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本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;( ) 1.



Which is Kate’s favorite sport?



) 2. How’s the weather now?



( ) 3. What does Emma want to be?


( ) 4. What time did Sam go to bed last night?


( ) 5. Why does the man want the window to be open?

A. Because it’s too hot. B. Because he wants much fresh


C. Because it’s much colder.

( )6. Where is Jim going?

A. He is going to see a doctor. B. He is going to the hospital. C. He is going to his brother’s house.

( )7.Who will take the plane?

A. Mr. Brown. B. Mr. Smith. C.

Mrs. Brown.

( ) 8.Why is the woman looking for a coat for her father?

A. Because it’s her father’s birthday. B. Because her father asks her to buy.

C. Because it’s Father’s Day.

( ) 9.What was the weather like just now?

A.sunny. B. rainy.

C. cloudy.

( ) 10.What time did Kate leave for school? A.At7:00B.At 6:30C.At7:30

二听对话和短文回答问题。(计10分)你将听到两段对话和一篇短文,各听两遍。在听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,你仍有5秒钟的时间在屏幕上点击你认为最合适的备选答案。听第一段对话,回答第11~12小题。答题完毕,请等待“嘀”的信号,进入下一段对话。( ) 11.What is Bill’s score?

A.45. B.55. C. 65.

( ) 12. What does Alice think is a helpful way for Bill to learn English well?

A. To talk with foreigners. B. To make cards. C. To listen to tapes.


Welcome to Air China Flight Number: 13. ______ From Shanghai to Moscow Departure: 10:00 a.m Arrival: 14. ______ Safety instructions: Do not use electronic device when the plane takes off.Keep your seatbelt fastened (扣牢).Do not 15_________anywhere on the airplane.

( ) 13. A. CA 117. B. CA 171 CA 711.

( ) 14. A. 13: 00 p.m. B. 15: 00p.m. C. 20: 00 p.m.

( ) 15. A. smoke. B. A .read. C. A. eat.

听一篇短文,回答第16-20题。答题完毕,请等待“嘀”的信号,进入测试的第三部分。 ( ) 16.Why did the speaker go to a language school?

A. To ask some strange questions. B. To learn some English.

C. To see his friends from America.

( ) 17. How many days a week did the speaker go to the language school?

A. Six days. B. Five days. C. Seven days.

( ) 18. What did the speaker do one day during the break?

A. Asked for something to eat. B. Thanked Alice for the


C. Asked Alice a question.

( ) 19. What did the speaker think after Alice answered the question?

A. Alice was really helpful. B. Alice wanted to sell cakes. C. America was really a “money” country.

( ) 20. Why did Alice look at the speaker with a big smile?

A. The speaker was very funny.

B. The speaker didn’t understand her. C. Alice wasn’t friendly to the speaker.

M:Shall we do sports this afternoon, Kate? W:Good idea! Let’s play basketball. It’s my favorite.1key: B

M:What bad weather! Will the rain last long? W:No, I don’t think so.2key: A

M:What are you going to be when you grow up, Emma? W:A teacher of English. It’s a good job.3key: B

W: Sam, you look tired today. What’s up?

M: Oh, I had too much homework to do last night. I finished it at eleven oWhen I went to bed, it was twelve o’clock. 4key: C

W: Do you want the windows to be open or closed? M: I always prefer as much fresh air as possible. 5key: B

W: Why are you in such a hurry, Jim? M: My brother is in hospital. He’s broken his left leg.6key: B

M: Come early and you’ll meet Mr. Brown. His plane won’t leave until W: Thank you for telling me about it, Mr. Smith! 7key: A

M: What can I do for you?

W: I’m looking for a coat for my father as a Father8key: C

W: Look! What a beautiful rainbow! M: Yes, the rain has stopped! Let9key: B

12 o’clock.


’s Day gift.

’s go out for a walk, shall we?

M: Have the children left for school yet? W: Yes. Hmm---Bob left at 7 o’clock and Kate left half an hour before.10key: B


M: Hello, Alice. Could you please come to my house this Saturday? W: What’s up, Bill?

M: We had an English test last Thursday, but I only got 45. I need your help. W: Do you read English aloud every day? M: Yes,I do. But I forget most of it.

W: I think making cards can help you improve your English. M: Sounds interesting.

W: Ok, I will come to your house and tell you some more ways to learn English well. M: Thanks a lot. See you on Saturday. 11-12key: A B

第16~20小题。 I knew little about English when I first came to America. So I went to a language school every day except Sunday to learn English. One day during the break, I asked

Alice, one of my classmates, a question about something that I didn’t understand. When I thanked her for it, she said, “You are welcome. It’s a piece of cake.” I thought to myself, America is really a “money” country in which everything is done for pay. So I said to her, “I don’t have a piece of cake with me today, what

about something else?” She looked at me with a big smile and said, “What I mean is, ‘no problem’, it is just a small matter.” From then on, I came to learn that “a piece of cake” is not only a piece of cake but also means something that is very easy.

16-20key: B A C C B

你每天在家花一个半小时看电视,喜欢体育和电影频道。M: How much time do you spend in watching TV? M: What’s your favorite program?Keys:

W: I spend one hour and a half watching TV. W: I like sports and movie channels best.



