免疫学讨论课 课程教学大纲
Course Outline
课程基本信息(Course Information) *学时 课程代码 (Course Code) *学分 MS306 (Credit Hours) *课程名称 (Course Title) *课程性质 选修课 (Course Type) 授课对象 本科二年级/三年级 (Target Audience) *授课语言 (Language of Instruction) *开课院系 致远学院 (School) 先修课程 (Prerequisite) 授课教师 苏冰等 (Instructor) (Course Webpage) 本课程是配合免疫生物学原理的一门讨论课。为半学年课程。围绕免疫系统的生成,发育和调控及其在人类传染疾病,免疫疾病,炎症及肿瘤中的作用等方面的*课程简介(Description) 文献进行讨论。本课程的目的培养学生的文献阅读能力,帮助进一步掌握免疫学原理以及科研方面的能力。本课程不仅适用于生命科学和医学的学生,同时也适合那些有意愿了解基本免疫学生物学知识的生物工程学专业的学生。 课程网址 双语(汉语+英语) (中文)免疫学讨论课 (英文)Discussion of Principal Immunobiology 32 (Credits) This course is a discussion course in conjunction with the principles of immunology. It's a half year course. The literature about the generation, development and regulation of immune system and its role in human infectious diseases, immune diseases, inflammation and cancer is discussed. The purpose of this course is to develop the reading ability *课程简介(Description) of the students and help to further master the principles of immunology and the ability of scientific research. This course is not only suitable for the students who majors in life science or medical science, but is also good for the students who major in biomedical engineering who want to pick up some basic knowledge in immunology. 课程教学大纲(course syllabus) 1.围绕免疫系统的生成,发育和调控及其在人类传染疾病,免疫疾病,炎症及肿瘤中的作用等方面的文献进行讨论。 *学习目标(Learning Outcomes) The literature about the generation, development and regulation of immune system and its role in human infectious diseases, immune diseases, inflammation and cancer is discussed. 教学内容 Introduction to the Immune System *教学内容、进度安排及要求 (Class Schedule &Requirements) Innate Immune Recognition 2 and Inflammation Development of Lymphocytes Adaptive 2 课堂教学 预复习 2 课堂教学 预复习 课堂教学 预复习 2 课堂教学 预复习 学时 教学方式 作业及要求 基本要求 考查方式 Immune Receptor and Antigen Recognition TCR and BCR signal transduction Generation and Regulation of Adaptive Immunity MHC and Antigen Presentation The Relationship between Innate Immunity and Adaptive Immunity, Immunological Memory The Immune System in 6 Health and Disease 2 课堂教学 预复习 2 课堂教学 预复习 4 课堂教学 预复习 6 课堂教学 预复习 课堂教学 预复习