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Part II Vocabulary and Structures (10 minutes, 15 marks)

There are 15 incomplete sentences in this part. For each blank there are four choices, marked A, B C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence, then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

31. They are looking for _______ man with _______ long dark hair. He is armed and dangerous. A. a; a

B. the; a

C. a; /

D. /; the

32. It was unfortunate, but she had no _____ but to act as she did.

A. chance.

B. opportunity

C. option



33. The _____ driver thinks that accidents only happen to other people.

A. general

B. usual

C. common



34. How did they manage to steal the Van Gogh? It was right ____ the security guard’s nose.

A. below

B. before

C. under



35. The student ______ continuing his studies when he had to return to his home country unexpectedly.

A. is considering B. was considering C. should consider D.

has considered

36. My friends and I enjoy doing many of the same things. In that respect, we have a lot _______.

A. in similar

B. in particular

C. in common

D. in


37. Our planned visit to the United States _______ because we were unable to get the visas. on

38. Lest anyone _____ it strange, let me assure you that it is quite true.

A. thought

B. should think

C. had thought


A. fell over

B. fell down

C. fell through

D. fell


39. When Sally ______ the criminal ______ her house, she screamed at the top of her voice because she didn’t want ______.

A. saw; enter; killed

B. saw; enter; to be killed

D. sees; enter; killing

C. sees; entering; be killed

40. Tina’s children, _____ all live nearby, organized a big party for her eightieth birthday.

A. who

B. that

C. which

D. as

41. Sometimes it is necessary to be careful _______ the right date to sit for a test.

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A. when choosing

B. when you will choose D. when you chose

C. when you have chosen

42. Einstein’s theory of relativity seemed hard to believe at the time _______.

A. when he first introduced C. he first introduced

B. that he first introduced it

D. which he first introduced it

43. ________ really. I like both public transport and driving.

A. On second thoughts

B. I could go either way D. But then again

C. I will never learn to drive

44. _____ I’m getting married!

A. Can you keep a secret? C. Many happy returns.

B. Well I never!

D. Congratulations!

45. --- So, do you know where you’d like to go?

--- Actually, I’ve heard that it’s very expensive and it’s cold all the time.

A. I beg your pardon?

B. Yeah, but it’s not very good.

D. Do you have any

C. Do you know any good hotels?


Part III Reading Comprehension (20 minutes, 40 marks) Section A (4 marks)

There is one passage in this section with 4 questions. For each question, there are four choices marked A, B C and D. You should decide on the

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