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166. 完成练习册上的练习。 Finish off the workbook exercises.

167. 完成课堂上未做的题。 Finish the exercise undone in class.

168. 复习要点八。 Revise Checkpoint 8. 169. 写第九课生词与短语。 Write out the words and phrases in Lesson 9.

170. 读第二部分对话,编一段相似的对话。 Read the dialogue in Part 2 and make a similar one. 171. 给朋友写封短信。 Write a short letter to your friend.

172. 复习这单元的词汇和语言结构,灵活运用。 Revise the new vocabulary and structures in this unit, then make good full use of them.

173. 记住103页总结的内容。 Learn the contents of the summary on Page 103. 174. 把答案写在一张纸上。

Write down the answers to the questions on a piece of paper.

175. 练习when和if引导的从句。 Practise “when” and “if” clauses.

176. 用下列句型造句。 Make sentences with the following sentence patterns.

177. 默写生词。 Write the new words from memory.

178. 抄写课文最后一部分。 Copy the last part of the text.

179. 背诵课文第一自然段。 Recite the first paragraph of the text.

180. 预习形容词,副词的比较级和最高级。 Prepare the comparative and superlative degree of adj. and adv.

181. 读80页上的短文,在词典中查找生词,并简要复述这个故事。

Read the short passage on Page 80 and look up the new words in your dictionaries. Retell the story briefly.

182.回头/一会见。 See you (soon/ later)

183.暑假到了。 The summer holiday/ vacation comes.

184.祝你们假期愉快! Wish you a good holiday! Have a good/ nice/ wonderful time in / during the holiday!

185.祝你们好运! Wish you good luck! Good luck to you!

186. 祝你们旅途愉快! Good trip to you! Have a good trip!

187.别忘了完成假期作业。 Remember to finish your vacation work.

188.你必须写日记,早晨大声朗读。 You must keep a diary and read aloud in the morning. 189.记住,安全第一。 Remember safety first. 190.咱们常联系。 Keep in touch with me. 191.如果你们遇到不理解的题,可以写信问。 If you come across puzzling questions, you can write them in your letters.

192.欢迎假期到我家来玩。Welcome you to my home during the holiday.

193.好,下学期见。 OK. See you next term . 194.欢迎你们返校。 Welcome you back to school.

195.很高兴又见到你们。Glad/ Nice to meet you again.

196.时间过得真快呀! How time flies!/ How fast time goes by!

197.一个月很快过去了。 A month passed quickly. 198.你们假期进得好吗 Did you have a good time in the holiday

199.假期你们都到哪去了 Where have you been Where did you go for the holiday

200.都看到什么了 What have you seen there 201.你的暑假是怎样度过的 How did you spend your holiday

202.讲一讲你的假期生活好吗 Will/ Would you say something about your holiday

203. 给我们讲一讲你遇见的最有趣的事。 Tell us the most interesting things you have seen/ met.

204.你参加了哪些有益/ 意义的活动

What rewarding/ instructive activities did you attend / take part in

205.假期有哪些收获 What have you learnt in the holiday

What reward have you gained/ got in the vacation 206.新学期开始了,你们应该有一个新起色。 New term begins, you should have a new start. 207.你们应该收回心来学习。You should get your minds back to study.

208. 一寸光阴一寸金。 Time is money. 209.你们一定要好好学习,天天向上。

You must study hard and make progress every day. 210.你们应该互相学习,互相帮助。

You should learn from each other and help each other.



