 4.it, It 5.It 6.me 7. They 8. They 9.he, him 10.they 11. She, her, her 12.It 13.it 14.He 15.him 16.It

二1.my,yours 2. his, yours 3. his, hers 4. His, mine 5. his 6. theirs 7. hers 8. ours 三 A)1.them 2. Our, her 3. I, me 4. him 5. you 6. us 7. his, mine

B) 1. Hers 2. them 3. your 4. your 5. them 6. it, him 7. his 8. it, me, you 9. He, his, him 10.her 11. Her 12.our, Our 13.They 14.your

四 A) 1. your, ours 2. mine 3. them 4. my 5. her 6. their, theirs, ours B) 1. her 2. Mine 3. them

五 1.She,her 2. We 3. they 4. hers 5. her 6. them 7. your,mine 8. her, they 六 1.B 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.A 10.C



