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外研版七年级英语下册 Module 5 Unit 1 What can I do for you?教案

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Unit1 What can I do for you

一、 教学内容:Unit1 What can I do for you? 二、 课型:Listening and speaking 三、 教学目标:

1、能够正确使用下列单词和词组: market, supermarket, biscuit, lemon, strawberry, Mother’s Day, size, take, may, try, try on, certainly, wait a minute, sale, price, look, fresh

2、能正确使用下列句型: What can I do for you?


4、能够用相关的购物用语进行口头交际。 四、教学重难点:

1、能够熟练运用有关购物的交际用语进行口头交际。 2、掌握有关购物的词汇和相关句型。 五、教学准备:


六、 教学过程: 教学 步骤 Step One Warming-up (3’) 教师活动 Lead in 1. Show the students something: Look, boys and girls, I’ve got many things, what are they? 2.Teacher: “ Oh, you know them very well. Do you like these food? I’m hungry now, but I don’t like these food. So I’m going to the Market to buy something to eat, what am I going to buy? Look!” 学生活动 设计意图 以旧引新,先引导学生1. Look at the things that the 回顾相似的语法结构 teacher shows and say the words be doing. like this: “apple, banana, biscuit, candies …” 通过这个环节,可以引导学生把一般现在进行时和一般将来时进行简单的对比了解。既训练了学生的反应又在无形中培养学生大胆说英语的习惯。活跃了课堂气氛。 1. Show students some 引导学生谈论图片,训 Step Two Pre-task (5’) pictures of these: market, supermarket, biscuit, lemon, strawberry… 2.Show the title of the lesson and lead the students to learn the new words as well: Well, so many things here, The strawberry is fresh, I like it. What about you? What are you going to buy?” 1. Listen and answer: (Activity 2) You did a good job. Now, Lingling is going to buy something, too. She is going to buy something for her mother, Do you know why? Because Mother’s Day is coming, what is she going to buy for her mother? And how about Betty? Does she buy something, too? Now listen and answer the questions in Activity 2. 2. Listening. (Activity 3) Play the tape and have students listen and find out: Now, I think Lingling’s mother will be very happy. But, Lingling wants to buy more things, what else is she going to buy? Please listen and fill in the blanks. 3. Reading. T: Now, we know that Lingling buys 3 things, OK, open your book to read and find out more details and fill in the blanks with your partner. 4. Problems- solving 1.Watch pictures and learn some 练学生描述事情的能new words. 力。在描述的同时学习 新单词和句型,做到词2. Describe the pictures like 不离句,为学生扫清听this: The biscuits are 的障碍。 delicious, I like them. / I want to buy some. Step Three While -task (24’) 1. Listen and finish the questions of Activity 2. Then listen again and choose the right answer: ①What’s Lingling’s mother’s favourite colour? A. Black B. Purple C. White ②What size does she take? A. Large B. Medium C. Small ③How much is the T- shirt? A.98yuanB. 99yuan C. 198yuan (2) Listen and fill the blanks: What to buy How much to buy How much to pay 要求学生记住词组的搭配。 让学生带着任务(问题)去听对话并找到答案,有助于培养和提高学生更加准确地听取信息的能力。通过小组活动提高学生间的自主、合作学习,让学生充分地实践运用语言,并激发学生创造性思维的发展。 3. Students open the book and find out the answers. Then finish the blanks above. 4. Some students read the Ask the students to read the dialogue and the other students dialogue in roles. And help find out difficulties points. them solve these important All the students say the points: difficulties 1) How much are they? and solve together. 2) How much would you like? 3) Half a kilo. /A kilo of.. 5.Read and remember Ask students to read the dialogue and try to find out 5. Read and find out the some important sentences by important phrases and sentences themselves: buy… for …/ in groups. May I try it on?/ That’s too much. / wait a minute/ There’s a sale on today./ Everything is half price. / I’ll take it. Step Four Post- task (10’) 1.Retelling. Let the students try to retell the conversation with the information in the table in Activity 3. 2.Speaking Put all the things on the teachers’ desk, have students go and buy things they want. 1.Get the students to sum up the language points. T: What have we learned today? Ss:…… 2.Let the students to choose the best team in this lesson. 1. Retell the conversation with the information in the table in Activity 3. 2. Make dialogues with their partners and buy the things they want and choose out: Who buys the best things? 1.Sum up the language points. 2.To choose the best groups. 复述对话能使学生加深对课文内容的理解和记忆。 适当的口头练习,让学生巩固本课时的语言点和突出重点。 Step Five Summary(2’) 引导学生对这节课的总结,让学生做自由发言,培养学生自主学习,自主总结的良好学习习惯。 简短的评价使学生的课堂表现得到肯定并且可以激励学生的学习兴趣,树立学习英语的信心。 课后作业有助于学生巩固已学的知识,补充其他方面的锻炼。写作是阅读的拓展,让学生最终完全掌握语言,实践运用语言。 Step Six Home- work (1’) 1. Read the dialogue after Finish the homework. school and remember the new words. 2.To write a list of things you want to buy most. 七、板书设计: Module 3. Shopping

Unit1. What can I do for you?

Mother’s Day 1) What can I do for you ?

buy sth. for sb./ buy sb. sth. I’d like to buy … for… try on 2) What size does she take?

wait a minute / moment 3) There’s a sale on today. Everything is half price. 4) I’ll take it.



1. 我可以试穿一下这件外套吗? Can I ______ ____ this coat?

2. 那个男孩想在母亲节为母亲做一顿饭。

The boy wants to cook a meal for his mum on ________ ________. 3. 现在的学生每天都有太多的作业做。

The students have _____ ______ homework to do every day now. 4.你还想要其他什么东西?

_______ _____ would you like? 5. 稍等!我有重要的事情告诉你们。

______ ____ ______! I have something important to tell you.

外研版七年级英语下册 Module 5 Unit 1 What can I do for you?教案


