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一、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)

1. (2分)— What's this? —It's _____ eraser. A . a B . an C . the

2. (2分)— Let me get you something to drink. Which do you prefer, tea or coffee? — ______, I would like to have some water. A . Both B . Neither C . Either

3. (2分)Hua Chenyu is very popular among teenagers. He is also ________ favorite singer. A . I B . me C . my D . mine

4. (2分)—Many people think the traffic in Beijing is ____. —I think so, and it is very ____ in cities. A . busy; quiet B . heavy; clean C . clean; noisy D . heavy; noisy

5. (2分)Look! is a pen. And are pencils. A . This; that B . These; those C . This; those D . Those; this

6. (2分)——Hi, John. ______ ?

第 1 页 共 17 页

——It's Lucy, my dog. Her leg is hurt. A . How are you B . What's the matter C . Who's that D . What's Lucy like

7. (2分)This is ________ room. It's very bright. A . Tom's and Tim's B . Tom's and Tim C . Tom and Tim's D . Tom and Tim

8. (2分)What a beautiful song! It so sweet. A . feels B . sounds C . tastes D . smells

9. (2分)—Hello! Who's this? A . I'm Tom. B . That's Tom. C . This is Tom.

10. (2分)—I promise to work harder this term, Mum.

—Well, my dear, just as the saying goes, \ .\ A . Practice makes perfect B . Many hands make light work C . You're never too old to learn D . Actions speak louder than words

二、 从B 栏中找出与A 栏各句相匹配的答语。 (共1题;共5分)

11. (5分)你经常读书吗?最近,某英文报正在举行中学生读书征文活动,请根据你读书的情况。用完整的句子回答下列问题:

1.What is the name of your favorite story book?________

第 2 页 共 17 页

2.When did you begin to read the book?________ 3.Who is the main character in the story?________ 4.What did the main character do in the story?________ 5.Why do you like the story?________

三、 完型填空 (共1题;共10分)

12. (10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。

Red squirrels were common (常见的) in British forests and countryside. But there are1than 140,000 red squirrels left now and most of them are in Scotland. However, grey squirrels are now so common that many people2them. They can hunt and kill them legally (合法的).

The two types of squirrels look similar. They both have a long3, which helps the squirrel to jump from tree to tree, and the same large eyes, small ears and powerful back legs.4, the grey squirrel has a clear advantage (优势) over the red. The red squirrel has a head—and—body length of 19 to 23 cm and a tail length of 15 to 20 cm. But the grey squirrel is a5animal. The head—and—body length is between 23 and 30 cm. This6allows (允许) them to store more fat and7them to live in a hard winter.

So why is the number of red squirrels smaller than that of grey squirrels? Size is one reason, but there are others. Red squirrels live high up in8, while grey squirrels spend more of their time on the ground. This means the missing of forests greatly influences the red squirrel's population. Another reason for the grey squirrel's success (成功) is its9to get food easily from people. Like the fox, the grey squirrel10live in towns and cities. The other problem for the red squirrel is illness, it is fatal (致命的) to them.


A . later B . fewer C . more D . less (2)

A . dislike B . like C . watch D . find (3)

A . head B . tail

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C . nose D . mouth (4)

A . Instead B . Moreover C . Otherwise D . However (5)

A . smaller B . cleverer C . larger D . funnier (6)

A . size B . height C . weight D . fur (7)

A . asks B . helps C . tells D . teaches (8)

A . trees B . hills C . skies D . clouds (9)

A . quality

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B . hobby C . ability D . appearance (10)

A . may B . must C . should D . can

四、 阅读理解 (共2题;共14分)

13. (6分) No. 4 People Hospital Zhang Jiang Doctor 1423 Sichuan Road, Shanghai, 200082 Tel: 021- 69673081 School ZhangHongbo Teacher 153 Jiefang Road, Chendu, 610006 Tel: 028- 66630492 E- mail: bdhong @ 163. com Shen zhou Motorbike Factory Liu Haiping Worker 35 Xinfeng Street, Tianjin, 300052 Tel: 022- 27364085 Fax (侍真): 022- 27308695 (1)Who lives in the same street? A . Zhou Jiang and Liu Haiping B . LiuHaiping and Wang Dong C . Wang Dong and ZhangHongbo D . Zhang Hongbo and Zhou Jiang

(2)If you want to know something about medicine(药),what number can you call? A . Tel: 021- 69673081

Shengli Hotel Wang Dong Manager 40 Xinfeng Street Tianjin, 300052 Tel: 022- 27308691 E- mail: likht 235 @ hotmail. com 第 5 页 共 17 页



