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How to protect the environment?First£¬as a student£¬we should use cloth bags instead of £¨64£©£¨ËÜÁϵģ©bags when we go shopping.£¨65£©£¨µÚ¶þ£©£¬we'd better

reuse the old textbooks as possible as we can.Third£¬we should never forget to turn off the lights

when we leave the classrooms.In a word£¬we must try our best to protect our environment.I believewe can make the world a better place to live in.



¡¾½â´ð¡¿£¨61£©waste ¿¼²éÐÎÈÝ´Ê£®¸ù¾Ý±¾¾äSome chemical factories always pour¡­£¨·ÏÆúµÄ£©water into theriver£®¿É½áºÏÌáʾ£¬Ó¦ËµÒ»Ð©»¯¹¤³§×ÜÊÇ°Ñ·ÏË®µ¹½øºÓÖУ®waterΪÃû´Ê£¬Ç°ÃæÓÃÐÎÈÝ´ÊÐÞÊΣ¬waste\·ÏÆúµÄ\ΪÐÎÈÝ´Ê£®¹Ê´ð°¸Îªwaste£®

£¨62£©river ¿¼²éÃû´Ê£®¸ù¾Ý±¾¾äSome chemical factories always pour waste water into the£¨2£©¡­£¨ºÓÁ÷£©£®¿É½áºÏÌáʾ£¬Ó¦ËµÒ»Ð©»¯¹¤³§×ÜÊÇ°Ñ·ÏË®µ¹½øºÓÖУ®\ºÓÁ÷\ΪÃû´Ê£®¹Ê´ð°¸Îªriver£®

£¨63£©produce ¿¼²é¶¯´Ê£®¸ù¾Ý±¾¾äAnd they also¡­£¨²úÉú£©terrible gas£®¿É½áºÏÌáʾ£¬Ó¦ËµËûÃÇÒ²²úÉú¿ÉŵÄÆøÌ壮Ö÷ÓïΪthey£¬È±Î½Óﶯ´Ê£¬Òò´ËÓÃ\²úÉú\µÄ¶¯´ÊÐÎʽ\£®¹Ê´ð°¸Îªproduce£®

£¨64£©plastic ¿¼²éÐÎÈÝ´Ê£®¸ù¾Ý±¾¾äwe should use cloth bags instead of¡­£¨ËÜÁϵģ©bags when we go shopping£®¿É½áºÏÌáʾ£¬Ó¦ËµÎÒÃǹºÎïʱӦ¸ÃʹÓò¼´ü¶ø²»ÊÇËÜÁÏ´ü£®bagsΪÃû´Ê£¬Ç°ÃæÓ¦ÓÐÐÎÈÝ´ÊÀ´ÐÞÊΣ¬Òò´ËÓÃ\ËÜÁÏ\µÄÐÎÈÝ´ÊÐÞÊÎ\£®¹Ê´ð°¸Îªplastic£® £¨65£©Second¿¼²éÐòÊý´Ê£®¸ù¾Ý±¾¾ä£®£¨5£©¡­£¨µÚ¶þ£©£¬we'd better

reuse the old textbooks as possible as we can£®¿É½áºÏÌáʾ£¬Ó¦ËµµÚ¶þ£¬ÎÒÃÇ×îºÃ¾¡¿ÉÄܵØÖظ´Ê¹Óþɿα¾£®½áºÏÇ°ºó¾ä£¬¿ÉÕâÊǵڶþÏîÄÚÈÝ£¬Òò´ËÓñíʾ˳ÐòµÄÐòÊý´Ê£®¹Ê´ð°¸Îªsecond£®




I am a plastic bottle. A week ago, I was on a supermarket shelf. I had a (62) ________ (Õý³£µÄ) life, the same as all my brothers and sisters ¡ª other bottles full of water. I felt really happy.

Then a tall woman picked me up and put me in her (63) ________ (Àº×Ó)! The woman took me home and put me in the fridge. It was cold, but I soon made friends with the cans and bottles in it. However, only a few hours later, she took me out of the fridge and (64) ________ (ºÈ) the water inside me. Then she threw me into a dustbin (À¬»øÏä). I have never felt so empty and alone in my life.

Early the next morning, a man took me out of the dustbin. He threw me and the other rubbish into the back of a truck. There were so many bad smells. Then I was pushed (65) ________ (Ò»Æð) with the rest of the rubbish. Soon I was completely flat (ƽµÄ). I cannot (66) ________ (ÏàÐÅ) how thin I became.

I slept for a while. When I woke up, I found (67) ________. (ÎÒ×Ô¼º) in a terrible place. Everything around me was (68) ________ (³óªµÄ) and had bad smells. I felt afraid. I kept hoping that I would be moved somewhere else. Then huge trucks came and covered us with a layer of soil (Ò»²ãÍÁ).

I asked another bottle what would happen to us. He said that we would never leave this place, but would have to stay here for (69) ________ (Êýǧ) of years.

¡°Why can¡¯t they reuse or recycle us?¡± I cried.


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