B)同一子菜单中的菜单项名称必须唯一,但不同子菜单中的菜单项名称可以相同 C)弹出式菜单也用菜单编辑器编辑
Private Sub proc1(a As Integer,b As String,Optional x As Boolean) …… End Sub
A)Call procl(5) B)Call proc1 5,”abc”,False
C)proc1(12,”abc”,True) D)proc1 5, “abc”
(24)在窗体上有一个文件名称为Text1的文本框和1个名称为Command1的命令按钮,要求在程序执行时,每单击命令按钮一次,文本框向右移动一定距离。下面能够正确实现上述功能的程序是(C) A)Private Sub Command1_Click() B) Private Sub Command1_Click()
Text1.Left=100 T ext1.Left= Text1.Left-100 End Sub End Sub C)Private Sub Command1_Click() D) Private Sub Command1_Click() Text1.Move.Text.Left+100 Text1.Move.Text.Left End Sub End Sub
A)在工程属性对话框中把“启动对象”设置为Form2 B)在Form1的Load事件过程中加入语句 Load Form2 C)在Form2的Load事件过程中加入语句Form2.Show
(26)窗体上有1个名称为Text1的文本框和1个名称为Command1的命令按钮。要求程序运行时,单击命令按钮,就可以把文本框中的内容写到文件out.txt中,每次写入的内容附加到文件原有内容之后。下面能够实现上述功能的程序是(C) A)Private Sub Command1_Click() B) Private Sub Command1_Click() Open “out.txt” For Inpit As#1 Open “out.txt” For Outpit As#1
Print#1,Text1.Text Print#1,Text1.Text Close#1 Close#1 End Sub End Sub C) Private Sub Command1_Click() D) Private Sub Command1_Click() Open “out.txt” For Append As#1 Open “out.txt” For Random As#1
Print#1,Text1.Text Print#1,Text1.Text Close#1 Close#1
End Sub End Sub
k=1 s=0
While k<=99
k=k+2 : s=s+k Wend Print s
在调试时发现运行结果有错误,需要修改。下列错误原因和修改方案中正确的是(D) A)While …Wend循环语句错误,应改为For k=1 To 99 …Next k B)循环条件错误,应改为Whlie k<99
D)循环中两条赋值语句的顺序错误,应改为s=s+k :
(29)在窗体上有1个名称为CommonDialog1的通用对话框和1个名称为Command1的命令按钮,以及其他一些控件。要求在程序运行时,单击Command1按钮,则显示打开文件对话框,并在选择或输入了1个文件名后,就可以打开该文件。以下是Command1_Click事件过程的两种算法 算法1:
Private Sub Command1_Click() CommonDialog1.ShowOpen
Open CommonDialog1.FileName For Input As#1 End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click() CommonDialog1.ShowOpen IfCommonDialog1.FileName<>””Then
Open CommonDialog1.FileName For Input As#1 End If End Sub
A) 显示打开文件对话框后若未选择或输入任何文件名,则算法2会出错,算法1不会 B) 显示打开文件对话框后若未选择或输入任何文件名,则算法1会出错,算法2不会 C) 两种算法的执行结果完全一样
D) 算法1允许输入的文件名中含有空格,而算法2不允许
(30)窗体上有1个名称为List的列表框,其中已经输入了若干个项目(如图所示):还有2个文本框,名称分别为Text1、Text2, 1个名称为 Command1的命令按钮,并有以下程序 Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim str As String, s As String, k As Integer s=Text1 Str=””
For k=List1.ListCount-1 to 0 Step-1 If InStr(List.List(k),s)>0 then str=str&List.List(k)&” ” End If Next k
If str=””Then
Text2=”没有匹配的项目” Else
Text2=str End If End Sub
程序运行时,在Text1中输入“京”,单击命令按钮,则在Text2中显示的内容是(C) A) 京 B) 北京 南京
C) 南京 D) 没有匹配的项目
(31)在窗体上画1一个名称为Command1的命令按钮,并编写以下程序 Private Sub Command1_Click() Print fun(“ABCDEFG”) End Sub
Function fun(st As String) As String stlen=Len(st) temp=”” For k fun=temp End Function
(32)在窗体上先后画2个图片框,名称分别为Picture1和banana,banana中添加了香蕉图片(见图1),且将banana.DragMode属性设置为1。要求程序运行时,可以用鼠标把banana拖拽到Picture1中(见图2)。能实现此功能的事件过程是(C) A) Priate Sub Form_DragDrop(Source As Control,X As Single,Y As Single banana.Move Picture1.Left+X,Picture1.Top+Y) End Sub
B)Private Sub banana _DragDrop(Source As Control,X As Single,Y As Single ) Source.Move Picture1.Left+X.Picture1.Top+Y End Sub
C) B)Private Sub Picture1_DragDrop(Source As Control,X As Single,Y As Single ) Source.Move Picture1.Left+X.Picture1.Top+Y End Sub
D) B)Private Sub Picture1_DragDrop(Source As Control,X As Single,Y As Single ) banana.Move banana.Left+X, banana.Top+Y End Sub
Option Base 1
Pribate Sub Command1_Click() Dim a(5.5) As Integer For i=1 To 5 a(I,j)*5\\10 Next j Next i S=0
For i=1 To 5 S=s+a(i,i) Next i Print s End Sub
程序运行后,单击命令按钮,输出结果是(A) A) 15 B)13 C)11 D)9
A)Private Sub Text1__KeyPress(KeyAscii AS Integer)
If KeyAscii=13 Then ‘回车符的ACSII码是13 a=Val(Text1)
If a>=0 or a<=100 Then Text2.SetFocus Else
Text1. SetFocus ; MsgBox(“分数错”) End If End If End Sub
B) Private Sub Text1__KeyPress(KeyAscii AS Integer)
If KeyAscii=13 Then ‘回车符的ACSII码是13 a=Val(Text1)
If a>=0 And a<=100 Then Text1.SetFocus Else
Text2. SetFocus ; MsgBox(“分数错”) End If End If End Sub
C) Private Sub Text1__KeyPress(KeyAscii AS Integer)
If KeyAscii=13 Then ‘回车符的ACSII码是13
If a<0 And a>100 Then Text2.SetFocus Else
Text1. SetFocus ; MsgBox(“分数错”) End If End If End Sub
D) Private Sub Text1__KeyPress(KeyAscii AS Integer)
If KeyAscii=13 Then ‘回车符的ACSII码是13 a=Val(Text1)
If a>=0 And a<=100 Then Text2.SetFocus Else
Text1. SetFocus ; MsgBox(“分数错”) End If End If End Sub
(35)在窗体上画2个命令按钮,名称分别为Command1、command2,并编写如下程序 Const n=5,m=4 Dim a(m,n)
Private Sub Command1_Click() K=1
For i=1 To m For j=1 To n a(i,j)=k k=k+1 Next j Next i
Private Sub Command2_Click() Summ=0 For i=1 To m For j=1 To n
If i=1 Or i=m Then
Summ=summ+a(i,j) Else
If j=I Or j=n Then
Summ=summ+a(i,j) End If End If Next j Next i
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