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页眉 47. Nobody believed that his excuse for being late was why his car broke downon his way to work. A B C D 答案为C。why应改为that. the excuse was that…/理由是…(相似结构: the reason is that…) 48. I wish I finished writing the essay yesterday, but I was too busy. A B C D 答案为B。 finished应改为had finished. 题干中出现了时间状语yesterday,因此从句谓语应使用过去完成时态,表达与过去的事实相反的愿望。(昨天的课程里专门讲了wish和hope的不同:wish + that从句(从句谓语要使用虚拟语气,表示与事实相反的愿望或实现可能性很小的愿望) 49. Tom’s father, as well as his mother, ask him to stay in New York for a few more days. A B C D 答案为 B。 ask应改为asked或has asked. 该题考主谓一致性。 as well as前面出现句子真正的主语。(昨晚的语法补充资料中强调了这个考点) 50. After a few weeks with him, I felt sorry for to be unfriendly to him at first. A B C D 答案为C。 to be应改为being. 介词后面应该出现名词/动名词/代词作介词的宾语。 51. Robert is a great basketball fan and love Kobe Bryant very much. A B C D 答案为C。 love应改为loves. 考点为and连接的并列结构应该具有相同的语法特征: is与love并列,共同作句子谓语,都应以第三人称单数的形式出现。(辨错题复习资料) 52. The puzzle was so difficult that I gave up it in the end. A B C D 答案为C。 gave up it应改为gave it up. 宾语为代词时要出现在动词 + 副词的短语中动词的后面,副词的前面。做题口诀: 代词不常是考点,代词一旦带划线,代词可能是答案(辨错题复习资料)。 16 / 21

页眉 53.In March when spring is already here, we usually plant many young trees on both side of the street. A B C D 答案为D。 side应改为sides. both表示两者,因此side应以复数形式出现。(昨天下午的课里专门讲了该考点) 54. You’d better to go home now because it’s going to rain in no time. A B C D 答案为A. to go应改为go. had better do…这个结构在翻译资料中专门给了。 55. After they reached the top of the mountain, they felt extremely hungrily and thirty. A B C D 答案为C。 hungrily应改为hungry. 该题再次考到了并列结构的结构特点,也考查了形容词跟在系动词/半系动词后做表语。 完形填空题: 17 / 21


56.D visited

此处指的是我又来到了农场。 57.C crisis


58.A habit

从下文来看,猎狗开始有了一些坏习惯。 59.D breaking

breaking的形式与后面的eating相对应。break into是固定搭配,表示“破门而入”。 60.A once

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页眉 once:一旦。表示“一旦狗开始偷鸡蛋...” 61.C way

no way to do sth:无法做某事 62.D with

with表示“对于”。 63.B better

the sooner the better:越早越好。 64.C want

want to do表示“想要做某事” 65.C what

feel缺少一个宾语。选what作为felt的宾语。 66.B with with表示伴随。 67.D chance

have a chance do sth:有机会做某事。 68.A losing

从文意来看是表示失去猎狗的悲伤。 69.B right

right此处是副词,修饰at the door,意思是:就在鸡笼门口。 70.C along come along:出现。 71.D ate

从上下文意思看,这里是说它迅速的吃完了鸡蛋。 72.B same

从上下文意思看,这里是说我做了同样的事情。 73.C where

此处是where引导的定语从句。 74.A fewer

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页眉 fewer与前面的more对应。 75.A accustomed

become accustomed to 是固定搭配,意思是:开始习惯...。 翻译题:

76. The planet’s health depends on the survival of coral reefs. 参考译文:地球的健康取决于珊瑚礁的生存。(depend on/取决于,依靠) 77. Corals are particularly sensitive to changes in temperature. 参考译文:珊瑚礁对温度的变化尤其敏感。(be sensitive to…/对…敏感)

78. They argue that plastic bottles make up a small portion of the nation’s total waste.

参考译文:他们争辩说塑料瓶在整个国家产生的废物中只占了很小的一个比例。 79. He was one of the richest and most powerful men of his time.

参考译文:他是他那个时代里最有钱的人之一,也是他那个时代里最有势力的人之一。 80. She was afraid of germs and diseases. 参考译文:她害怕细菌,害怕生病。 汉译英题及参考译文: 81. 不要放弃希望

参考译文:Don't give up your hope. 82. 我会去火车站接你

参考译文:I will pick you up at the railway station. 83. 我们刚才去散步了

参考译文:We went out for a walk just now. 84. 我不能参加聚会,因为我要准备考试

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