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作者:高柏 陈井影 张红军 管文娟 马文洁 郭亚丹 来源:《高教学刊》2020年第01期
摘; 要:基层组织是党的全部工作和战斗力的基础,新时代应切实加强和改进高校基层党组织建设,更好地落实立德树人根本任务、培养担当民族复兴大任的时代新人,高校基层党组织责任重大,使命光荣。文章以东华理工大学水资源与环境工程学院通过推进基层党建“双创”(示范创建和质量创优)和“党建+”系列活动,探索基层党组织用新时代中国特色社会主义思想铸魂育人的新思路和新方法,发挥高校基层党组织在培养德智体美劳全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人中的积极作用。
中图分类号:G641; ; ; ; ;文献标志码:A; ; ; ; ;文章编号:2096-000X(2020)01-0171-03 Abstract: The basic-level organization of a Party is the footstone of itsentire fight and work. we should strengthen and improve the construction of basic-levelparty organizations in Colleges and universities, better implement the basic task of Building Morality and cultivate new people to take on the responsibility of national rejuvenation. Therefore, basic-levelparty organizations in Colleges and universities have great responsibility and glorious mission. This article focuses on the \Establish\(to establish the outstanding example and to establish the outstanding quality) and \Engineering, East China University of Technology. It aimstoexplore the new ideas and methods of the basic-levelparty organizations to cultivate people with the thought of socialism with Chinese
characteristics in the new times and to play the active role of the basic-level party organizations in the cultivation of socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, sports, beauty and labor.
Keywords: college; basic-level organization; new times; Party construction
高等学校承担着为中国特色社会主义事业培养建设者和接班人的历史重任。高校基层党支部工作是确保党的路线方针政策和决策部署贯彻落实的基础,是实现全面从严治党,提高党的建设科学化水平的关键,能充分发挥党管人才、建设人才高地的领导作用。当前,一流大学、一流学科、一流专业建设成为高校发展主旋律,为避免高校基层党建被弱化、虚化和边缘化等现象发生,提升高校基层党建实效性、吸引力、感召力,必须抓好基层党建工作,使党组织在高校的人才培养、科学研究、社会服务、文化传承中发挥出政治核心和战斗堡垒的作用[1-2]。 一、加强高校基层党支部工作的紧迫性