【期刊名称】《中国护理管理》 【年(卷),期】2017(017)004
【摘要】目的 :探讨青年乳腺癌患者诊疗期间的家庭角色功能变化及相应的心理体验.方法 :采用质性研究方法,对15例青年乳腺癌患者进行个体化深度访谈,运用内容分析法分析资料.结果 :诊断期患者的家庭角色功能减弱,出现贬低自我价值、担忧和牵挂子女、愧对父母、担忧婚姻关系等感受;治疗期家庭角色功能出现调整,出现角色压力和角色动力;康复期家庭角色功能逐渐恢复,出现喜悦、满足、担心复发的感受.随着家庭角色功能的不断变化,患者出现不同的心理体验,逐渐由负性转向正性.结论 :在疾病诊疗的不同阶段,患者的家庭角色功能和心理体验是不同的,护理人员应了解其不同阶段的家庭角色功能和心理体验,为其提供专业支持,促进其早日回归家庭,提高生活质量.%Objective: To explore family role functioning and psychological experiences of young breast cancer patients when facing the disease. Methods: In this qualitative research, in-depth interviews were conducted with 15 young women with breast cancer. Data were analyzed by using content analysis method. Results: The family role functioning was impaired during hospitalization. Meanwhile, the patients felt low self-worth and guilty, worried about their children and marriage. Role stress and role motivation rose when the patients came home. Family role functioning recovered during the convalescence. Patients felt happy and satisfied. Patients' psychological