课 题 名 称 货物分拣控制系统设计 学 生 姓 名 学 号
系(院)、年级专业电气工程系 指 导 教 师 职 称讲师
2017年 5月 11日
In order to adapt to the demand for goods sorting efficiency of Internet of things, the design of this kind of goods sorting control system design, combined with the position sensor is goods code recognition system, real-time monitoring of the goods in the process of the conveyor belt and sorting operation.The design can be divided into two parts, the first part is to use the sensor to detect the goods location, and then start the cord scanner on the goods code, which can identify the goods and pass to identify the information to the system;The second part is processed by the system after the analysis of distribution of tasks to baffle, the baffle push the corresponding goods yards of goods into the designated chute, thereby to sorting the goods.The information processing system is the use of PLC as the controller, respectively for sorting device components control.Run the test to the system, shows the system has stable and reliable operation and high sorting efficiency and low error rate.
Keywords: cargo sorting control system;cord scanner;PLC