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第一部分 交际用语

1.– I haven't seen Belly for 10 years.(B) A. Either have I B. Neither have I C. Haven't I D. So have I

2.– What subjects are you studying?(C ) A. Yes, I'm studying history B. I'm studying now

C. I'm studying philosophy D. I'm doing my homework

3.– I wonder if you could help me.( D) A. I could B. Yes, I do C. No, not at all D. Of course

4.– Hurry up. The lecture begins at 2:00.(A ) A. Don't worry. We've got 20 minutes B. Thank you. No hurry

C. Never mind. You go if you like D. The lecture is useful

5.- David, you've been losing your temper over nothing lately.(C)

A. I haven’t been getting much sleep either

B. You’d better not push yourself too hard, or you’ll get sick

C. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have blown up like that D. You’d better do exercises regularly

6.– Excuse me, I didn't mean to bother you.(C) A. There's no problem B. It's a pleasure

C. That's quite all right D. I didn't realize that

7.– Thanks a lot. You've gone to so much trouble.(A)

A. It's no trouble at all B. That's all right. I like it C. I don't think it's a trouble D. That's very kind of you

8.– I've ordered pizza and salad. What else do you want?(C)

A. You are kind to invite me B. Yes, please

C. A beer is fine for me. I'm not hungry yet D. I find pizza is tasty

9.– What would you like, tea or coffee?(B) A. Yes, I would B. Coffee, please C. Yes, please D. It's very nice

10.– Hello, could I speak to Don please?(D) A. Who are you

B. What's the problem C. Are you Jane D. Who's speaking


11.– May I help you, madam?(D) A. Sorry, I have no idea B. Yes, I know what to buy C. You'd better give me a hand D. Yes, I'd like 2 kilos of oranges 12.– Nice weather, isn't it?(C) A. I'm not sure

B. You know it well C. Yes, it is D. Yes, it isn't

13.– Must I do the washing-up tonight?(B) A. No, you mustn't if you don't want B. Leave it if you're exhausted C. Washing-up is really exhausting D. Washing-up really takes up time

14.– Could you tell me where Mr. Lake is?(B) A. From England B. At the office C. He's working D. He's very busy

15.– Do you like watching football matches?(D) A. Thank you for inviting me

B. I don't like watching it on TV, either C. I hear the football match will be put off D. Football? No. It's a waste of time

16. — Hello, Sally. How’s everything?(D) A. Good for you B. Oh, I agree C. That’s right D. Just so-so

17 — Excuse me, would you lend me your calculator?(A)

A. Certainly. Here you are B. Please don’t mention it C. It’s nothing

D. Yes, I have a hand

18. — I don’t like the spots programs on Sundays.(B) A. So do I B. Neither do I C. So am I D. Neither am I

19. — What’s the problem, Harry? (D) A. No problem B. No trouble at all

C. Thank you for asking me about it

D. I can’t remember where I left my glasses

20 — What kind of TV program do you like best?(C)

A. I like them very much

B. I only watch them at weekend C. It’s hard to say, actually D. I’m too busy to say

21. --What about going for a walk?(A) A. Why not? A good idea B. That’s all right C. So, do I

D. Walking is good to you

22. — I think the Internet is very helpful.(A) D. Tell me your ID number A. Yes, so do I 31.Afternoon, sir. Where to?(A) B. That’s a very good idea A. Please get me to the airport B. C. Neither do I please pick me up next time D. I’d rather go surfing on it C. I’ve been to the airport D. 23. — Which language do you speak at home?(D) The plane will take off in an hour A. I speak English very well 32. Can I help you to get it down? (C) B. I can speak English and French A.No problem C. English is my mother tongue B. Yes. Let’s get it D. English, most of the time C. Thanks. It’s so nice of you 24. — Must we hand in our homework now? (C) D. It’s no trouble at all A. Yes, you will 33.— I’m trying to call Marie, but there’s no B. Yes, you mustn’t answer.(D). C. No, you needn’t A. I didn’t realize that D. No, you mustn’t B. Here is a message for her 25. — Let’s take a walk. (A) C. I’m really sorry about it A. Yes, let’s D. Really? Maybe she’s out B. Oh, thanks 34.— Are you sure about that? (D) . C. Yes, please A. You needn’t worry about that B. I D. No, thank you like the idea. 26. — Hello, could I speak to Don please?(D) C. Oh, no. I’m afraid of that D. Oh, A. Who are you yes. I’m absolutely positive B. What’s the problem 35.— Would you like to see the C. Are you Jane menu?(A) . D. Who’s speaking A. No, thanks. I already know what to order 27. — Do you think the exam will be put off?(C) B. Your menu is very clear A. Not good news C. I hear the food here is tasty B. The exam is difficult D. The setting is very comfortable C. Not likely 36.— What if my computer doesn’t work?(B) D. It was put off yesterday A. I’m not good at computer B. Ask 28. — In my opinion, you’d better take a couple Anne for help of days off.(A) C. I’ve called the repair shop D. A. I’ll take your advice There must be something wrong B. Let me see 37.— How’s the movie? Interesting?(C) . C. Never mind A. It was shown late until midnight D. I’m afraid so B. It was starred by a few famous people 29. — Would you mind if I open the window for a C. Far from. I should have stayed home watching better view?(D) TV A. That’s fine, thank you D. I was seated far away in the corner B. Yes, please 38.— Is this the motel you C. Take a seat mentioned?(B) . D. Of course not A. It looks comfortable 30.I have an appointment with Dr. Johnson.(C) B. Yes, it’s as quiet as we expected A. The appointment is put off C. You’re so considerate B. You look sick and weak D. No, the price’s reasonable C. Please wait for minute. He is busy now

第一部分 交际用语

1. – Hello, could I speak to Don please? -- _____B____?

A. Who are you B. Who’s speaking C. Are you Jane 2. --May I know your address? -- _______A__.

A. Sure. Here you are B. I have no idea C. It’s far from here 3. — How’s the movie? Interesting? — B .

A. I was seated far away in the corner B. Far from. I should have stayed home watching TV C. It was shown late until midnight


4. — What if my computer doesn’t work? — B .

A. I’m not good at computer B. Ask Anne for help C. I’ve called the repair shop 5. --Let’s take a walk. --______C______. A. Yes, let’s B. Oh, thanks C. Yes, please

第一部分 交际用语(共计10分,每题2分)

1-5小题:阅读斜面的小对话,从A,B,C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. ―What subjects are you studying? -- _________B_________.

A. Yes, I’m studying history B. I’m studying philosophy C. I’m doing my homework 2. ―May I help you, madam? -- __________C_______.

A. Sorry, I have no idea B. You’d better give me a hand C. Yes, I’d like 2 kilos of orange 3. -- We11, Mary, how are you? --__________C________.

A. I’m good B. I’m nice C. I’m fine 4. ― Hello, could I speak to Don please? -- __________A________?

A. Who’s speaking B. Are you Jane C. Who are you 5.―Excuse me, would you lend me your calculator? --__________A_________. A. Certainly. Here you are B. Yes, I have a hand C. It’s nothing 第一部分 交际用语(共计10分,每题2分)

1-5小题:阅读斜面的小对话,从A,B,C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。 1.一Excuse me, would you lend me your calculator? — _______A______.

A. Certainly. Here you are B. Yes, I have a hand C. It's nothing 2.一Would you like to see the menu? — ________A_________.

A. No, thanks. I already know what to order B. Your menu is very clear C. I hear. the food here is tasty 3.-Well, Mary, how are you? — ________C_________. A. I'm good B. I'm nice C. I'm fine 4.一Hello, could I speak to Don please? — _________C________? A. Who are you B. Are you Jane C. Who's speaking 5.一What's the problem, Harry? — ________B_________. A. No problem B. I can't remember where I left my glasses C. No trouble at all

第一部分 交际用语(共计10分,每题2分)

1-5小题:阅读斜面的小对话,从A,B,C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. 一Nice weather, isn't it? —________B________ . A. I'm not sure B. Yes, it is C. Yes, it isn't 2. --- May I know your address? ---__________A________ .

A. Sure. Here you are B. I have no idea C. Sorry, I've forgotten 3.一Could you tell me where Mr. Lake is? ---________B_________ . A. From England B. At the office C. He's working

4.一In my opinion, you'd better take a couple of days off. ---_________C________ . A. I'm afraid so B. Let me see C. I'll take your advice 5.---What would you like, tea or coffee? ---__________B_______ . A. Yes,I would B. Coffee, please C. It's very nice

第一部分 交际用语


1. ----Is this the motel you mentioned? ----_______B____.

A. It looks comfortable B. Yes, it's as quiet as we expected C. You're so considerate I). No, the price's reasonable 2. ----May I help you, madam? ----______D______.

A. Sorry, I have no idea B. Yes, I know what to buy C. You'd better give me a hand D. Yes, I'd like 2 kilos of orange 3. ---- Afternoon, sir. Where to? ----____A_____.

A. Please get me to the airport B. Please pick me up next time C. I've been to the airport D. The plane will take off in an hour 4. -----How's the movie? Interesting? ----______C_____.

A. It was shown late until midnight B. It was starred by a few famous people

C. Far from. I should have stayed home watching TV D. I was seated far away in the corner 5. -----Are you sure about that? --________D_______. A. You needn't worry about that B. I like the idea

C. Oh, no. I'm afraid of that D. Oh, Yes. I'm absolutely positive


阅读下面的小对话,从A,B,C,D四个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项.并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。’ 1.一How's the movie? Interesting? ----______C______ .

A. It was shown late until midnight B. It was starred by a few famous people C. Far from. I should have stayed home watching TV D. I was seated far away in the corner 2.----May I know your address? ----_______A______ . A. Sure. Here you are B. I have no记ea C. It's far from here D. Sorry, I've forgotten 3.一Well,Mary, how are you? — _______C______.

A. I'm good B. I'm pleased C. I'm fine D. I'm nice 4.一Hello,may I talk to the headmaster now? ----______A______ .

A. Sorry, he is busy at the moment B. No, you can't G Sorry, you can't D. I don’t know 5一Is this the motel you mentioned? ----______B_____ .

A. It looks comfortable B. Yes,it’s as quiet as we expected C. You’re so considerate D. No,the price’s reasonable

第一部分 交际用语

1.-Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now? -_______C________.

A. Sorry, you can’t B. No, you can’t C. sorry, he is busy at the moment 2. –What kind of TV program do you like best? --_______A________.

A. It’s hard to say, actually B. I only watch them at weekend C. I’m too busy to say 3.-Oh, sorry to bother you.-__C__ A. Oh, I don’t know B. No, you can’t C. That’s okay 4.-Can you turn down the radio, please?-__A__.

A. I’m sorry, I didn’t realize it was that loud B. Please forgive me C. I’ll keep it down next time 5. --Would you mind if I open the window for a better view? -_C__. A. That’s fine, thank you B. Yes, please C. Of course not


第二部分 词汇与结构

1.After(C) the shopping list, I found that I A. at B. in C. by forgot to buy salt. D. on A. examining B. testing C. 17.If you ( A )stop smoking, you can only checking D. seeing expect to have a bad cough. 2.Ann is studying (B) at university. A. won’t B. wouldn’t C. A. politic B. politics C. politician don’t D. can’t D. political 18.It’s not safe (C ) in the street. 3.After(C )the bid, major construction began in A. to play B. play C, Beijing. playing D. plays A. win B. wining C. winning 19. ( D ) it with me and I’ll see what I can do. D. won A. When left B. Leaving 4.Be sure to( A ) your wife when you come here C. If you leave D. Leave this evening. 20.I don’t suppose he will attend the meeting, A. bring B. take ( B ) ? C. get D. carry A. won’t he B. will he 5.---Can I get you a couple of tea? (A) C. do I D. don’t I A. That’s very nice of you B. With pleasure C. 21.I think all these are main points ( B ) much You can, please D. Thank you for the tea attention. 6.Don’t worry. There is (C) room for all your A. being worthy of B. worthy of C. which books here. worth D. which worthy of A. more B. much 22.I have given ( C )eating meat. C. enough D. some A. over B. down C. 7.(A )fine weather it is! up D. down A. What B. What a 23. I know it isn’t important but I can’t help C. How D. How a (B ) about it. 8.(C )for the Olympic Games begin about ten A. but to think B. thinking C. years in advance. to D. think

A. Bid B. To bid C. Bidding 24.Linda offered him her congratulations ( D) D. To be bidden his passing the college entrance exams. 9.Everything( D )if Albert hadn’t called the fire A. at B. for brigade. C. of D. on A. will be destroyed B. 25.Mr. White has a wife and three children to will have been destroyed ( A ) C. would be destroyed D. A. raise B. keep would have been destroyed C. grow D. take 10.Her parents died when she was very young, so 26.Mary forgot( B )a letter to her mother, so she she was (A )by her aunt. wrote to her just now.

A. brought up B. brought out A. writing B. to write C. grown up D. grown C. having wrote D. to have written 11.(B)he said is quite right. 27.Not only I but also Jane and Mary ( B) tired A. That B. What of having one examination after another. C. How D. Why A. is B. are 12.He kept the light in his room (B )the whole C. am D. be night. 28.Our plane (A) from London at 7:00 A. burnt B. burning C. yesterday evening. burn D. to burn A. took off B. put off 13.He was (A )about his new job. C. flew off D. left off A. over the moon B. on the moon C. off the 29.On his first sea( D), he was still quite young moon D. above the moon but showed great courage to face the storm.

14.He has been ( B) in hospital for a month. A. trip B. travel C. tour A. danger B. in danger D. voyage C. dangerous D. a danger 30.She’s unlucky, and she’s always suffering 15.He spends a quarter of the day ( B ) ( D ) luck one after another. A. to sleep B. sleeping C. sleeps A. a sick B. an ill D. to sleeping C. sick D. ill 16.It happened ( D )a winter night. 31.She has lived here ( B) three years.




