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1.- I'm sorry I'm late.

- _________ Come earlier next time. A.Sure.

B.You are welcome. C.It doesn't matter. D.I don't know. 答案:C

2.- Come and see me if you have time. - _________ A.I can't. B.I'll think it over. C.Thank you. D.I will. 答案:D

3.- I'm sorry I lost the key to your bike. - _________

A.What do you mean?

B.Don't worry. I think I've got another one. C.You are quite right.

D.Of course, I know you will. 答案:B

4.- What are you majoring in? - _________ A.In a university. B.Very hard. C.Mathematics.

D.At nine in the morning. 答案:C

5.- Could you help me with my physics, please? - ________ A.No, no way. B.No, I couldn't. C.No, I can't.

D.Sorry I can't. I have to go to a meeting right now. 答案:D


Now, you'll be coming back here to brush up your English, so you'll want to make as much conversation as possible. Whatever you do, don't stay in a place full of overseas students,

especially if they come from our country. This is fatal. Don't believe all the stories you hear about how unfriendly the English are. It's just that many of them are a little shy, and they have this idea about minding their own business. In a train, or restaurant, for example, or anywhere else they will talk to you; but you must break the ice first. Then see them talk! Any subject will do--the weather, their dogs,food. Pardon me, not any subject. Don't be nosy (爱打听的) about their private life, their incomes and expenditures, or their ages. These English worship (尊重) their privacy. Avoid religion too. The best place to talk is in pubs, but as you are a girl, go with someone else, and don't go to the pubs in Piccadilly, Leicester Square and so on. Find one near



where you are living and go there regularly. Someone's bound to talk to you. Oh! Make sure to let them see you are a foreigner. Pretend to have difficulty in ordering, or something. That should be easy enough.

6.The writer suggests that they had better not stay in a place where there are a lot of young people. A.T B.F


7.According to the passage, we should believe the English are mostly friendly. A.T B.F


8.We can talk about anything with English except their dogs. A.T B.F


9.According to the passage, if you want to talk with the English, usually you have to talk to them first. A.T B.F


10.The best place to talk to the English is in a restaurant. A.T B.F


Today Newton is a very clean place. Many years ago, however, there were millions of rats in it. They attacked the cats and dogs. Sometimes a great number of them knocked down a man or woman walking home at night. The rats were very large in size and they harmed many people. The Government ordered everybody to kill rats. Most people were lazy, so they didn't kill many. The Government promised to pay some money for each dead rat. That made the people very happy. They killed thousands of rats everyday. A Government officer put all the dead rats in a big pile. Sometimes a man brought hundreds in one day.

After two weeks there were not many rats in the city, but people still brought many rats to the Government office. The Government officer thought that people were stealing dad rats from the pile. He ordered his men to dig a deep hole and put the rats in it. Soon there were no more rats, and the Government didn't pay any more money. 11.Newton is a place which ______. A.used to be very clean B.is no longer a city C.is very clean

D.will be very clean 答案:C

12.When the Government first ordered the people to kill rats, the people ______. A.asked for some money for each dead rat B.stole dead rats from the pile C.were too lazy to kill many rats D.killed nearly all the rats quickly




13.The people killed rats ______. A.to get money from the Government

B.to help the Government make the city clean C.to make the Government officer happy D.to protect(保护)their cats and dogs


14.A deep hole was dug so that ______.

A.the rats couldn't come out to attack people at night B.people could take rats from it easily C.people would kill more rats

D.nobody could take any rats from the pile 答案:D

15.What is the best topic for this passage? A.How to Kill Rats

B.Newton一A City of Rats

C.How Newton Became a Very Clean Place D.How Newton Became a Famous City 答案:C


16.I invited Joe and Linda to dinner, but ________of them came. A.neither B.either C.none D.both 答案:A

17.Unfortunately, his father ________ in the traffic accident yesterday. A.dead

B.was killed C.killed D.was dead 答案:B

18.- I am very _______ with my own cooking. It looks nice and smells delicious. - Mm, it does have a _______ smell. A.pleasant; pleased B.pleased; pleased C.pleasant; pleasant D.pleased; pleasant 答案:D

19.When Lily came home at 5 p.m. yesterday, her mother _____dinner in the kitchen. A.cooked

B.was cooking C.cooks

D.has cooked 答案:B

20.______ the War of Independence, the United States was an English colony. A.Before B.At C.In



D.Between 答案:A


Water can be found everywhere in the world. But in some places water is __21__ to get. What happens when a town has such a problem? A small town in America found a way out.

It is a very dry place and there is little rain there. The town had no water of its own. The people there got water from a river 300 miles away. As __22__ people came to live in the town, more water __23__, and things went from bad to worse. Now water had to be brought in from 600 miles away.

All these cost a great deal of money.

In most places, water is used and then thrown away. But scientists in the town tried to find a way to __24__ the dirty water. Then the water could be used again in many ways. In the past few years five man-made lakes have been dug. Here people can swim, fish and go boating. Famers have more water for their __25__. Several new factories have been put up. Now the people have enough water. The town has saved its water and also saved itself. 21.

A.was needed B.clean C.crops D.difficult E.more 答案:D 22.

A.was needed B.clean C.crops D.difficult E.more 答案:E 23.

A.was needed B.clean C.crops D.difficult E.more 答案:A 24.

A.was needed B.clean C.crops D.difficult E.more 答案:B 25.

A.was needed B.clean C.crops D.difficult E.more 答案:C




