IGMP V3协议研究与实现
【期刊名称】《飞行器测控学报》 【年(卷),期】2012(031)003
【摘要】Based on study of IGMPdnternet Group Management Protocol) V3 and its previous versions, raw sockets are used to intercept IGMP V3 relationship query packets and IGMP V3 relationship report messages are simulated to spoof switches/routes in order to maintain the membership relationship. This successfully enables support of SSM (Source-Specific Multicast) of terminal equipment running Windows 2000. Simulation test and actual applications show that the method can be used in other operating systems that don't support IGMP V3 protocol.%针对IPV4下Windows 2000系统不支持指定源组播模型的问题,通过对3个版本IGMP(互联网组管理协议)的分析研究,采用原始套接字截获IGMP V3查询包,模拟生成组成员关系上报电文的方法,达到了欺骗交换机/路由器、维持其组成员关系的目的,解决了Windows 2000终端设备无法实现指定源组播通信的难题.仿真测试以及实际应用表明,这种方法完全可以应用于不支持IGMP V3协议的其他系统. 【总页数】4页(66-69)
【关键词】互联网组管理协议(IGMP) V3;任意源组播(ASM);指定源组播(SSM) 【作者】李卫平;党琦;白大明
IGMP V3协议研究与实现