main idea and detail. Point out that a good paragraph includes a topic sentence and supporting details and the topic sentence is usually at the beginning of a paragraph. (2) A good ending
T: Can you find a sentence that tells how I strongly feel about Max? This is an exclamation; do you think it is a good ending?
Teacher points out we should use different sentence types to add variety. (3) Supporting details in the logic order
Teacher asks the students to put three sentences in the best order and reminds the students that the supporting details should be in the logic order. 4. Ask the students to write down their own ideas
Students write about a friend or someone they know well. Tell what the person is like. Tell what they like to do together. Use the Writer’s Checklist to help.
【设计意图】本课的三篇文章皆属于人物描述,本教学环节试图帮助学生理解这一文体的特点,从细节、段落结构(中心句+符合逻辑的细节)和结尾(多样的句子类型)三方面着手,让学生感知、体会并试图仿写。 V. Homework
1. Finish the writing and make a story book.
2. Read more descriptions of a person and share them in the class.
Unit 1 Friends Integrated skills
I. Teaching aims and learning objectives
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Understand some new words and expressions and learn to use them; 2. Catch the key points from the listening materials; 3. Learn to talk about future plans and friends. II. Teaching contents
1. New words and phrases: meet different people, make friends, listen to people carefully, heip people with their problems, travel around the world, our future plans, be a social worker, learn more about art
2. New structures: I would like to be a social worker when I grow up. I am always kind to people.
I will be happy if I can make other people happy. I want to be as famous as he is.
Who’s the boy/girl on the left/next to Peter?
III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty Get specific information from listening materials. Talk about future plans. IV. Teaching procedures A Future plans Step1 Lead-in
1. Enjoy a song “My Dream Job”. 2. Free talk
What do you want to do when you grow up? 3. Play a guessing game: I would like to be ...
Show some phrases and expressions about five different people’s personalities, hobbies, abilities, dreams and ask the students to guess their future plans.
【设计意图】一首节奏欢快的儿童歌曲朗朗上口,快速引导学生进入本课情境,可以鼓励学有余力的孩子跟着哼唱。接着抛出本课的主话题,在自由谈话中引导学生各抒己见,用英语表达自己的真实想法。通过描述不同人的性格、爱好、能力和愿望等情况让学生猜测不同职业,激活学生已有的图式,引导学生体会未来的计划制定必须取决于自身的诸多情况,同时,在描述中使用了本课将会出现的一些新短语,降低了字词学习的难度。 Step 2 Listening
1. Listen and and complete Part A1 (Task 1 Listen and tick) (1) What would Nora like to do when she grows up? Tip: find out the key words.
(2) Teach the new phrase “social worker”
Teacher shows some pictures about social workers, tells the students that social workers work to help people live a better life and they help to solve different problems.
2. Read and complete Part A2 (Task 2 Read and write) Tip: use the information in A1.
3. Listen and complete Part A3 (Task 3 Listen and complete)
(1) Listening skills: predicting before listening; writing parts of the words; listening for key words.
(2) Introduce Xu Beihong and his paintings. Explain the phrase “beautiful works of art”.
Step 3 Consolidation
1. A short summary: How can we make future plans?
Use four sentences in the diary to help students conclude that we should think about our personalities, hobbies, abilities, dreams and so on. 2. Make a survey (Task 4 Make a survey)
(1) The teacher asks the students to tell the future plans in groups of four with the help of models. The students may also ask some questions.
(2) The teacher asks the students to take notes and fill in a form while listening. T shows the listening skills at the same time.
(3) The teacher asks the students to make a report about their group members’ future plans to the whole class. The teacher gives some sentences as a help.
【设计意图】小组调查作为一项综合性活动涉及到学生的听、说、写等多方面能力的训练,在完成课本相关听力训练并讲解了听力技巧后,我们需要这样真实的存在信息差的综合活动让学生在实践中操练并提高听力技巧,组内合作以强带弱,提高了学生的合作意识,让全体学生共同进步。 B Speak up: What’s he like? Step 1 Presentation 1. Read the pictures
(1) T shows the pictures of Helen and Sandy and asks who Sandy is. (2) Introduce the sentences: Sandy is the girl on the right.
Sandy is the girl with glasses/a ponytail. (3) Teach the new word “ponytail”.
2. Listen and fill in the form (Task 5 Listen and answer) Who are they? What’s he/she like?
3. Read the dialogue (Task 6 Read aloud in different ways) Pay attention to linking and loss of blasting.
【设计意图】让学生带着简单问题听录音,初步感知听力录音中的大致内容。以多种形式读对话,有助于对学生进行正音练习,提醒学生注意连读和失去爆破这两种特殊情况。 Step 2 Consolidation
Talk about our own friends (Task 7 Talk about your own photos)
The teacher asks the students to bring some pictures of their own friends or families to class, exchange the photos and discuss about them, using the dialogue as a model. 【设计意图】教师要布置学生课前准备一些朋友或家庭的合影,课堂上互相交换并讨论,符合本年龄段学生的心理特点,学生会有极大的热情投入其中,根据班级情况可以适当拓展对话内容,增加外貌、将来计划的讨论等,让不同层次的学生都能有所提高。 Step 3 Conclusion
The teacher shows a photo of Steve Jobs, introduces his advice for success: You’ve got to find what you love.
The only way to do great work is to love waht you do. Stay hungry, stay foolish.
【设计意图】引用学生比较熟悉的名人的建议激励学生建立积极的人生态度。 V. Homework
1. Revise the new words and phrases.
2. Ask more friends about their future plans and write a short passage. Unit 1 Friends Study skills
I. Teaching aims and learning objectives
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. know how to use the vocabulary tree to remember the new words; 2. draw the vocabulary tree;
3. try to draw the knowledge tree to remember the knowledge. II. Teaching contents
How to remember words quickly.
III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty Draw the vocabulary tree. IV. Teaching procedures Step 1 Lead-in 1. Ask and answer
The teacher shows four figures of different professionals and writes down the key words on the blackboard.
T: What’s he/she? What does he/she look like? What’s his/her feeling? 2. Try to remember
Give the students one minute to remember the words on the blackboard. Then let the students try to say the words as many as possible.
【设计意图】以问题为抓手,通过让学生简要地描述所给人物来复习前面所学知识。让学生快速地记单词是为接下来的学习做了铺垫,引出今天的主题。 Step 2 Presentation
1. Present the method to remember words
The teacher introduces a good method to remember the words quickly. Lead the students to put the words into different groups. 2. Try to draw
Teach the students how to draw a vocabulary tree. We need 4 or 5 steps. The steps are: Put the words into different. Draw a tree.
Write the group names on the branches.
Write down the words on the leaves of each branch. Draw pictures if necessary. 3. Do the exercise