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Appearance can only shine in vain for a while, and true America can survive forever!
Even if you want to sell your soul, you have to find someone who pays the starting price.
A man has two hands, one for taking and one for giving. 4、要放浪游戏,年纪未免太老,要心如死灰,年纪未免太轻。 To play wild games, we must be too old, too young to be ashamed.
Theories are all grey, only the golden tree of life is evergreen.
Theory is grey, only the tree of life is evergreen. 7、善良人在追求中纵然迷惘,却终将意识到有一条正途。 Good people are perplexed in their pursuit, but they will
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eventually realize that there is a right path. 8、善良的人或许会迷惘,但终将找到一条坦途。
Kind people may be confused, but they will find a smooth way.
9、我要纵身跳入时代的奔走,我要纵身跳入时代的年轮。 I want to jump into the running of the times, I want to jump into the rings of the times.
10、美好的聚会已杳无踪迹,唉。最初的回响也寂然无声。 The beautiful party is gone, alas. The initial echo was silent. 11、我生前当及时享乐,死后哪管他洪水滔天。
I should have enjoyed myself in time before I was born, but when I die, there will be great floods. 12、有为者巍然看定四周,这世界对他几曾沉默。 The world has been silent for several times.
13、粉碎无辜的对方,这是在走投无路时想出出气的暴君行为。 The crushing of innocent opponents is an act of tyranny that comes out of rage when there is no way out. 14、正因为不可能,才值得我们去相信。
It is because it is impossible that we should believe it. 15、黑暗孕育了光明,而光明却背离黑暗。诅咒黑暗。 Darkness breeds light, but light departs from darkness. Curse the darkness.
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Floating light only shows off for a moment, and the genuine can be passed on to future generations.
17、停止抚慰你那苦痛吧,它像一只恶鹰吞噬着你的胸口! Stop soothing your pain, it's like an eagle swallowing your chest!
18、仍然拥有的彷佛从眼前远遁,已经逝去的又变得栩栩如生。 It seems that what we still have is far away from our eyes, and what has passed away becomes vivid again.
All my eyes are dim and distant, and the vanished ones will appear and repeat to me.
20、园丁也知道,小树只要发青,就会有花果点缀未来的岁月。 The gardener also knows that as long as the young trees are green, there will be flowers and fruits embellishing the years ahead.
21、我感到我已有闯荡世界的勇气,去把人世间的苦与乐担当。 I feel that I have the courage to break into the world, to take on the suffering and joy of the world.
22、把心爱的人搂在怀里,乃是一种最好的天赐。 Holding your loved one in your arms is the best gift.
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