Latest Trends & Innovations in Mechatronic System Simulation
Restricted? Siemens AG 2024
Realize innovation.
Autonomous Drive
“In less than 20 years, owning a car will be like
owning a horse.” Elon Musk
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Siemens PLM Software
ADAS & Autonomous Drive
Automatic Emergency Braking (AD-ADAS Level 2)
?Replacing the standard Vehicle models by high fidelity SimcenterAmesimsuspension and braking system models ?Results are drastically impactedRestricted ? Siemens AG 2024Page 3
Standard vehicle modelSimcenterAmesimvehicle modelNo collisionCollision?SimcenterAmesimvehicle model reveals that rear wheel slip ?Redesign of the controls solve the safety critical issueSiemens PLM Software
ADAS & Autonomous Drive
Valet Parking Planning and Control (AD-ADAS Level 4)
?Fully take over control of the vehicle with the Parking Assist Module. The vehicle is driven through the parking area until it comes to the designated parking position and parks it self.Restricted ? Siemens AG 2024Page 4
15DOF Vehicle ModelCo-simulation of high fidelity and realistic modelsControls, Vehicle dynamics, Sensors, Tires, Traffic environment/RoadDevelopment done of Model predictive control (MPC) algorithms for motion and path planning, parking maneuvering, learning control, collision avoidance including a distributed motion planning for multiple carsSiemens PLM Software
(Hybrid) Electrical Vehicle
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Siemens PLM Software