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天下 分享 时间: 加入收藏 我要投稿 点赞


姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________


一、 单选题 (共50题;共100分)

1. (2分) It's time _______eat. A . for B . to C . in

2. (2分) You are too tired. You need ________ a rest. A . have B . to have C . having

3. (2分) We dressed _________and _________a funny play. A . on, make B . up, made C . in, make

4. (2分) Pass _______a knife and fork. A . I B . my C . me

5. (2分) Would you like _____________ some vegetables at noon? A . having B . to have 6. (2分) — Can you play ________ pipa? —Yes, I ________. A . the; do B . /; can C . the; can

7. (2分) Do you want to go ________? A . shop B . shopping

第 1 页 共 10 页

C . shops

8. (2分) The boy can ______. A . plays music B . play the music C . playing the music

9. (2分) (2019四下·吴忠期末) It's time _____ go home. A . for B . to C . /

10. (2分) (2020六下·北京期中) Why don't you the subway to work? A . to take B . take C . taking D . took

11. (2分) They would like the mountains next week. A . climb B . climbing C . to climb

12. (2分) (2020四上·北京期中) Would you mind _______me a new jacket, Mum? A . buying B . buy C . to buy

13. (2分) the matter? A . Where's B . What's C . What

14. (2分) Welcome______our library. A . to B . of C . about

15. (2分) —How many ? —Two.

第 2 页 共 10 页

A . dresses B . dress

16. (2分) (2020五上·北京期中) Lily does best in ______rope. A . keeping B . jumping C . growing

17. (2分) I'm space. A . at B . to C . from

18. (2分) Welcome ___________ my garden. A . in B . to C . with

19. (2分) Let's to the park. A . go B . come C . goes

20. (2分) My father goes to work ____ car. A . in B . at C . by

21. (2分) ________ paint. A . Lets B . Let's C . Let is

22. (2分) He would _____ help clean the room. A . like B . like to C . /

D . like doing

23. (2分) Tom is good _______ football. A . with

第 3 页 共 10 页



