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we all dream, often 4 to 5 times a night. Second, we don’t usually remember most of our dreams. And finally, when we dream, our brains are very active.

Thousands of years ago, people began to study dreams. In many cultures, people believed dreams were messages from spirits or gods. Later, the ancient Greeks and Romans had a new idea: Dreams come from a person’s mind. Doctors studied dreams to help sick or worried people.

I n the past, some cultures used dreams to predict the future. They thought dreams could help a person choose a husband or wife, guess a baby’s birthday, or starts a business. IN some places, this practice is still common.

Today, scientists think dreams are about our thoughts and feelings. Our minds send us messages about our lives. Unfortunately, many messages are often strange or confusing. People wake up and think: What did that dream mean?

So, how can you understand the messages in your dreams? Think about the events in the dream. What do they say about your life ? For example, one common dream is about flying. Sometimes this

dream means you feel free or want freedom. Other times it means you feel afraid. What do your dreams tell you about your life? Keys:

OL 1: no one; couldn’t; run; can’t swim.

OL 2: A. 1. pink; 2. living room, kitchen; 3. large. B. 1.True; 2. False; didn't speak or smile; 3. False; all; 4. False; sitting; 5. True OL 3:

A. 1. Stage 5; 2. Stage 1; 3. Stage 2; 4. Stage 3 and 4. B. 1. Four or five times; 2. In Stage 3 and 4; 3. Fifteen to sixteen hours a day; 4. Sleep is important for learning. OL 4:

. 1. many times; 2. don't remember; 3. very active; 4. Greeks and Romans; 5. call tell us about hour daily lives. B. True; 2. True; 3. False; 4. False. OL 5

1. strange; 2. daytime; 3. pajamas; 4. laughed; 5.reminded him of; 6. hugged; 7. shook Roberto’s hand; 8.ballet dancer; 9. finished talking; 10. showed Roberto a surprise. Unit7, Book 2

Optional Listening 1

Mark: I participated in the Nebuta Festival last August. It was a lot of fun! First, I went to a local shop to rent a haneto--- that’s the costume you wear. It’s easy …..anyone can do it and anyone can dance in the festival. The parade is loud and beautiful. People beat drums and dance around. The only bad part was when I injured my ankle from too much dancing! At night, After the parade, we watched some beautiful floats go down the river.

Marissa: I spent two months traveling through India with my best friend. One of my best memories is the Holi Festival. WE went to a local store and bought some colored powder. Then we mixed it with water. On the day of the festival, someone gave me a water pistol. I filled it with my colored water and started shooting everyone. I even sprayed a police officer! What a mess! It took a long time before the color came out of my skin.

Optional Listening 2

Dan: Ok, Marcia, that’s it. I think we’re finished with the planting.

Marcia: Yeah, Dan, we should review the details one more time. Dan: All right.

Marcia: So, Dan, let’s see … you’re going to meet Mom and Dad an 8:00 at the restaurant, right? Dan: That’s right.

Marcia: Remember to keep them at the restaurant until 9:30. That’s really important. Don’t come home early!

Dan: I know, I know. You need time to prepare for the party. Marcia: Exactly. They can’t come home early … or it will ruin the surprise.

Dan: After I go to the restaurant, what are you going to do? Marcia: I’m going to put up the decorations for the party. And I’m going to call the guests and tell them to come over. Dan: Also, don’t forget to pick up the cake.

Marcia: You’re right.

Dan: This is exciting. Boy, are Mom and Dad going to be surprised!.

Optional Listening 3

Celebrate Mardi Gras in New Orleans!

Mardi Gras falls on a Tuesday about six weeks before Easter, a holiday in March or April. Before Mardi Gras even begins, there are over seventy parades of dazzling floats. Come join us for a festival you will never forget! Tips for visitors:

Plan ahead. Many hotels start taking reservations for Mardi Gras in August. To get the room you want, call early, don’t wait until January.

Plan your transportation. Many Streets are closed to cars, and bus and streetcar schedules are often changed.

Get here early. Plan to arrive about four hours ahead of any big parade. For the popular Sunday night parade, find a space



