维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com 第1期 杜大彬等:手持GPS坐标系转换方法 1O1 1,东西偏差为500000 m,南北偏差为0 m。 在地图基准菜单中,选择用户定义模式“USER”,在输入参数页面中,共有DX、DY、 DZ、DA、DF等5项参数。转换目标坐标为BJ54坐标系时,DA一一108,DF=0.0000005 为固定常量。转换目标坐标为西安8O坐标系时,DA:==一3,DF=0.000000003。 按照部分GPS使用说明书介绍,在同一地区完成GPS参数校正后,选择5个以上的三 角点验证,当最大误差不大于15 m时,即可使用。笔者认为这是一种不严密说法,由于 WGS84系统所采用的球体模型与我国使用的BJ54及西安8O系统存在差异,在不同地区甚 至同一地区跨度大时均需作参数改正。在同一地区,当南北两三角点跨度大于200 km时, 由两已知点坐标换算所影响的计算误差就有可能超过10 m,根据经验,在不同方向距离每 变化20 km,GPS坐标换算本身大约影响1 m。 实际上GPS定位的精度由相对误差和绝对误差构成,相对误差的精度取决于测量时刻 卫星的星历以及接收机所处位置的GPS信号的接收情况影响。绝对误差与测量过程无关, 转换参数的正确与否,直接影响到我们所使用的测量成果。 由于GPS的工作原理,手持机的定位模式是一种未经差分的测量模式,所有测量工作 应在星况稳定时进行。所以此方法适应于同一分带区东西、南北方向跨度不大时使用,一般 用一个三角点就可以完成校正工作,不需在其他三角点上验证,但在实际工作中,仍然提倡 在已知三角点或明显标志点上进行验证。虽然以上方程参数存在多解,在实际应用中,尽可 能使用参数绝对值小的参数改正,并且校正参数时,所选择的三角点位置最好位于工区的中 部,如果同一工作区跨度超过一定范围时,在工区两侧地带采用不同的校正参数,可以提高 测量结果的绝对精度。 以上为作者在工作过程中总结出的一些经验,由于时间及水平所限,错误或疏漏在所难 免,诚请广大同行批评指正。 [参考文献](略) CooRDINATE CoNVERSIoN BY PALMToP GPS Du Da—bin,Zhang Kuan—fang, Zhang Kai—-dun and Li Ming——gui (Geological Survey of Shaanxi Province,Xi’an 710058) Abstract:Navigation—type palmtop GPS has been widely applied in geological surveying at small scale.When it is used in geological surveying,the WGS84 system of palmtop GPS has to be conversed into BJ54 or Xi’an 8O systems that are used in China,since the discrepan— 维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com
1O2 陕西地质 第25卷 cies in different coordinate systems.The precision of coordinate conversion would directly impact the location of engineering survey.Acquisition of begins reckoning materials required for conversion calculation of traditional coordinates is not easy and the process of calculation is complicated and hard to be used by nonprofessionals.The trigonometric BJ45 coordinates (or the Xi’an coordinates)and measured transitional coordinates can be used to reckon the variations of each parameter in this area,to create a parameter equation and reversely calcu— late the corected parameters in locality.The method is simple and convenient,which is new in conversion of mensurated coordinates by palmtop GPS. Key words:conversion of coordinates;BJ54 coordinate system;transitional coordinates; variation (上接第84页) ASSESSMENT oF WATER FILLING FACToRS IN HENGGoU CoAL MINE oF THE WUBU CoAL FIELDS Yang Zhi—guo and Liang Xi u—j uan。 (1.The Geological Team No.3 Shaanxi Bureau of Geology and Mienral Resources,Baoji 721300; 2.Investigation and Surveying Institute of Baoji City,Baoji 721000) Abstract:The Wubu coal fields are abundant in coal resources.Mining conditions in the fields are complicated,in which complex conditions of geohydrology is the major factor that impact coal mining in this coal fields.According to exploration information of the Henggou coal mine,this paper has made all—around analysis of the geohydrological conditions in the coal fields,assessed the water filling factors in coal mines and reached the following con— ciderations:water from the Yellow River is no impacts to coal mining in the Henggou coal mines;the Aohui confined water may not cause damages to mining the coal beds of the Shanxi Formation in normal sections,but would be a source of danger to coal mining in the Taiyuan Formation.It is required tO do further detail geological exploration for making sure the possibility of coal mining in the Taiyuan Formation. Key words:Wubu;the Henggou coal fields;coal mine;water-filling factor;assessment
手持GPS坐标系转换方法 - 图文