J.Charles Smith
【期刊名称】《中国电力》 【年(卷),期】2012(045)012
【摘要】A large proportion of variable generation like wind and solar energy introduces a higher level of variability and uncertainty into power system operation than the traditional fossil,nuclear and hydro generation.Successful integration of these new energy resources requires that traditional market structures and associated transmission planning and market operation practices be re-examined in light of the different characteristics and requirements of these new energy sources.This article examines the underlying transmission planning structure needed to support the power market evolution,and a number of critical developments within the power market with respect to control area size,reserve requirements,unit commitment and economic dispatch practices,needed to enable reliable system operation with increasing penetration of variable generation.%大规模的可再生能源发电,如风电和太阳能发电,与传统的化石燃料发电、核电和水电相比,给电力系统运行带来了更多的变动性和不确定性.可再生能源发电的成功并网需要对传统的电力市场结构以及相应的输电规划和市场运营方式按不同可再生能源的特点和要求重新审视.对支持电力市场发展所需的基本的输电规划结构进行了分析,也对随着日益增加的可再生能源发电并网,确保电力系统可靠运行的关键问题,如电力市场管理区域范
围、备用要求、机组协议以及经济的调度方式,进行了分析和阐述. 【总页数】3页(1-3)
【作者】J.Charles Smith
【作者单位】Utility Variable-Generation Integration Group,北卡罗来纳27949,美国 【正文语种】中文
【中图分类】TM715;TM614;TM732 【文献来源】 【相关文献】
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2.固定电价与可再生能源配额制:基于中国电力市场的比较 [J], 郭炜煜; 赵新刚; 冯霞
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4.加快可再生能源开发推动中国电力可持续发展 [C], 谢长军
——专访中国国务院参事、科技部原秘书长、中国可再生能源学会理事长石定寰 [J], 刘东南