编 号:
硕士学位论文 培 养 单 位: 法 学 院 专 业 名 称: 经济法学 指 导 教 师: 宋 智 慧 副教授 研 究 生: 李 安 琪 完 成 时 间: 二〇一五年一月
类 别 全日制研究生 教育硕士 同等学力 √ 题 目: 实用艺术作品的著作权保护
作者签名: 日期:
作者签名: 日期:
关键词:实用艺术作品 著作权 择一模式
The Copyright Protection of Applied Art Works
The works of applied art are the products fulfilled with practicability and aesthetics. Some foreign codes and international treaties have already given specific stipulations on the copyright protection of applied art works. However, the status of applied art works in our country’s system
of Intellectual Property Law is very odd and embarrassed. On the amended opinions of copyright in 2012, it proposed to put the applied art works as an object of copyright protection. Whereas, the amendments of 2013 copyright law has never adopt this proposal. As a particular object, the applied art works integrate the feelings and thoughts of creators. It appears to people by the means of three-dimensional contouring, it was equipped with the originality and the replicability, which are required as the objective characters of copyright law. It is the intellectual creative result with aesthetics, but is distinguished with other common art works. It can serve for the people’s daily life with its practicability.
In this article,first I introduced the basic theories of applied art works. It referred the definition and the characteristics of applied art works. Differentiated and analyzed the concepts of applied art works, aesthetic works and industrial designs. And it also discussed the evolution and current situation of domestic and overseas legislation of applied art works, which set the bases of the following introduction. And then I discussed the qualification of applied art works as the object of copyright protection. First, it introduced the qualifications of the object under the copyright protection law. Then, it argued the qualification of applied art works as the object of copyright protection by integrating its characteristics. At last, it also proposed the suggestions for our country’s copyright protection of applied art works. The last part of this text foremost introduced the legislation models of France, Britain, and Germany, which as the most typical examples of the copyright protection of applied art works. Then, it discussed the significances of referencing other countries’ legislation models. Finally, by integrating the status quos of our country, it gave the suggestions of building the protection model of applied art works. I thought alternative model may be the best way to protect Applied Art Works in our country.
Key words: Applied art works, copyright, alternative model
目 录
中文摘要 .......................................................................................................................................... I Abstract: .................................................................................................................................... II 引 言 ............................................................................................................................................. 3 第一章 实用艺术作品基本理论 ................................................................................................... 4
一、实用艺术作品的定义与特征 .......................................................................................... 4
(一)实用艺术作品的定义 ........................................................................................... 4 (二)实用艺术作品作品的特征 ................................................................................... 5 二、实用艺术作品与相关概念辨析 ...................................................................................... 6
(一)实用艺术作品与实用艺术品 ............................................................................... 6 (二)实用艺术作品与美术作品 ................................................................................... 7 (三)实用艺术作品与工业品外观设计 ....................................................................... 8 三、实用艺术作品法律保护的嬗变 ...................................................................................... 9
(一)国际公约中的规定 ............................................................................................... 9 (二)典型国家实用艺术作品立法变迁 ..................................................................... 10 (三)我国实用艺术作品的立法及实践 ..................................................................... 12
第二章 实用艺术作品著作权客体适格性分析 ......................................................................... 15
一、著作权客体构成条件 .................................................................................................... 15
(一)独创性 ................................................................................................................. 16 (二)可以有形形式复制 ............................................................................................. 17 (三)文学、艺术与科学领域内的作品 ..................................................................... 18 二、实用艺术作品著作权适格的条件 ................................................................................ 19
(一)实用艺术作品著作权法适格性认定 ................................................................. 19 (二)实用艺术作品著作权法保护建议 ..................................................................... 20
第三章 实用艺术作品的保护模式 ............................................................................................. 24
一、外国实用艺术作品保护模式考察 ................................................................................ 24
(一)法国的绝对双重保护模式 ................................................................................. 24 (二)德国特别工业版权法中的保护模式 ................................................................. 24 (三)英国的选择性保护模式 ..................................................................................... 25