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allevation crucial further \ a into\x major projects impldevel opment t

big supportof desion deemnted,nd morhandicap,

o accelerate the

ploymLiuLihe re seroirprocesof well-off societyhas create d a great opportunit nt, concentrated rele ase has many policy g ood. In particular Ga proje

ct work smoothl , the se pr oject

. 18 since the Central a nd provncial poverty allevatisu Soad conomc belt of gold a nd heritage of Chi ulate, to develop theiron a

nd development int

nese civili ationpotential in the \o the overall strategic planning,priority a nd \construction of adva nci ng the innovation zone , jing uanhirteen


during release. Orient, ict\, foated a eriofpoli cies now focus, de velopment mea

base d advantage, create node citiend provde a broader spa

n the

understandingof accurate. After years of the revision, dev

sures have all been

ce incore rea Felopment of jingclear. We want t o seize t County poject resourchuan sta

nd on a he opportunityces see, nationa stocalprsioapplication strateg, focus punch, bre l ecological ciili zation pilot engi neeri ng modelof economic and cial development haak %upport ... , Supports the

ountnd c cle e conomic m s change

devel opment of old rCounty two a national pr prehe nsive onar a nd a series of poli

oject landi ng impleme cy measures i

ntation, will i n areas such as infrstrn country prvine leel ure, publi c serces, promti ng higon more support; Pnglia ng to jingh standards, support, and more

chuan citynter fast cha by Countyopprtunitiennel , and xping rail way doublccelerate devel opment, prove trac, major proje ct int o pde greater support. From prnce s plate, w ill furtherovinces poli cy orie nted se

upgrade I County traffic hub a

nsure t he timely realization of povertye, \1236\ming, and \ traffic breakthrough, a nd cha nnel economi c status; pa Brigade integrate poor pe ople t

o achieve well

-ofsoet wnd \

d body, and Zhu Jia n reservoir, a s, major a

nd agri culturalction speed up implementation, e , the poor gecol nerall lack

strong industrial support

, monserice reve

nue, along with tpe ning of uctural reformow kill s, har d wor wioriginated fr the \welvevecontinue to cus to deepe starting point, featuresd signifi cantly. Com onctionwellff etyn entering the showdown to w in stage, dual a ction and poor pre on, driven pov erty dropped from 37.5% to 11.2%. Full implementation of the \17\, \2+19\e must battle tasks. From the perspective of current income, poor village

income jump more a



项目名称:散养鸡场建设项目 项目性质:新建 建设规模

按散养土鸡 2000 只、散养野鸡 200 只设计。配套建设围

栏棚 ( 架) 舍、饲料加工厂等及防疫、 接种设备和办公、 生活设施。

建设地点和条件 建设地点

本项目拟在钢城区艾山街道办事处方家庄村建设散养鸡场一个,占地面积约 15 亩,分区域建设土鸡散养区和野鸡散养区。


项目区位于钢城区艾山街道办事处方家庄村, 该场址内山势较平坦,沟壑错落有序,交通运输便利,建设条件良好。

建设内容与建设期限 建设内容

项目单位自建 1 个散养鸡场, 分二个养殖功能区: 土鸡散养区占地约 10 亩,按存栏 2000 只建设;野鸡散养区占地约 5

allevation crucial further \ a into\ big r pojects impldevelopment to asupport\


ccelerate the prof well-off society hasreated a great opportunity. 18since the Central and provnci al pov erty allevation a nd deel opnt into the overall strategic plcisi on deployent, concentrated releaha mpoliood. Iparticular Ga nsu Sil Roa d economic belt of gold a nd heritage of Chinese ciilization construction of advancing t p, Liu Lihe reservoir project work smoothl, these projectsoriginate

d from the \wele-Five\ontinue to a ccumulate, to

devel op eir potntial in the \hirteen


anning,priority and \st projehe innovation zone, ji during release. Orient

ngchuct\s of poli ciesd advntage, create node cities a n the

undestandinnow focus, devnd provde elopme nt measureshave all be a broadepace incore area


en clear. We want to seize the opport unity, precis. I Countproje ct resources see, national ecologint of jing chuan sta

nd on a ne w hist orical starti ng poision applicati cal civili on strategy, focus punch, bzation pilot engi neering m

nd soci

al devel ak %upport ... , Suppos the development of olodel County and cycle economic model County tw opment

has cha nged sig

d revolutio a national poje

nd a series of polict landing impleme

-off society in entesu i ntation, will inn areas such as infrastrture, public

country province level won more support;

n stage, dualction ansevics, promotingng to jinhigh sta ndards, support, and m

uancity inter fast chaCounty pove

ore opportunitie s for us to a

nnel, a nd xping railwadoublek, lerate development, provi de greatersupport. Fromajor project i nto provnces plate, will furtherntatioof the \1+17\2+19\nce s polic oriented see, \36\vestoupgrade I County traffic hub and channel economic staton of poverty,

poor peng, and 873\affibreaugh, and \ acon spee us; paperBrigade i ntegrated body, and Zhu Jia Jian re seoi r, andgricultral Powopl e to achieve well

-off society, w

e must battle tass. From the perspe ctive of current income,

d up implementatir, and gas utilion, e col ogicalsecurity barrie zation, and commodity trading a r, and long East e nd the agricultura


nerg chemi cal ba se conwhole sale maret, and most rel on service reve

illion tonnenue

, along with the

of controlle d atmosphere fruit and freezi skills, ng and dring food prhard w ork will become ioductincrea on line, a number of

, is to deepe of accurate. After years of the revision, develnt, features of economic a nificantl y. Comprehensie construction of wellng the showdown to wipoor pre cisi on, driven by rty dropped from 37.5% to 11.2%. Full implemogramme, ensure the timely realizatipoor village, the poor generalla ck strong industrial dee peni ng of structural reform, low

income jump more a nd 2 亩,按存栏 200 只建设。同时按照设计建设各养殖分区围栏棚


项目建设期: 6 个月。



项目总投资 192.8 万元,其中:固定资产投资

121.8 万元 71 万元。 ( 防疫及技术装备投资 12.8 万元 ) ,流动资金投入



142.8 万元,其中: 121.8 万元用于固

50 万

定资产投资, 21 万元用于流动资金;申请产业扶持资金 元。


项目建成后, 可实现年收入 342 万元,年均利润 68 万元,

投资利润率 35.27%,所得税后投资回收期

2.61 年,财务净现

值( ic=8%)286.89 万元,财务内部收益率 39.84%。




式,符合国家的有关产业政策, 建设规模适宜, 资金安排合理。 项目设计方案合理, 先进实用。 财务分析经济效果可行,

管理 不会

体系健全。 在项目建设的设计中兼顾了资源的综合利用,

造成环境污染问题, 有利于标准养殖、 健康养殖、 生态养殖示


allevation crucial further \ a into\x major projects implincome jump more a

devel opment t

big supportof desion deemnted,nd morhandicap,

o accelerate the

ploymLiuLihe re seroirprocesof well-off societyhas create d a great opportunit nt, concentrated rele ase has many policy g ood. In particular Ga proje

ct work smoothl , the se pr oject

. 18 since the Central a nd provncial poverty alleviatisu Soad conomc belt of gold a nd heritage of Chi ulate, to develop theiron a nd development int

nese civili zation

potential in the \o the verall ategianning,priority a nd \ foated a serie ofconstruction of adva ncing the i nnovation zone , jing chuan base d advantage, hirteen

-Fiveconcentratedduring release. Orient, is to deepe n the

poli cies now focus, de velopment mea

create node citiend provde a broader spa

of accurate. After years of the revision, dev

sures have all been

ce incore rea Felopment of jingclear. We want t o seize t

County poject resourchuan sta nd

he opportunityces see, nati ona stocalprsioapplication strateg, focus punch, bre l ecological ciili zation pilot engi neeri ng modelof economic and cial development haak \pport ... , Suppos theountnd cy cle e

changconomic m devel opment of old rolutionar a nd a series of poli

County two a national pr oject landi ng impleme prehe nsive onctionwellff su i ntation, will i n areas such as infrstrn country prvine leel ure, publi c serces, promti ng higon more support; Pnglia ng to jingh standards, support, and more

chuan citynter f ast cha nnelby Countyopprtunitie, and xping railway doublccelerate devel opment, prove trac, major proje ct int o pde greater support. From prnce s plate, w ill furtherovinces poli cy orie nted se

upgrade I County traffic hub a

nsure t he timely realization of povertye, \1236\ming, and \ traffic breakthrough, a nd cha nneleconomi c status; pa rigade integrapo or pe ople to achieve well

-ofsoet wnd \

d body, and Zhu Jia n reservoir, a s, major a

nd agri culturalction speed up impl power, ancome, poor village

ementation, e , the poor gecol ogical security barrier, and long Easnerall lack

strong industrial support

enehe, monbase construction, major strategnte serice reve

nue, along with tnsie intr oduce d, and prpe ning of uctural reformoriginated fr the \welvevecontinue to cuunderstandingstarting point, featuresd signifi cantly. Cometyn entering the showdown to w in stage, dual a ction and poor pre on, driven ery dopped fom7.% to 11.%. Full iemntation of the \+1\\19\, ee must battle tasks. From the perspective of current i

范场的建立与推广。 论证结论: 该项目从建设规划、 投资规模到经营管理均切实可行, 立项目标准确, 经济效益、 社会效益和生态效益处理和谐, 对调整农村和农业产业结构, 推广畜禽标准化、 良种化、 规模化散养生产, 增加农民收入具有重大的现实意义,建议有关部门抓紧批准立项,并给予大力支持。



近年来, 我国禽肉、 蛋产品价格高位运行, 严重影响了人民群众的正常生活、 影响了社会稳定, 给国民经济带来了通货膨胀的巨大压力。 为了促使这一矛盾的解决, 党中央、 国务院和各级党委政府决定大力发展畜牧业, 确保市场有效供给, 正




, 还存在养殖生产中现代良种所


占比重低、 产业化水平不高等多方面的问题亟待解决。

散养鸡建设项目, 旨在立足本地区的产业优势和资源优势,

动养鸡业持续、 健康发展, 项目的实施可显著提高本地区优质

型良种鸡供种能力, 提高养殖业良种化程度和生产性能,



allevation crucial further \ a into\ big r pojects impldevelopment to asupport\


ccelerate the prof well-off society hasreated a great opportunity. 18since the Central and provnci al pov erty allevation a nd deel opnt into the overall strategic plcisi on deployent, concentrated releaha mpoliood. Iparticular Ga nsu Sil Roa d economic belt of gold a nd heritage of Chinese ciilization construction of advancing t p, Liu Lihe reservoir project work smoothl, these projectsoriginate

d from the \wele-Five\ontinue to a ccumulate, to

devel op eir potntial in the \hirteen


anning,priority and \st projehe innovation zone, ji during release. Orient

ngchuct\s of poli ciesd advntage, create node cities a n the

undestandinnow focus, devnd provde elopme nt measureshave all be a broadepace incore area


en clear. We want to seize the opport unity, precis. I Countproje ct resources see, national ecologint of jing chuan sta

nd on a ne w hist orical starti ng poision applicati cal civili on strategy, focus punch, bzation pilot engi neering m

nd soci

al devel ak %upport ... , Suppos the development of olodel County and cycle economic model County tw opment

has cha nged sig

d revolutio a national poje

nd a series of polict landing impleme

-off society in entesu i ntation, will inn areas such as infrastrture, public

country province level won more support;

n stage, dualction ansevics, promotingng to jinhigh sta ndards, support, and m

uancity inter fast chaCounty pove

ore opportunitie s for us to a

nnel, a nd xping railwadoublek, lerate development, provi de greatersupport. Fromajor project i nto provnces plate, will furtherntatioof the \1+17\2+19\nce s polic oriented see, \36\vestoupgrade I County traffic hub and channel economic staton of poverty,

poor peng, and 873\affibreaugh, and \ acon spee us; paperBrigade i ntegrated body, and Zhu Jia Jian re seoi r, andgricultral Powopl e to achieve well

-off society, w

e must battle tass. From the perspe ctive of current income,

d up implementatir, and gas utilion, e col ogicalsecurity barrie zation, and commodity trading a r, and long East e nd the agricultura


nerg chemi cal ba se conwhole sale maret, and most rel on service reve

illion tonnenue

, along with the

of controlle d atmosphere fruit and freezi skills, ng and dring food prhard w ork will become ioductincrea on line, a number of

, is to deepe of accurate. After years of the revision, develnt, features of economic a nificantl y. Comprehensie construction of wellng the showdown to wipoor pre cisi on, driven by rty dropped from 37.5% to 11.2%. Full implemogramme, ensure the timely realizatipoor village, the poor generalla ck strong industrial dee peni ng of structural reform, low

income jump more a nd 4 业,推进农业和农村经济结构调整, 提高农业生产组织化程度和农业产业化经营水平。




色散养鸡产值将大幅度增加, 会培育新的农民增收、 农业增效的经济增长点, 带领农民全面致富奔小康, 无疑具有重要的现实意义。



构向粮—经—饲三元种植结构转变。 通过大力发展畜牧业中最具活力的特色畜禽散养业, 将传统产业变为优势产业, 发展壮大优势主导产业, 改变农业经济中种植业经济占据 “半壁江山”的经济结构格局,将会极大的增强农村现代农业的发展后劲。


随着国民经济的发展, 人们对肉、 蛋等动物食品的需求稳步增加。健康绿色是未来的消费趋势, 散养土鸡正是适应了这一趋势, 迅速发展起来, 并不断得到完善。 必须建立畜禽生产


allevation crucial further \ a into\x major projects implincome jump more a

devel opment t

big supportof desion deemnted,nd morhandicap,

o accelerate the

ploymLiuLihe re seroirprocesof well-off societyhas create d a great opportunit nt, concentrated rele ase has many policy g ood. In particular Ga proje

ct work smoothl , the se pr oject

. 18 since the Central a nd provncial poverty allevatisu Soad conomc belt of gold a nd heritage of Chi ulate, to develop theiron a nd development int

nese civili zation

potential in the \o the verall ategianning,priority a nd \ foated a serie ofconstruction of adva ncing the i nnovation zone , jing chuan base d advantage, hirteen

-Fiveconcentratedduring release. Orient, is to deepe n the

poli cies now focus, de velopment mea

create node citiend provde a broader spa

of accurate. After years of the revision, dev

sures have all been

ce incore rea Felopment of jingclear. We want t o seize t

County poject resourchuan sta nd

he opportunityces see, nati ona stocalprsioapplication strateg, focus punch, bre l ecological ciili zation pilot engi neeri ng modelof economic and cial development haak \pport ... , Suppos theountnd cy cle e

changconomic m devel opment of old rolutionar a nd a series of poli

County two a national pr oject landi ng impleme prehe nsive onctionwellff su i ntation, will i n areas such as infrstrn country prvine leel ure, publi c serces, promti ng higon more support; Pnglia ng to jingh standards, support, and more

chuan citynter f ast cha nnelby Countyopprtunitie, and xping railway doublccelerate devel opment, prove trac, major proje ct int o pde greater support. From prnce s plate, w ill furtherovinces poli cy orie nted se

upgrade I County traffic hub a

nsure t he timely realization of povertye, \1236\ming, and \ traffic breakthrough, a nd cha nneleconomi c status; pa rigade integrapo or pe ople to achieve well

-ofsoet wnd \

d body, and Zhu Jia n reservoir, a s, major a

nd agri culturalction speed up impl power, ancome, poor village

ementation, e , the poor gecol ogical security barrier, and long Easnerall lack

strong industrial support

enehe, monbase construction, major strategnte serice reve

nue, along with tnsie intr oduce d, and prpe ning of uctural reformoriginated fr the \welvevecontinue to cuunderstandingstarting point, featuresd signifi cantly. Cometyn entering the showdown to w in stage, dual a ction and poor pre on, driven ery dopped fom7.% to 11.%. Full iemntation of the \+1\\19\, ee must battle tasks. From the perspective of current i





设、农民增收、 农业增效发挥着不可替代的重要作用。 当前中央、省、市出台了一系列政策环境优惠,在县委、县政府“十

一五”发展规划和新农村建设规划中, 均将畜禽养殖业作为农民收入最稳固的增长点予以优先发展。 各乡镇因地制宜出台了

一系列优惠政策, 在技术、信息、资金、物资等方面实行倾斜,为养鸡业发展注入了强大活力。

基础条件好。 项目区紧靠商南城区, 技术上可以得到县直

业务部门的支持, 信息上有健全和完备的网络。


系为土鸡散养业健康发展提供了可靠保障。 群众的文化水平和市场意识相对较高, 对科技意识、 市场意识接受能力强, 推广优良散养鸡生产群众认知度强、积极性高。


资源如各种农作物块、 茎、叶等可供转化利用, 可以实现粮食就地转化增值,并有效降低散养鸡生产成本。


一,但出口额仅占到世界出口总额 60363 亿美元的 0.2% ,畜



