How to Develop Accuracy and Fluency in Speaking Skills in Second Language Classroom
How to Develop Accuracy and Fluency in Speaking
Skills in Second Language Classroom
【期刊名称】《疯狂英语(教师版)》 【年(卷),期】2013(000)002
【摘要】This paper firstly defines the key concepts of accuracy and fluency in relation to the development of speaking skills. Then, consider the challenges presented to lan-guage teachers of ensuring that learners develop accuracy and complexity in their speaking, as well as fluency. Finally according to the teaching materials supplied, identify and evaluate the opportunities provided for the development of spoken ac-curacy and fluency, and explain how to exploit the materials to the fullest extent.
【总页数】5页(42-46) 【关键词】 【作者】刘曦 【作者单位】 【正文语种】英文 【中图分类】H319.3 【相关文献】
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How to Develop Accuracy and Fluency in Speaking Skills in Second Language Classroom