掌握自然拼读, 就会见字能读, 听音能写! 同学们, 我们一起加油!
Chapter 1 字母发音
A a : at and angry actor actress map bat cat hat
An actor and an actress, are angry at the horses.
The sad rat sat on the hat .
B b : book job Bob bed bag big black
Big bag , big banana, big book , blue bread, are on a black bed .
Binding books , binding books are on the bed . Bob find a good job .
C c : carrot cake card can cap camp(帐篷) cartoon cash (现金) Mum cuts the cucumber for cooking .
D d : dog doctor dance bad food bed hand good dinosaurs(恐龙) Dad with blond beard(金色大胡子), stood in the field . He told a cold bird , “Don’t be afraid ”
E e : leg ten bed wet(湿的) elf (精灵) net pet get let set Ken gets a red pen
F f : face fan far farm five fingers food flowers frog(青蛙) feet
Food in fridge(冰箱). Flowers on forks(叉子)
G g : give gift girl gold glad God gate garden giggle(咯咯笑) fog (雾)
Girls in the garden / sitting on a gate , giggling at gibbons (长臂猿)
H h : hat hard hug(拥抱) hair hand hall half hot horse A huge hare(野兔) hugs the happy hen .
I i : ill is in ink big bit pig drink pink sink(水槽) A big pink pig / drinks in the sink .
J j : jar(罐子) jam jelly jellyfish just jeep job July Jim
Jim wears a jacket in July , he drives a jeep to hunt for(寻找) a job .
K k: key kid keep kiss king book kitchen(厨房) kite fork The king kisses a kid .
Keep the kitchen clean . L l : 作为首字母:
lab lace lad(小家伙) lake lick(舔) like let life long log(圆木) lift
Let me help you lift the long log .
Bell bowl pool feel cool bowl will angel The pool will feel really cool .
M m : milk mop man map ham arm jam farm Tom room Mum is in the room .
Tim likes to watch film
N n : nest nut neck nose pen can fan pan coin train in ten
Ten men are in the train .
Run , run , run , in the sun , isn’t it fun , to run , run , run !
O o : hot top log mop pop olive ox(公牛) ostrich(鸵鸟) The dog got a hot pot (锅)
P p : play piano pull push park parent parrot put ship cap nap A parrot is in the park . The pup(小狗) is on map. My parents are peasants . (农民)
Q q : 字母q是辅音,单词里u通常都跟在q后面.
queen question quiet (安静的) quite quake quarter quilt A quiet forest / a quacking duck .
R r : rat radio rice race run rope(绳子) rain roof (房顶) A rope is on the roof .
S s : sun sing soap snake sea see stand She sees a ship in the sea .
I see a sea lion swimming in the sea.
T t : time pot fat hit pat nut bat cat pet mat hat The rat eats the nut on the bat (棒球棒)
U u : sun jug bug ugly uncle until run fun sun umbrella It’s fun to run in the sun .
V v : vest violin very vase vet(兽医) vast (广阔的)
The vet plays the violin on the vast field.
W w : water window walk wolf web wheel wall A walking wolf / My wife is a waitress.
X x : six box fox taxi next fix(修理) mix Let me fix the next taxi.
Y y : yellow yo-yo young yolk yawn Z z : zip zero zoo zebra zone(地带) There are zebras in the zoo.
Chapter 2 混合音
C c : c在这里的单词里发的是软音/s/, 在这些单词里,字母c后面接e , i, y. Office face city center
G g : g在这一页的单词里发的是软音 j.在这些单词里面, 字母g后面接e, i ,y. Angel giraffe bridge giant (巨人) bl : black blond blue blanket
cl: clock clean close clothes cloudy fl: flag flower float flap(拍打) gl: gloves glasses
pl: play plate plastic place playground sl: sleep slow slide slipper(拖鞋)
br: bread bridge break brave (勇敢) bright
cr: crab ice cream cry crazy Crayon(蜡笔小新) crocodile dr: dress draw drive drum drink dragon(龙) fr: friend fresh fruit frog front free gr: green ground grandma grass grin
pr: price pride printer prefer(宁愿) private(私有的)
tr: train travel truck tree treasure(财宝) trip(旅行) Take a train to travel .
sk: sky skirt skull (头骨) skin mask desk disk sc: scar scarf screen score
sm: small smoke smile smart a smart smoker sn: snail snake snow snowman sneakers(旅游鞋)
sp: spoon space spring spy spot speak sport A speaker and a sporter.
st: stone stay study student station stand studio(工作室) dust best
A student is studying in the studio. sw: sweet swim sweater
tw: two twins twelve twenty twice squ: square squirrel
spl: splat(泼溅声) splint(夹板)
spr: spring sprint(冲刺) spray(喷射,喷雾器) shr: shrub(灌木从) shrug(耸肩) shrimp(虾) thr: three throw thrust (推挤, 插)
nk: tank trunk thank blank pink ink drink bank nd: hand land band stand pond(池塘) nt: student important infant(婴儿) ld: old gold hold cold older lf: wolf gulf shelf(书架,货架) golf A wolf sees a golf on the shelf.
pt : slept accept swept adopt(收养) mp : jump lamp stamp camp
Chapter 3 复合字母:
Ch: child chick chair chocolate peach beach lunch watch which
Which is your watch ?
Sh : shirt ship shell sheep short she push wash fish
Th : thank thin tooth mouth thick thief north moth (飞蛾)
Ph : photo phone elephant alphabet (字母)
Wh: where when why white wheel whale whisper
Ng : bring ring long song sing young wing(翅膀) bang The king has a big ring .
Ck : neck lock clock duck quack A duck says “quack, quack ” .
tch : watch stitch(针脚) patch(补丁)
Chapter 4 双辅音
bb: rubber rabbit
dd: add teddy fiddle (小提琴) ff: coffee different staff(全体职员) gg: egg foggy begger digger
ll: bell doll ball yellow balloon mm: yummy swimmer mummy hammer nn: funny running sunny granny penny A funny boy is running in a sunny day .
pp: apple supper happy shopping A happy shopping
rr: carrot sorry parrot carry mirror ss: dress kiss glass boss
tt: letter kitty button bottle butterfly zz: pizza puzzle(迷惑的) jazzy
Chapter 5 长元音
a—e : cake lake snake lace cage whale make gate ai: tail pain rain snail train rail (铁轨) ay: pay day today okay lay crayon
i—e : bike rice file size ice dive line wine kite
Five nice mice , sit on the kite , they like to eat rice , and drink wines . ie : lie tie(领带)
y: sky shy why spy fly try sly (狡猾的) I will try to fly in the sky .
plate five
o—e : hope rose hole bone nose smoke note close oa: boat coat goat road roast(烤) oe: toe floe (浮冰) hoe(锄头) ow: snow window
u—e : cute tube huge use duke mute ue: blue glue clue (线索) ew: chew drew
oo: room goose choose spoon tooth kangaroo zoo food
e: me he she we be
ea: read jean weak dream cream stream(小溪) ee: tree sweet street green queen screen ie: thief field chief(首领)
Chapter 6 复合元音
ar: car star shark dark farm jar market oo: cook foot look good wood oi: oil coin point voice noise oy: boy joy toy enjoy or: fork corn torch (手电,火炬) aw: draw paw (爪子) yawn(哈欠)
au: daughter naughty because pause
ore: core(核心) store snore(打鼾) shore (海滨)
ow: cow flower brow how now owl (猫头鹰)
ou: about sound couch (睡椅) mouse house found cloudy er: worker father mother teacher
ir: bird girl dirty thirsty circus(马戏团) ur: fur purple nurse curly curtain The nurse with curly hair. ear: bear wear
air: hair chair air repair fairy
are : care fare(费用) ware(器具) mare(母马) eer: beer cheer
ear: clear near fear dear Don’t fear, my dear!
igh: light right fight night high