最新资料欢迎阅读 B: make sense C: meaningful D:
be of concern 答案: 第七章
1、People use different language in different contexts. It is very important for students to have a chance to experience the language in meaningful __ practice. A:
Contextualized B:
Personalized C:
Structure-based D:
Fluency- based 答案:
2、When we design speaking practices, we need to ensure that the interaction is __ and participation is __ .
最新资料欢迎阅读 A:
Minimum, meaningful B:
Meaningful, minimum C:
Meaningful, maximum D:
Maximum,meaningful 答案:
3、For every teacher, __ practice means that teachers can help students learn better by personalizing the context so that students can talk or write about their own experiences and opinions. A:
Contextualizing B:
Personalizing C:
Structure-based D:
Fluency- based 答案:
最新资料欢迎阅读 4、The classroom is the best place where students can become aware of the speaking strategies and practice them consciously in order to use them successfully in real life situations. Therefore, making the best use of __ environment to provide sufficient language input and practice for the students. A:
Textbook learning B:
Outdoor learning C:
Group learning D:
Classroom learning 答案:
5、One common issue in speaking activities is that students often produce one or two simple utterances in the foreign language and spend the rest of the time chatting in their __ . A:
Second language B:
First language C:
最新资料欢迎阅读 Native language D:
Gesture language 答案: 第八章
1、Which of the following is not the reason why we read ? A:Reading for survival.
B:Reading for learning and information. C:Reading for entertainment or pleasure. D:Reading for make a living. 答案:
2、Which of the following does not belong to the Top-ten Reading Strategies? A:Scanning for details. B:Searching for answers.
C:Distinguishing facts and opinions. D:Identifying cause and effect. 答案:
3、Which of the following dose not belong to the six principles for teaching reading?
A:Exploit the reader”s background knowledge.
最新资料欢迎阅读 B:Build a strong vocabulary base. C:Work on increasing reading rate. D:Find the author”s secret. 答案:
4、Which is the right order of the Bottom-up model ? A:Introducing new vocabulary and new structures, going over the text, followed by some questions and answers and reading aloud practice.
B:Going over the text, introducing new vocabulary and new structures, followed by some questions and answers and reading aloud practice.
C:Going over the text, followed by some questions and answers and reading aloud practice, introducing new vocabulary and new structures.
D:Introducing new vocabulary and new structures, followed by some questions and answers and reading aloud practice, going over the text. 答案:
5、What is the purpose of scanning? A:To locate specific information.
B:To get students familiarized with the cultural and social background.