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六上6单元Part B Let's learn

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课 题 Unit 6 How do you feel ? Part B Let’s Learn& Play cards games 备课人 审查人 张玉蓉 备课时间 2020.09.01 讲课时间 1.能够听、说、读、写本节课重点单词和词组:see a doctor , wear , more , deep , breath , 教学目标 take a deep breath , count , count to ten . 2.能听懂、会说、书写句型:“What should I do ? You should ...”并能在实际情境中灵活运用。 3. 能够用所学过的句型给他人提供适当的建议和帮助。 1.能够听、说、读、写本节课重点单词和词组:see a doctor , wear , more , deep , breath , take a deep breath , count , count to ten . 教学重难点 2.能听懂、会说、书写句型:“What should I do ? You should ...”并能在实际情境中灵活运用。 3.能够用所学过的句型给他人提供适当的建议和帮助。 教学准备 教学方法 教学具准备 教学课件、单词卡片 讨论法、小组合作法 教学图片 教学课时 The Third Period Part B Let’s Learn& Play cards games 1


教 学 过 程 一次备课(集体) Step 1 Warm up Sing a song: If you’re happy, clap your hands Step 2 Lead in 1.Ask and answer. How do you feel now? I’m ... Step 3 Presentation 1.出示Let’s learn 部分第一张图片: T:Who are they? Chen Jie Wu Yifan Mike Oliver 1.T:How does Chen Jie feel? S: She is ill. T:What should she do? S:She should see a doctor .(看病) 四线三格展示正确书写占格,学生跟音频读短语。 2.T:What is Wu Yifan doing? S:He’s running. T:He can’t run fast. What should he do? S:He should do morning exercises .(多锻炼) 四线三格展示正确书写占格,学生跟音频读短语。 3.T:What is the weather like? S:It’s cold outside. T:What should he do? S:He should wear warm clothes .(穿暖和的衣服) 四线三格展示正确书写占格,学生跟音频读短语。 4.T:John is helping his friend. What should Oliver do?


二次备课(个人) 红寺堡镇中心学校集体备课成果

S:He should take a deep breath and count to ten . (深呼吸) (数到十) 四线三格展示正确书写占格,学生跟音频读短语。 5. Read the words. see a doctor do more exercise wear warm clothes take a deep breath and count to ten 6. Listen to the tape and follow the tape. You should see a doctor. You should do more exercise. You should wear warm clothes. You should take a deep breath and count to ten. ★language points :情态动词 我们学的情态动词有can, may, must, should,用在行为动词前,表示说话人对这一动作或状态的看法或主观设想。后面跟动词原形,没有人称和数的变化。 eg. He is ill. He should go to the hospital to see a doctor. Mary must study hard. 7. Practice :Play card games. (1)教师出示cold 单词卡片创设情境: A:What should I do? B:You should wear warm clothes. (2) Practice in pairs. 两人一组,拿出自制卡片cold, ill, angry, worried等,然后轮流抽取卡片和给出建议。 For example: ill:A: What should I do? B: You should see a doctor. 8.Express yourself: 教师将学生分成几组,每组选择一张表示情绪的图片。教师请一名学生戴上帽子,扮演心理医生提问:angry, angry, who 3

六上6单元Part B Let's learn


