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Unit 1 How tall are you?

一、词汇 tall ----- taller 高的----更高的 than 比 short ----- shorter 矮的/短的----更矮的/更短的 cm 厘米 long ------ longer 长的----更长的 meter 米 形容词 strong------ stronger 强壮的----更强壮的 ton 吨 adj. old ------ older 老的/旧的----更老的/更旧的 size 号码 young------ younger 年轻的-----更年轻的 feet 脚 small------ smaller 小的----更小的 think 想 wear 穿

辅+元+辅 --------双写最后一个辅音字母+er others even 甚至

big-----bigger 大的-----更大的 tail 尾巴 thin-----thinner 瘦的-----更瘦的 little 小的 fat-----fatter 胖的------更胖的 lobster 龙虾 shark 鲨鱼 辅音字母+y -----改y为i +er deep 深的 happy-----happier 开心的-----更开心的 seal 海豹

heavy-----heavier 重的------更重的 squid 鱿鱼 funny-----funnier 滑稽的------更滑稽的 sperm whale抹香鲸 killer whale虎鲸 二、重点句型

⑴ 问年龄,身高,体重等

How old are you? How tall are you? How heavy are you?

---- I’m _______ (years old). ------ I’m ______ cm tall. ------- I’m ______ kg .

⑵ 问物品的情况:

① How large is your room? 你的房间有多大?

It’s __________ m2 (square meters.) 有_______ 平方米。 ② How long is your bed? 你的床有多长?

It’s _________cm long. 有______厘米长。 ③ How big are your feet? 你的脚有多长?

I wear size ______. 我穿_______码的鞋。

⑶ 形容谁比谁更… …

am ① … be is ( even/much ) …er than … are e.g. I am taller than you. 我比你高。

I am 4 cm taller than your brother. 我比你弟弟高4cm .

I am taller and stronger than your brother.我比你的弟弟更高更壮。 Jack is even stronger than his father. Jack 甚至比他爸爸还壮。 Zhang Peng and John are much younger than Mr.Green.

张鹏和John 比Mr. Green 要年轻多了。


1. Which monkey do you like? 你喜欢哪一只猴子? I like the yellow one. 我喜欢黄色的那只。

2. I think the little monkey is only 40 cm tall. 我想那只小猴只有40cm 高。 3. Its tail is about 38 cm long. 它的尾巴约有38cm.

4. A sperm whale is ____________ than a killer whale in its length.

Exercise For Unit 1


1. I don’t like the smaller dog. I like the _____________ one.

2. Jack and John are twin brothers(孪生兄弟),but they are very different: Jack

is tall and strong, but John is _________ and __________. 3. My older brother is even y_______________ than you.

4. Yesterday I was happy. But today I am much ___________ .


1. W_______ elephant do you like ? I like the baby elephant. 2. W________ is taller than you in your class. Chen Ming is. 3. I t___________ you can go back home now.

4. A sperm whale h________50 teeth. And i__________ tail is usually 8 meters long. 5. A killer whale can j____________ out of water.


1. How old are you?

_______________________________________________________________ 2. How tall are you ?

_______________________________________________________________ 3. How heavy are you ?


4. How heavy are you?

_________________________________________________________________ 5. How many students are there in your class?

__________________________________________________________________ 6. How much is your English book?



1、 are, you, than, shorter, me.

_____________________________________________ 2、you’re, than, me, 4cm, taller.

_____________________________________________ 3、I’m, than, you, one, year, older.

_____________________________________________ 4、heavy, how, you, are?

______________________________________________ 5、I’m, than, bigger and stronger, you .


Unit 2 What’s the matter, Mike?


have a fever (发烧) tired (疲劳的) have a cold (感冒) excited(兴奋得) have a sore throat (喉咙痛) angry(生气的) 表示身体 have a toothache (牙痛) 表示情绪 sad (悲伤的) 不适的 have a headache (头痛) 心情 happy (高兴得) hurt (疼痛) bored (无聊的) sore (疼得)

其他:feel(感觉) sick(有病的) nose(鼻子) know(知道)

worry (担心) medicine (药)drink (喝) stay (在,逗留) better(更好的)soon (立刻,不久) trip (旅行)fail (失败) pass(传递)


1.A:What’s the matter? 你怎么啦?

B: I have a toothache. 我牙痛。 2.A: How do you feel ? 你感觉怎样?

B:I feel sick. 我觉得不舒服。

3.A:How does she/he feel? 她/他感觉如何?

B:She/ He is tired. 她/他累了。 4.You look so happy. 你看起来如此高兴。 5.A:I failed the math test. 我数学考试失败了。

B:I’m sorry to hear that. 听到这个消息我很难过。

6.How are you ? You look so excited. 你怎么了?你看起来很兴奋。 7.If you have a fever ,you might have athe flu. 如果你发烧,你可能得了流感。 8.Don’t worry! If you are sick,see the doctor. 不要担心!如果你病了,去看医生。 9.Take some medicine and drink hot drinks.


10 Stay in bed for a few days. You will feel better soon.


Exercises for unit 2


1. A: ?

B: I fell sick.

2. A: ? B: I have a toothache.

3. A: ? B: Amy feels happy. 4. A: I failed the math test.

B: .

5. A: ? B: I am excited.

二.按实际情况回答问题。 1. How do you feel today?

2. How heavy are you ?

3. How tall is your father ?


pick , sad, Sunday, rain, happy, picnic clouds, watch, trip, says, stay

Today is . I’m very because my parents and I are going on a . We are going to the West Lake. I’m going to up leaves there. We are going to have a ,too. But now the are in the sky. It is going to . My mother : “ We can’t go out now. We

have to at home !” Oh, dear! I’m very . And I have to TV all day.


Today I feel very bored. I don’t go to school today because I am sick . I have a flu. I have a headache and a high temperature---39.8 c ! At first , I take some medicine and go to bed . At 10 o’clock, I wake up and watch TV . I want to read some books,but I can’t because of the headache. In the afternoon, I go out for a walk and sleep again. How bored it is!

1.I feel very today. A. happy B. bored C. tired 2. I have a . A. toothache B. sore throat C. fever 3. I don’t today.

A. read books B. watch C. go out for a walk 4. I watch TV.

A. In the morning B. In the afternoon C. In the evening 5. Is today Sunday ?

A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t . C. I don’t know.

Book 6 B Unit 3 Last Weekend

知识点归纳 一 词汇

watch ( watched ) 看 wash ( washed) 洗 clean ( cleaned ) 打扫 play (played ) 玩 visit (visited)看望 do(did )助动词/做 cook (cooked ) 做饭 go( went ) 去

go swimming ( went swimming ) 去游泳 read ( read ) 阅读 go fishing ( went fishing )去钓鱼 go hiking ( went hiking ) 去郊游 study ( studied ) 学习 fly ( flew ) 飞

return ( returned) 送回,归还 swim (swam) 游泳 last 上一个 weekend 周末 to 朝 ,向 park 公园 yesterday ( 昨天) 二 句型

1 询问在过去的某一个时间做了什么,借助助动词did ? 特殊疑问句

—— What did you do yesterday/last weekend ? —— I did my homework . ? 一般疑问句,把did提前

—— Did you help your parents clean the room ? ( 当句子变为一般疑问句,动词应还原) —— Yes , I did ./No, I didn’t . ? 标牌警示语

No fishing here !此处禁止钓鱼! No swimming here ! 此处禁止游泳! No dogs pooing here! 此处禁止狗大便! No dogs peeing here! 此处禁止狗小便! 三 语法

当一个动作是在过去的某一个时间发生时,动词则要用过去式,如句子中有yesterday, last week , last weekend , last yesterday , last Sunday 等这样表示过去时间的词时 ,就要用一般过去时态。 动词的过去式构成规则:

1 一般动词在词尾加上ed 。如:work — worked , wash — washed play --- played 2 以e 结尾的动词在词尾加上e . 如 :use --- used live --- lived

3 以辅音字母和y结尾的动词改y为i ,再加上ed . 如: study --- studied , empty--- emptied 4 末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词,双写最后的辅音字母,再加ed 如:stop –stopped

5 不规则变化 。(注:除去不规则变化动词,其他动词都是规则变化) swim --- swam 游泳 fly --- flew 飞 run --- run 跑 eat --- ate 吃 sleep --- slept 睡觉

have --- had 有 buy --- bought买 take --- took 拿 teach ---taught 教 go---went去 sing --- sang唱歌 do --- did 做 read ---read 读书 sweep ---swept 打扫 make ---made制作 set ---set do --- did做 get --- get得到,到达 draw --- drew画画 drink --- drank喝 write --- wrote写 ride --- rode 骑 put --- put 放 tell ---told告诉 send --- sent发送 feel --- felt感觉 think --- thought想 meet --- met 见面 fall --- fell落下 wake --- woke 醒来

Exercises for Unit 3

一 根据上下句及所给的信息写句子。

1 A:______________________________________________________________? B: Yes, I went to the park yesterday .

2 A: ______________________________________________________________? B: We read books in the library last Tuesday.

3 A: ______________________________________________________________?



