-Po: Guys, guys, I know about Tai Lung.
大伙,我知道Tailung。 He was a student. 他曾是一个学徒。
The first ever to master the thousand scrolls of kung fu.
And then he turned bad and now he's in jail. jail: 监狱
-Tigress: He wasn't just a student.
Shifu found him as a cub... cub: 幼仔
师傅在他还在襁褓中时就发现他了。 and he raised him as his son. 抚养他长大,视同己出,
And when the boy showed talent in kung fu, 当发现那小子天生就是武学奇才时, Shifu trained him.
师傅倾其所能悉心教导。 He believed in him. 他信任他。
He told him he was destined for greatness. be destined for: 命中注定将会…… 跟他说必将成其大器。 It was never enough for Tai Lung. Tailung他永远不满足, He wanted the Dragon Scroll. 他想得到龙之卷轴。
But Oogway saw darkness in his heart and refused. 可Oogway洞察到他心中的黑暗,拒绝传之于他。 Outraged ,Tai Lung laid waste to the valley. outraged: 愤慨 lay waste: 变成废墟。 盛怒之下,Tailung血洗山谷。 He tried to take the scroll by force. 他试图强行夺取龙轴,
And Shifu had to destroy what he had created. 可师傅必须毁灭他自己培养的徒弟。 But how could he? 他怎么忍心呢?
Shifu loved Tai Lung like he had never loved anyone before.
师傅之前从没像爱Tailung那样爱过别人, Or since.
And now he has a chance to make things right. 而现在他有机会重新来过, To train the true Dragon Warrior. 训练真正的“龙武士”。 And he's stuck with you. 却碰到了你,
A big fat panda who treats it like a joke. 这只肥头大耳玩世不恭的熊猫。 That is it!
-Mantis: Wait!My fault!
I accidentally tweaked his facial nerve. nerve: 神经 tweak: 扭,用力拉 我不小心扭到了他面部神经。 And may have also stopped his heart. 好像心脏也被扎停了。
[Scene: Master Shifu learns the bad news, and he turns to Oogway for help, but Oogway passes away, and tells him to believe in Po.]
-Master: Inner peace.
inner: 内心的 心静我静。 Inner peace. 心静我静。 Inner...
内心的,内心的, Inner peace. 心静我静。
Would whoever is making that flapping sound quiet down?!
flap: 拍打
谁在外面吵吵闹闹的?给我安静点! Inner... 心静... Oh, Zeng. 噢,Zeng! Excellent. 太好了!
I could use some good news right now.
我现在可以听到一些好消息了。 -Master: Master! Master!
I have... It's... It's very bad news.
我有??是?? 呃,大势不妙了!
-Oogway: Shifu. There is just news.
师傅。消息就是消息。 There is no good or bad. 没有好坏之分。
-Master: Master, your vision. Your vision was
vision: 幻想
Tai Lung has broken out of prison. He's on his way. Tailung越狱了,他正赶过来!
-Oogway: That is bad news,
if you do not believe that the Dragon Warrior can stop him.
-Master: The panda?
Master, that panda is not the Dragon Warrior. 大师,那熊猫可不是什么“龙武士”。 He wasn't meant to be here! It was an accident. 他根本不该在这儿,那是个巧合。 -Oogway: There are no accidents. 没有巧合。
-Master: Yes, I know. You've said that already.
是的,我知道。你已经说过了。 Twice. 两遍。
-Oogway: Well. That was No accident, either.
-Master: Thrice.
-Oogway: My old friend,
the panda will never fulfill his destiny nor you yours fulfill: 完成
Po没法完成他的使命,你也一样不能。 until you let go of the illusion of control. illusion: 幻象 除非你拨开眼前的迷雾。
-Master: Illusion?
-Oogway: Yes. Look at this tree. Shifu.
I cannot make it blossom when it suits me blossom: 开花
我无法强迫它开花愉悦我, nor make it bear fruit before its time. fruit: 结果
-Master: But there are things we can control.
但是,有些事情我们可以控制的。 I can control when the fruit will fall. 我可以左右果子何时落地,
And I can control where to plant the seed. 我还可以左右种于何地。 That is no illusion, Master. 这可不是假象,大师。
-Oogway: Yes.
But no matter what you do 但是无论你做什么,
that seed will grow to be a peach tree. 这种子终会长成桃树,
You may wish for an apple or an orange 但你能得到的只是桃子而已, but you will get a peach.
-Master: But a peach cannot defeat Tai Lung!
-Oogway: Maybe it can.
If you are willing to guide it. 只要你愿意对其谆谆教导, To nurture it. nurture: 培养 悉心培养。 To believe in it. 心存信念。
-Master: But how? How?
但是得怎么做呢?怎么做呢? I need your help, Master. 我需要你的帮助,大师。
-Oogway: No, you just need to believe.
不需要,你只需要相信。 Promise me, Shifu.
Promise me you will believe. 答应我你会相信。
-Master: I will try.
-Oogway: Good.
My time has come. 我气数已尽。
You must continue your journey without me. 你得孤身上路了。
-Master: What are you...? Wait! 什??什??你说什么?等等! Master! 大师!
-Oogway: You can't leave me!
不要丢下我一个! You must believe. 你必须相信!
-Master: Master!
-Po: Yeah,so I'm like \
可怕吧?对呀,我当时说“就算你是豺狼” you may be the scariest bandit in Haijin Province... province: 省 bandit: 强盗
你也许还是福建第一恶霸。 but you're a lousy tipper.\
lousy: 差劲的 tipper: 给小费的人 要是不懂给狱卒点儿好处...
-Monkey: Really? So how did you get out of there
-Po: I mean, I didn't actually say that
我??我没有真的说出口, but I thought it in my mind. 我只是心里这么想。
If he could read my mind he'd be like \他要是会读心术的话,他一定会想:“你胆子还真大?”
Order up!Hope you like it. 上菜咯,希望你们会喜欢。
-Viper: This is really good!!
-Po: No, come on.
Try my dad's Secret Ingredient Soup. 你得尝尝我老爸的私酿密汤, He actually knows the secret ingredient. 只有他知道秘方。
-Viper: What do you mean? This is amazing!
你在说什么?这太好吃了! You're a really good cook. 你可真会煮。
I wish my mouth was bigger. 为什么我嘴巴不再大点呢。 Tigress, you've got to try this. Tigeress,快尝尝。
-Tigress: It is said that the Dragon Warrior can
survive for months
on nothing but the dew of ginkgo leaf and the energy of the universe.
ginkgo: 银杏 dew: 露水 和日月精华就可活好几个月。
-Po: I guess my body doesn't know it's the Dragon
Warrior yet.
我猜我的身体还没意识到它成了“龙武士”呢。 I'm gonna need a lot more than dew and universe juice.
gonna: <美俚>(= going to)将要 光靠甘露和日月可没法活。 What? Nothing... Master Shifu. 笑啥?没事,师傅。
Never be the Dragon Warrior 你永远都不会成为“龙武士”,
unless you lose 500 pounds and brush your teeth! 除非你减掉500磅,刷干净牙。
What is that noise you're making? Laughter? I never heard of it!
吵什么吵?!还敢笑?我听都没听过! Work hard, panda, and maybe someday, 努力吧,熊猫,也许有一天, you will have ears like mine. 你可以拥有像我一样的耳朵,
-Monkey: That's good.
Ears. It's not working for you? 这是耳朵,不好笑吗? I thought they were pretty good. 我觉得蛮不错的。
-Mantis: It's Shifu!
-Po: Of course it's Shifu.
What do you think I'm doing? 不然你以为我在模仿谁? Master Shifu! 噢,大师傅!
-Master: You think this is funny?
Tai Lung has escaped and you're acting like children!
Tailung越狱了,你们还跟个毛孩子一样。 -All: What? 什么?
-Master: He is coming for the Dragon Scroll
and you are the only one who can stop him.
-Po: And I was saying you got no sense of humor.
哈哈,我说的没错吧,你还真不懂幽默。 I'm gonna... stop Tai Lung. 我要阻止Tailung??
What? You're serious? And I have to...? 啥?!你当真?我得??
Master Oogway will stop him like he did before. Oogway大师会阻止他的像上次一样。 Oogway cannot! Oogway不能!
-Master: Not anymore.
Our only hope is the Dragon Warrior.
-Tigress: The panda?
-Master: Yes, the panda!
-Tigress: Master, let us stop Tai Lung. This is what
you've trained us for.
No!It is not your destiny to defeat Tai Lung. 不,打败Tailung不是你的使命。 It is his! 而是他的!
Where'd he go? 人呢?
You cannot leave!A real warrior never quits. 你不可以走,真的武士是永不言弃的。
-Po: Watch me.
看看我, Come on. 拜托,
How am I supposed to beat Tai Lung? 我凭什么打败Tailung? I can't even beat you to the stairs. 我连绕过你下山都不行。
-Master: You will beat him because you are the
Dragon Warrior.
-Po: You don't believe that. You never believed that.
From the beginning you've tried to get rid of me. 我初来乍到的时候,你不是想方设法把我踢走?
-Master: Yes!I was.
But now I ask you to trust in your master 但现在,我要你相信你师傅, as I have come to trust in mine. 就像我开始相信你一样。
-Po: You're not my master. And I'm not the Dragon
-Master: Then why didn't you quit?!
You knew I wanted you gone, yet you stayed. 你明知道我要赶你走,但你还是留下了。
-Po: Yeah, I stayed.
I stayed because every time you threw a brick at my head,
brick: 砖头
or said I smelled, it hurt but it could never hurt more 或者说我难闻,这很让我伤心。
than it did every day of my life just being me. 但是每天我看到自己不成材,更让我伤心。 I stayed because I thought if anyone could change me...
could make me... not me... 可以让我超越自我。 it was you.
The greatest kung fu teacher in all of China! 全中国最了不起的功夫师傅。
-Master: But I can change you!
I can turn you into the Dragon Warrior! And I will! 我可以让你成为“龙武士”!我会的!
-Po: Come on. Tai Lung is on his way here right
得了吧!Tailung马上就要赶到了。 Even if it takes him a hundred years to get here 就算他要在路上耗上个一百年,
how are you gonna change this into the Dragon Warrior?
你又怎么能把眼前这个肥仔训练成龙武士? How?
哪有办法? How? 有吗? How?!
-Master: I don't know!
我不知道。 I don't know. 我不知道。
-Po: That's what I thought.
-Tigress: This is what you trained me for.
train: 训练
-Viper: Tigress!
-Tigress: Don't try and stop me.
-Viper: We're not trying to stop you.
-Tigress: What?
-Viper: We're coming with you!
-Po: What? I eat when I'm upset, OK?
-Master: No need to explain.
I thought you might be Monkey. 我还以为是皮猴儿呢。
He hides his almond cookies on the top shelf. almond: 杏仁
-Po: Don't tell Monkey.
-Master: look At you.
-Po: Yeah, I know, I disgust you. disgust: 使……感到恶心 我知道,我让你看了恶心。
-Master: No, I mean, how did you get up there?
-Po: I don't know. I guess that...
I don't know. I was getting a cookie. 不晓得,我只是想着饼干。
-Master: Yet you are ten feet off the ground.
然后你就瞬间离地十尺。 And you have done a perfect spilt. 而且还做出了完美的一字马。
-Po: No, this? This is just... an accident
不是啦,这只是??误打误撞。 -Master: There are no accidents. 根本就没有什么误打误撞。 Come with me. 跟我来。
[Scene: Shifu finds out the secret to teach Po, and he trains Po by the temptation of food. Finally succeed.]
-Po: I know you're trying to be all mystical and
but could you at least tell me where we're going? 但也至少告诉我现在是去哪吧? You dragged me all the way out here... drag: 拖
你让我累死累活爬上来?? for a bath?
电影功夫熊猫1 - 中英文台词



