多通道TDI CCD成像系统的非均匀性校正
【期刊名称】《红外与激光工程》 【年(卷),期】2014(000)0z1
【摘要】为解决多通道TDI CCD成像系统响应非均匀的问题,根据成像系统视频信号的处理流程,详细分析了影响成像系统响应非均匀性的各个因素,对比了当前主要的非均匀性校正处理方法,提出了改进单点校正法,其集成了单点校正法与两点校正法的优点,具有算法简单,效率高,实用性强,测试工作量小等特点,利用该方法对系统所采集的图像进行非均匀校正,试验结果表明,系统响应的非均匀性由3.5%降低至1.5%,在系统响应全部灰度范围内,最大的非均匀性小于2.5%,满足成像系统的使用要求。%To solve the non- uniformity response of multiple outputs in TDI CCD imaging systems, every factors that may influence the non- uniformity response were analyzed in detail according to the flow of video signal process. Compared with popular correction methods of non- uniformity response, an improved method based on single point calibration was proposed, which integrated the advance of single- point correction and two- point correction methods. The improved single- point method has the features of simple algorithm, high efficiency, good practical application, low work of measurement, and so on. The results of experiments show that the non- uniformity response of TDI CCD imaging system declines from 3.5% to 1.5% according to the images
多通道TDI CCD成像系统的非均匀性校正