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………………… 英语月考试卷 得分 … …… 线 … … ……姓名 … … … … … … 封 … … … …级…班……………密………………………… 听力部分40分 一、Listen and choose.(听句子选单词,填序号10分) ( ) (1) A. June B.July C. food ( ) (2) A. clock B. chart C. close ( ) (3) A. evening B. morning C. afternoon ( ) (4) A. year B. yes C. sleep ( ) (5) A. season B. sea C. spring 二、Listen and circle.(听音,圈出听到的单词10分) (1) ( There are, There is) three birthdays in Sept. (2) What are you ( do, doing) (3) What ’s the ( day, date) ? (4) She won’t be ( able, ate) to see the card. (5) I am ( drawing, draw) pictures. 三、Let’s check. (听音选择10分)

四、Listen and tick.(听音在听到的图片10分)


Come 一、Read and tick. (划线部分读音相同的打√,不同的打×8分) 1. uncle student ( ) 2. March card ( ) 3 twelfth twentieth( ) 4. twelfth twentieth( )

二、Look and match (连线15分)

doing the dishes A. 做晚饭 drawing pictures B. 洗盘子 cooking dinner C. 读书 reading a book D. 接电话 answering the phone E. 画画

三、Make phrases (选词填空15分)

hiking, sports, up, shopping, kites, trees, the piano, a snowman, dinner, grandparents 1. 进行体育运动play_________ 2. 起床get________ 3.吃晚饭eat________ 4. 种树plant ______ 5. 弹钢琴play ____________ 6.放风筝fly_________ 7.购物go_________ 8.去远足go_________ 9. 看望祖父母visit ___________ 10.堆雪人make_____________

四、Read and choose.(选择,将正确答案序号填入括号10分) ( ) 1、What is the date today? A. Sept. B. Sept.10th ( ) 2、_______is March 8th.

A. New Year’s Day B. Women’s Day ( ) 3、--What is your favourite season? -- ______.

A. Spring B. Oct. ( ) 4、______ is Uncle Bill’s birthday?

A. What B. When

( ) 5、We usually eat lunch at 11:30 ______ noon.

A. at B. in

( ) 6、-- When is National Day?-- It’s______.

A. March 8th B. Oct.1st ( ) 7、______do you go to school?

A. When. B. What.

( ) 8、- What is the weather like in Jinan in summer?

A. It’s red. B. It’s hot.

( ) 9、I like spring best. I can _________.

A. skate. B. plant trees.

( ) 10、It’s spring now, I can wear my ______. A. dress. B. sweater. Read and fill in the blanks.(阅读对话,填空12分) Mike: What is the date today?

Aunt: Mar.10 th. What is your favourite season?

Mike: Spring. I can fly kites and plant trees. How about you? Aunt: Winter. Mike: Why?

Aunt: Because I can skate.

1. What is the date today?


2. Which season does Mike like best?


3. Which season does Aunt like best?



4. What can Mike do in his favourite season?


5. What can Aunt do in her favourite season?




