Chapter 3 2002
15. Affixes added to the end of words to indicate grammatical relationships are known as ( )
A. bound roots B. free morphemes C. inflectional morphemes D. derivational affixes C
20. Almost ,all affixes are ________morphemes because few can be used as independent words.
V. Define the following terms. (10%) 45. allomorph
Some morphemes, however,are realized by more than one morph according to their position in a word. Such alternative morphs are known as allomorphs.
48. How do you distinguish inflectional affixes and derivational affixes?
Suggested answers: Inflectional affixes are affixes (1) attached to the end of words; (2) to indicate grammatical relationships, while
derivational affixes are affixes; (3) added to other morphemes; (4) to create new words.
50. Analyse the morphological structures of the following words and point out the types of the morphemes. unbearable, international, ex-prisoner. suggested answers:Each
of the three words consists of three morphemes
unbearable(un+bear+able), international (inter+nation+al), ex-prisoner(er+prison+er).
2)Of the nine morphemes, only bear, nation and prison are free morphemes as they can exist by themselves.
3)All the rest un-,-able,inter-,-al, ex-and-er are bound as none of them can stand alone as words.
19. Morphemes which are identical with root words are considered to be ______.
Free 2005
13. Structurally a( )is the smallest meaningful unit of a language. A. morpheme C. word A
14. Unlike affixes,( )are often free morphemes. A. suffixes
B. prefixes D. roots
C. inflectional morphemes
B. stem D. compound
46. What is the difference between prefixation and suffixation? Explain with two examples.
Prefixation does not change the word-class of the the stem. It only modifies its meaning, . treat—maltreat.
Suffixation changes the word-class instead of its meaning. . play-player. 2011
7. The smallest functioning unit in the composition of words is ______.( ) A. morpheme C. root A
9. The plural morpheme \
( )
A. packs C. cheats
B. bags D. ships B. affixes D. stem
42. derivational affix
Affixes added to other morphemes to create new words. 2009
7.The plural morpheme “-s” is realized by /s/after the following sounds EXCEPT ______.( ) A./t/ C./p/ B
8.There are ______ free morphemic words in the following: bird, man, red, collection.( )
B./g/ D./k/