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湖南省吉首市民族中学八年级英语《Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake 》学案(3)(无答案) 牛

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课题: 《Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake 》 学习目标: Describe a process 重 点: another, the other 难 点: Here be…. 学法指导: Reading and practicing 一、自学提纲 1. tomatoes 2. sanwiches 3. an onion 4. put…on… 5. a slice of 6. 2 slices of bread 7. on the top 8. a recipe for 9. Finally, put another slice of bread on the top. 10. Here’s a recipe for a great turkey sanwich. 二、探究、合作、展示 1. another与the other ①another指三者或三者以上中的另一个,或指不定数量中的另一个。 ②the other表示两者之中的另一个。 I give you another example. I have two brothers. One is a worker, and the other is a teacher. 2.判断可数与不可数名词。 bread butter onion tomato relish lettuce turkey sanwich slice chicken carrot ingredient 3. finally意为 ,相当于 或 I walked a long way, finally I got there. 4. Here be…意为 ,其中be动词的形式由其后的主语来决定。 例:Here is a book. Here are some books. 类似的还有There be… 用心 爱心 专心 1

三、当堂检测 I、单选 1. Would you like apple? A. other B. the other C. another D. an other 2. Put on the bread. A. 3 slice of chicken B. 3 slices of chicken C. 3 slices of chickens 3. Here some tomatoes for him. A. is B. are C. am 4. He tried many times, and he passed the exam. A. first B. next C. finally 5. Add some relish the turkey. A. to B. in C. for II、完成句子 1. 我有一份火鸡三明治的食谱。 I have turkey sanwich. 2. 把另一片鸡肉放在上面。 Put another slice of chicken . 3. We need two oranges. (对画线部分提问) oranges we need? 4. You must cut up an onion. (改为同义句) You must . 四、课堂小结 五、教学反思

用心 爱心 专心 2

湖南省吉首市民族中学八年级英语《Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake 》学案(3)(无答案) 牛


