三相无刷直流电机控制系统设计 姓名:孙心华
申请学位级别:硕士 专业:电力电子与电力传动 指导教师:童怀 20080501 摘要 摘 要
三楣无刷直流电机是近年来迅速发展起来的一种新型电机,它剃用电子挨耀 代替机械换相,既具有直流电机的调速性能,又具有交流电机结构简单、运行可 靠、维护方便等优点,并且体积小、效率高,在许多领域已得到了广泛的运用。 本文首先介绍了三相无捌直流电机在国内外的发展及其控制系统的研究现 状,详细论述了三相永磁无刷直流电机的构成、运行原理、特性分析和其转子位 置信号的检测方法;然后设计了控制系统的硬件电路及相应软件,最后对设计的 控制系统进行调试并分析了影响系统可靠性的睽素及给毒了相应解决的方案。 根据控制系统的设计参数、成本及灵活性等各方面的要求,本控制系统设 计了以Atmega8L单片机及ECN30206集成驱动器为核心的硬件平台。Atmega8L 单片枫对蠢ECN30206构成豹功率驱动电路进行转速PID闭环控制、并定时采集电 流信号对电流进行过流保护及采用Max7219串行显示转速、电流、相关故障信息, 通过光电隔离对永磁无刷直流电机诸如转向等控制及接收外部信息,通过RS-485总线接蹬与外部其它系统交换信怠、对各种信息进行分析处理、协调各部分的工 作。
在软件方面编制了基于硬件平台的程序,协调硬件工作。本控制系统软件由 一个前意念系统努加两个中断服务子程序,前看台主程序豳对系统初始化模块、 转子转速计算及转速PID闭环控制组成,初始化模块主要对Atmega8L单片机三个 定时器T0、T1、T2,ADC转换器,通用串行口UART,输入输出I/O口的初始化, 系统初始化之后再对无刷直流电机转子转速进行计算,计算结果再与设定值进行 比较,将比较差值送PID控制器控制PWM的占空比来控制专用驱动控制器 ECN30206的VSP引脚电压输入,从而控制转速,达到闭环控制的目的,中断程序 主要惩来睾行中断接收上位枫发来的无刷直流电机转向及转速设定僮、定时中断 检测电流及显示转速值及相关故障。
本文所设计的无刷直流控制系统实现了电机的转向、转速闭环PID控制、各 种参数及故障的显示。本控制系统保护功能较完善,硬件结构简单,成本较低, 主控制部分、驱动部分及显示部分用户可以任意选择使用。
关键词:三相无刷直流电机; Atmega8L单片机; ECN30206集成驱动器;PID闭环控制
Abstract Ab stract
Three phase brushless DC motor(BLDCMwith permanent excitation,whose electrical commutator iS used to instead of mechanical,has not only the same good characteristics of speed control as traditional DC motor,but also the good characteristics of AC Motor such as structure simple,operation reliable, maintenance friendly.Brushless DC motor has set wide application due to its high power density,ease to control,high efficiency over wide speed range.
The paper firstly introduced the study status of permanent magnet brushless DC motor in home and abroad,and then discussed its structure,operation principles,
characteristics as well as its rotor position signal detection methods in detail;secondly, designed
the control system’S hardware and software accordingly;越last debugged the control system,analyzed the factors affecting the reliability of the system and gave the corresponding solutions.
According to the requirements of control system such as design parameters,cost and flexibility,this paper designed Atmega8L SCM and ECN30206integrated driver as the core hardware
platform.Atmega8L SCM posed rotation speed PID closed—loop control on the system and regularly collecting current signal for the current over—current protection;used the Max7219serial display the current,related to fault
information;controlled Permanent magnet brushless DC motor’S rotate direction and received external information,through the isolation of the photoelectric;exchanged information,analyzed and processed the various information,coordinated various parts working through the RS一485bus interface with other outside systems.
This paper compiled a program based on the hardware platform to coordination with the hardware.The software of the control system is comprised by one fore.and—aft platform main program and two interrupt service subprogram.The fore.and-a爨platform main program is made up by the system initialization module, the rotor speed computing and PID speed closed—loop control component.The system
initialization module mainly initializes the three timers,A/D converter,serial UART, I/O pins.After system initialization,the main program computes the BLDC’S rotor speed and compared to the set speed value and then it send the error to the PID contr01. The
PID controller will change the voltage of the ECN30206integrated driver’S VSP pins according to the duty cycle of
PWM.In this way the rotor speed was controlled accord with the user’s setting value.One of the interrupt subprogram mainly used to receive the control order from the external system,which composed of rotor direction, rotor speed value.The other is mainly used to detect the current and display the speed and related failures regularly.
In this paper,the brushless DC motor control system achieved the rotor direction, speed closed—loop PID control,and various parameters defect display.The control system has a perfect protection,simple hardware structure,lower cost.The main control section,driver section and display section can choose arbitrary by the user. Keywords:Three phase BLDC motor; Atmega8L micro-C; ECN30206integrated driver;PID closed-loop control
广东工业人学工学硕L学位论文 独创性声明
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论文作者签字铜、∥青 纱砖年歹月矽日 第一章绪论 1.1课题依据及意义 第1章绪论
无刷直流电机是近几年来小电机行业发展最快的品种之一,随着视听产品 小、轻、薄化和家电产品的静音节能化以及豪华型轿车需求量增多,无刷直流电 动机需要量迅速增加;无刷直流电机用电子换向替代了电刷和换向器,具有高可 靠、高效率、寿命长、调速方便、低噪音等优点。国内近年来在无刷直流电机的 设计及控制方面有很多的研究,但与国外成熟的产品相比还有很多地方值得提高, 并且很多无刷直流电机生产商都没有给出具体的控制方案,因此在无刷直流电机 控制方面的研究是非常有必要的。
由于无刷直流电机具有体积小、重量轻、效率高、调速性能好、转动惯量小、 没有励磁损耗等问题,因此在各个领域具有广泛的应用前景。一方面,无刷直流 电机与其他异步电机相比具有明显的优势如反馈装置更简单、功率密度更高、输 出转矩更大、并且电机和逆变器各自的潜力得到充分的发挥,因此无刷直流电机 的应用和研究得到了前所未有的重视。据资料统计统计表明无刷直流电机的使用 每年以较高比例增长。另一方面无刷直流电机与有刷直流电机相比有更多的优点 如电机本体结构简单、运行时无火花、电磁干扰小,无噪声等,因此具备广泛应 用前景。n 3
目前在家用电器方面,大多使用异步电机,但是随着人们生活水平的提高对 各种家电的质量、性能提出了更高的要求;随着能源的日益匮乏特别是燃油方面, 对高效节能也有更高的要求,国家十一五计划也明确提出过限制耗能产业发展, 因此采用无刷直流电机来代替性能差、效率低的异步电动机成为大势所趋。现在 在高档电扇中已经采用了无刷直流电机,在新一代的空调、洗衣机、电冰箱、吸 尘器等家电中