上海市浦东新区区 2017-2018学年度高三第一学期期末
I . LiStening COmPrehension(25 分)
SeCtiOn A -ShOrt COnVerSatiOnS
DirectiOns: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
1. A. In a gym.
C. In a department store. 2. A. $200. C. $250.
3. A. Take classes. C. Learn more.
4. A. To leave her a message with her roommate. C. To talk with her roommate. 5. A. He likes physics.
C. He is working hard at physics. 6. A. A sportsman. C. A news reporter. 7. A. Unforgettable. C. Pleasant.
8. A. Coins and banknotes. C. Shapes and areas.
9. A. It ‘s too crowded and he can‘t breathe very well.
C. The next stop is their stop.
10. A. The Parking places are very far away.
C. There is enough parking space. SectiOn B
DirectiOnS: In Section B, you will hear two short
passages and one longer conversation, and you will be asked several questions on each of the passages and the conversation. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. QueStiOn 11 thrOugh 13 are baSed On the fOllOwing PaSSage. 11. A. The driver took the wrong route. B. He missed his flight.
B. In a shoe-repair shop. D. At a track. B. $400. D. $500.
B. Find a job.
D. Get ready for the next term.
B. To solve a problem in his homework. D. To ask about his homework.
B. His physics is the best in the class. D. His physics is very poor in the class. B. A doctor.
D. A game designer. B. Impressive. D. Disappointing.
B. Weights and measures. D. Volumes and sizes.
B. The next stop is the terminal station. D. A lot of people get off at the next stop B. He had no problem finding the park. D. He isn ‘t very good at parking the car.
第 1 页 / 共 12 页
C. He failed to get to the airport. 12. A. One of the WingS CaUght fire. 13. A. He had forgotte n to lock his front door.
C. He had left his IUggage in the taxi.
D. HiS taxi got StUCk in a traffic jam. B. The pla ne encoun tered a Strong storm. B. He had lost his keys to the front door. D. He had PiCked UP the Wrong suitcase.
C. There WaS SOmeth ing wrong With the engine. D. The hijacker forced the CaPtai n to do so.
QUeStiOn 14 through 16 are based On the following passage. 14. A. Wome n now want to be Car repairwome n in Stead of teachers.
B. Wome n tend to do jobs that are traditi On ally inten ded for men. C. More girls are choos ing fixed jobs in Scotla nd.
D. BritiSh wome n choose non-traditi Onal jobs more tha n wome n in other CoUn tries. 15. A. BeCaUSe wome n See many job opport Un ities On TV.
B. BeCaUSe wome n feel Car repairi ng is cool On TV. C. BeCaUSe wome n are in flUe need by their StarS On TV.
D. BeCaUSe wome n are told abOUt job ChOiCeS by Career OffiCerS On TV. 16. A. Brita in n eeds more wome n to do non-traditi Onal jobs.
B. The media ShoUld call for wome n to do non-traditi On al jobs. C. BritiSh wome n have take n UP too many traditi on al jobs for men. D. The Change in men ‘attitUdes is not important for women job choices.
QUeStiOn 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation. 17. A. For ten years. B. For nine years. C. For eight years. D. For One year. 18. A. She is more ConCen trated On her career.
C. She S holding hatred against Frank. 19. A. KeeP ing PerSUadi ng Claire. C. Fight
harder With Claire.
B. GiVe UP and
B. She is not SUre aboUt the marriage.
D. She S not comfortable With ChiIdren
20. A. They have jUSt bee n to HaWaii for a holiday. D. GiVe CIaire some time.
B. They Cannot reach an agreeme nt On havi ng a baby. C. They are pla nning to get a divorce. D. They are trying to overcome Career crisis.
∏ . Grammar and VOCabUIary (20 分)
SeCtiOn A
DireCtions: Read the following passage. Fill in the blanks to make the PaSSage COherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks With a given word, fill in each blank With the PrOPer form of the give n word. For the other bla nks, USe One word that best fits each bla nk.
AS a yoUng child, Ann MakosinSki WOUld SPend hoUrs experimenting With her toys and other everyday ObjeCtS aroUnd her to Create her OWn inven ti ons.
Now a first-year ArtS StUde nt, Makos in Ski is a well-k nown inven tor and en trepre neU r(创业
SheWOn the 2015 SUStainable EntrepreneUrship AWard of Excellence, ___ 21 _____ recogniZeS inno VatiVe bUS in ess solUti OnS to social problems — the Same recog niti On give n to BaraCk Obama in 2014. Her own inventions, the Hollow Flashlight and the e-Drink, have been CaUSing
intern ati On ally _ 2 __ heir Creati on.
At the age of 15, MakosinSki Created a prototype (原型) for a flashlight _ 23_ (power) by the heat of One S hand. ThiS inventiOn WaS the result of a ninth grade SCience project, but MakosinSki S goal WaS _ 2 4_ (offer) a PraCtiCaI solutiOn to people With UnIimited access to power and electricity.
-—m half-Filipino and half-Polish, and One of my friends from the PhiIiPPines told me that She failed school 5 _____ She could n t 'afford electricity. She had no light to StUdy With at ni ght, so that WaS kind of the inSPiratiOn, IMakoSinSki explained. — Ve always been interested in doing SCience projects, so I thought, Why don t 'I find a Way to PrOVide her and a lot of other people With light? Il
The HolloW Flashlight is made from PeItier tiles (珀耳贴贴片)that PrOdUCe energy When One Side 26 __ (heat) and the other Side remains cool. The flashlight Can PrOdUCe a Steady beam of LED light for 20 minutes, ____ 27 __ (USe) Only the Warmth of the human hand.
Her advice to other StUde nt inno Vators? -Start now. There _ 28 __ be nothing holdi ng you back. Some StUdents at colleges or even in high school think ?Oh, I m a StUdent. I just need to study. '_ 29 may think it importa nt to make friends and be social. The truth is, you Can do a lot of other thin gs. You Can do _____ 30 ___ you want. JUSt go ahead. I SeCtiOn B
DireCtions: Complete the following PaSSage by USing the words in the box. EaCh word Can onIy be USed once. Note that there is One word more tha n you n eed. A. pote ntially G. Sen SitiVe B. filmed H. eyebrow C. dropped D. com mon Iy I. domesticated E. treats F. SymPathy J. SeIeCt ion K. Con fide nt PUPPy Dog EyeS Are for the BenefitS of HUmanS
Dogs make PUPPy dog eyes for the ben efit of huma ns and rarely USe the pleas ing facial expressi On Whe n On their own, a new StUdy has show n.
It has Iong been assumed that animal facial expressiOnS are involuntary and dependent On emotio nal State rather tha n a Way to com mun icate.
BUt SCie ntists at the Uni VerSity S Dog Cogn iti On Centre at POrtSmOUth Un iversity have found that dogs mostly USe facial expressi OnS Whe n huma ns are PreSe nt, as a direct resp OnSe to atte ntio n. PUPPy dog eyes, in WhiCh the _31_ is raised to make the eyes appear Wider and sadder, WaS found to be the most 32 USed expressi On in the study. ReSearCherS do not know Whether the dogs are
aware they look sadder, or have just Iear ned that Wide ning their eyes in ViteS 33 _ and affecti On in huma ns.
Dog cog niti On expert Dr Julia ne Kamin ski: -We Can now be 4 hat the PrOdUCt ion Of facial expressi OnS made by dogs are depe ndent on the atte nti On State of their audie nce and are not just a result of dogs being excited. Il
-n our StUdy they PrOdUCed far more expressi OnS Whe n some One WaS WatCh ing, but See
ing food 35 did not have the Same effect. Il
-The findings appear to SUPPOrt evide nce dogs are _36
to huma ns atte nti On and that
expressi OnS are __ 7 ___ CtiVe attempts to com muni cate, not SimPIe emotio nal displays. IlThe researchers StUdied 24 dogs of VariOUS breeds, aged One to 12. All Were family pets. EaCh dog WaS
tied by a lead a metre away from a PerS on, and the dogs faces Were ___ 38 __ throughout a range Of excha nges, from the PerS On being Orie nted towards the dog, to being distracted and With her body turned away from the dog.
They found that When a human WaS not WatChing the animal, they __________ 39 __ facial expressi ons.
Dr Kamin Ski Said it is POSSibIe that dogs expressi OnS have evolved as they Were 40 L —Domestic dogs have a UniqUe history -hey have lived alongside humans for 30,000 years and duri ng that time SeIeCti On PreSSUreS Seem to have acted On dogs \ability to com muni Cate With us, IShe said.
In . Reading COmPrehenSiOn(45 分)
SeCtiOn A
DireCtiOnS : For each blank in the follOWing PaSSageS there are four Words or PhraSeS marked A, B, C, and D. Fill in each bla nk With the Word or PhraSe that best fits the Con text.
When I WaS a child of SeVe n years old, my frien ds, On a holiday, filled my POCket With COPPers.
I Went at OnCe to a ShoP Where they sold toys for ChiIdre n. Being 4J_ With the SoUnd of a WhiStIe that I had See n by the Way ,in the hands of ano ther boy, I han ded over all my money for one. I the n Came home, and Went WhiStIi ng all over the house, much PIeaSed With my Whistle, but _42 all the family. My
brothers and SiSterS and cousins, When I told of the 43 I had made, Said I had give n four times as much as the WhiStIe WaS Worth. They PUt me in mind of What good thi ngs I might have bought With the rest of the mon ey, and IaUghed at me so much for my folly that I Cried With VeXatiOn(烦恼).Thinking about the matter gave me more 44 tha n the WhiStIe gave me PIeaSUre.
__ 45 __ , this WaS afterWards of USe to me, for the impressi OnCon ti nued On my mind, so that often, When I WaS _ 46 __ to buy SOmething I did not need, I Said to myself, -Don t'give too much for the WhiStle, Iland I SaVed my mon ey. AS I greW up, Came into the World, and 47 the actions of men, I thought I met With many, Very many, Who -gave too much for the WhiStle. Il
If I kneW a miser (守财奴)Who ___ 48 __ every kind of comfortable living, all the PIeaSUre of doing good to others, all the esteem of his felloW CitiZens and the joys of friendship,
__ 49__gathering and keeping Wealth--- -Poor man, IlSaid I, —you Pay too dear for your WhiStle. Il When I met a man Of PIeaSUre, Who did not try to improve his mind or his fortune but __ devoted himself to havi ng a good time, PerhaPS n eglect ing his health, —Mistake n man, you are PrOVidi ng __ 51 __ or yourself, inStead of PIeaSUre; you are Paying too dear for your WhiStle. IlIf I SaW someOnefond of ___ 52 __ Who has fine clothes, fine houses, fine furniture, fine earrings, all above his ___ 53 __ , and for WhiCh he had run into debt, and ends his Career in a PriSon. —Mas, IlSaid I, —e has Paid dear, Very dear, for his WhiStle. Il _ 54 __ , the miseries of mankind are largely due to their PUffing a(n) _ 5 _ alue OnthingS --- to giving
—oo much for their WhiStle. Il
41. 42. 43. 44
A. faced
A. disturb ing A. trouble A. SatiSfaCt ion
B. Charmed B. attracti ng B. attempt B. relief B. TherefOre B. determ ined B. ObSerVed B.gave UP
C. SymPathiZed C. en terta ining C. ChOiCe C. annoyance C. HOWeVer C. forced C. admired C. Cared about
D. PrOVided D.
D. barga in
D. StreSS D. I ndeed
D. foIIOWed D. relied On
. 45A. Moreover
. 46
A. tempted .
47A. took . 48. A. tur ned aga inst
49. A. in CaSe of 50. A. merely
51. A. inconvenience 52. A. appeara nce 53. A. dema nd 54. A. AS a result
B. in Stead of B. SimiIarIy B. burde n B. WeaIth B. fortune B. By Con trast B. great
C. for the Sake of C. Stra ngely C. frustrati On C. comforts C. Sta ndard C. On average C. false
D. in terms of D. POSitiVeIy D. Pai n n D.
ecessities D. value D. In short D. extra
55. A. Un expected
SeCtiOn B
DireCtions: Read the following three passages. EaCh PaSSage is followed by SeVeral questions Or Unfini Shed Stateme nts. For each of them there are four ChOiCeS marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the One that fits best according to the information given in the PaSSage you have just read.
When you thi nk about COffee alter natives, garlic is PrObabIy One of the last things that comes to mind, but that is exactly the in gredie nt that One JaPa nese inven tor USed to Create a drink that looks and tastes like coffee.
74-year-old Yokitomo Shimotai, a COffee shop OWnerin Aomori Prefecture, JaPa n, CIaimS that his UniqUe —arlic COffee Il is the result of a cooking blunder he made over 30 years ago, When he bur ned a Steak and garlic while Wait ing tables at the Same time. In trigued by the SCOrChed garlic
aroma, he mashed it UP With a SPo On and mixed it With hot water. The result ing drink looked and tasted a lot like coffee. Mak ing a men tal n Ote of his discovery, Yokimoto Carried On With his job, and Only Started research ing garlic COffee aga in after he retired.
COmmitted to turning his Weird drink into a COmmerCiaI Product, Yokitomo ShimOtai SPent years OPtimiZ ing the formula, and about five years ago, he fin ally achieved a result he WaS SatiSfied with. To make his dissolvable garlic grounds, he roasts the cloves in an electric oven, and, after they Ve cooled off, SmaSheS them into fine PartiCIeS and PaCkS them in dripbags.
-My drink is PrObabIy the world SfirSt of its kind, Ilthe garlic COffee inven tor told Kyodo News. -Ht ContainSno Caffe ine so it S good for those who would like to drink COffee at ni ght or Preg nant women. I
He CIaimS that, although his garlic COffee does give off an aroma of roasted garlic, it does n t 'cause bad breath, because the garlic is thoroughly cooked. And if you Can get PaSt the smell, the drink appare ntly does taste a lot like actual coffee.
If decaf isn t 'good enoUgh for you, and you re in the mood for SOmething new, you Can try Yokitomo ShimOtai S garlic COffee at his shop, in the City of Ninohc, Iwate Prefecture, or buy your OWn dripbags for just 324 yen ($2.8).
56. WhiCh word is the closest in meaning to the Underlined word —blUnder Il in the SeCOnd paragraph?
A. mistake
B. show
C. mixture
D. brand
57. Who is not SUitabIe to drink garlic coffee?
A. A woma n beari ng a baby.
B. A StUde nt havi ng trouble With sleep.