1 One of V. S. Naipaul' s best-known nonfictional works is______.
(A)Between Father and Son
(B)Green Gables
(C)Enchanted Castle
(D)Railway Children
2 Which of the following is NOT directly related to the Irish Dramatic Movement?
(A)The Abbey Theatre
(B)Lady Augusta Gregory
(C)Sean O'Casey
(D)Sartor Resartus
3 Which of the following reflects the spirit of chivalry, i. e. , the quality and ideal of knightly conduct, in the early feudal age?
(A)Morality Play
(D)Gothic novel
4 One of the most noticeable features of John Donne' s poetry is his use of______.
(A)classical vocabulary
(C)dramatic monologue
5 \A host of golden daffodils. \
In the above quotation taken from William Wordsworth' s poem \a Cloud\
(A)a large number
(C)dancing group
(D)quiet group
6 Point out the work that was written by Henry David Thoreau. ______
(A)The Fall of the House of Usher
(B)The Rise of Silas Lapham
(D)The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
7 Jack London: the author of______ , is a naturalist writer.
(A)The Red Badge of Courage
(B)The Octopus
(C)The Gilded Age
(D)Martin Eden
8 Which ONE of the following poems is authored by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow?
(A)The Raven.
(B)Wild Nights-Wild Nights!
(C)The Indian Burying Ground.
(D)The Slave's Dream.
9 Which ONE of the following is an influential poet whose poems often express a thematic concern about the issue of death and eternity?
(A)Walt Whitman
(B)Ralph Waldo Emerson
(C)Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
(D)Emily Dickinson
10 \every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you. \
In the above quoted verse lines taken from Walt Whitman' s poem \what does the central image \
(A)Merely the poet himself.
(B)The common people of America.
(C)Masculine sublime ego.
(D)American puritans.
11 My Last Duchess
12 Martin Amis
13 Vanity Fair
14 American Local Colorism
15 Henry James
16 Answer the following questions IN ABOUT 150 ENGLISH WORDS each:(20 points) Please briefly comment on Walter Scott' s Ivanhoe.
17 Make an introductory comment on James Fenimore Cooper' s frontier saga The Leather Stocking Tales.