【期刊名称】《华东电力》 【年(卷),期】2012(040)008
【摘要】India's blackout has affected the largest population of world's blackout accidents, which have an important warning for China with similar characteristics in the population and energy distribution. This article first describe the power industry in India from two aspects of electricity supply and demand. At the same time, India's electricity re- form and the current power system characteristics are analyzed, focusing on the power transmission and distribution relationship, scheduling management model and the relationship between ownerships. On this basis, the problems of Indian power industry in grid security, the electricity market construction and power system reform is proposed to guide the development of power industry in China.%印度大停电是世界上受影响人口最多的一次停电事故,这对于在人口和能源分布上特征相似的中国具有重要警示作用。从印度电力供需和电力供应整体格局两方面阐述印度电力工业的基本情况,分析印度电力改革和目前电力体制特点,着重分析印度电力系统的输配关系、调度管理模式和产权关系;在此基础上,提出印度电力工业在电网安全、电力市场建设以及电力体制改革等方面存在的问题,并进一步分析印度大停电对我国电力工业发展的启示。 【总页数】4页(1273-1276)