【期刊名称】《胃肠病学和肝病学杂志》 【年(卷),期】2012(021)010
【摘要】Liver fibrosis is the dynamic unbalance of synthesis and degradation of extracellular matrix (EMC) in the liver that lead to liver inside connective tissue abnormalities deposits. Liver biopsy is still a gold standard of the diagnosis of hepatic fibrosis, however, it is not accepted by some patients because of its invasiveness and the potential risk. Therefore, simple and easy promotion noninvasive methods for diagnosing hepatic fibrosis have important significance. This paper is mainly introducing the latest research progress of nontraumatic diagnosis of liver fibrosis in recent years.%肝纤维化是细胞外基质(EMC)在肝脏的合成与降解动态失衡导致的肝内纤维结缔组织异常沉积.肝穿刺活检仍是诊断肝纤维化的\金标准\其有创性和潜在风险性限制了其在临床的应用.因此,简单且易推广的非创伤性诊断指标诊断肝纤维化具有重要意义,本文主要介绍近年肝纤维化的非创伤性诊断最新研究进展. 【总页数】4页(912-915)
【关键词】肝纤维化;非创性诊断;血清学指标 【作者】白宁;臧凤莉;史立军