【期刊名称】《通信技术》 【年(卷),期】2017(050)012
【摘要】Vehicular Network is a special self-organizing network and requires the communication pattern of\to share information among vehicles and meet the content request of various nodes. However, some vehicles prefer to receive content from others rather than send their own resources for the purpose to save their bandwidth. To solve this selfish behavior, credit-based incentive mechanism is often used but most of them only stimulate vehicles to\but not try their best\sharing model in vehicular networks and focuses on the optimization mechanism. The server collects feedbacks from vehicles and use Dempster-Shafer theory to tell the truth from the false, thus finding more reliable cooperative vehicles. Simulation results show that the optimization mechanism could avoid malicious fake feedback information and perform well in raising stability and throughput of the vehicular networks.%车联网(Vehicular Networks)是一种车载自组织网络,需要节点之间的信息互享来保障网络内信息的传播,从而满足节点的内容需求.但是,很多节点为节省带宽等,往往只接收其他节点发送的数据,而不去共享自身数据.为了解决这种自私性带来的网络性能降低等问题,常常采用基于信用度的激励方