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Penelope(蓝色小考拉)分集介绍+字幕 71-31

What do you think? A honey bee! Penelope. I am a honey bee. A honey bee! zzzzzz

I've got a good idea.

旁白:What is Penelope doing? Where’s Penelope? Penelope? Where is she? She is not here.

旁白:Where’s she hiding now? Do you know? No one can find me.

Let’s have some Christmas cake. Christmas cake! Who want some? I do! Oh! Hey! This is so good.

Marin Christine taught me how to make it. 旁白:Enjoy it. I eat lots.

You’ve got whipped cream all over your face. 旁白:Be careful Penelope.

Wow, is that an aeroplane, a train, or a robot? No, it’s not. It’s a rocket! A rocket? A rocket! A rocket! Take off. Take off. Where are you going to?

We’re going to the cloud! To the moon! We’re going to the cake shop! Hahaha!

Sing a song in the Christmas time.

We’re all a happy family singing in joined happiness. Open the door, snow's falling down, It is so very magical. Lots of gifts, lots of fun. It is Christmas time today.

La la happy Christmas, you have a merry Christmas. We’re all a happy family.

旁白:Penelope enjoyed the Christmas party very much.

Penelope(蓝色小考拉)分集介绍+字幕 71-32 Penelope(蓝色小考拉)第29集是:Let's Close the Door, Penelope。


Penelope和爸爸妈妈要去朋友家玩,她穿得漂漂亮亮地出去,被风一刮,感觉很冷,爸爸说“Maybe it's because you haven't zipped it up(衣服的拉链拉上).”于是Penelope准备拉拉链,可是拉不上,妈妈说“Let me help you”,妈妈只把拉链的两个角并到一起,剩下的妈妈说“You can do the rest yourself.” 呵呵,帮孩子,只是开个头,剩下的就是孩子自己来完成了,呵呵。Penelope把拉链拉上去后,非常高兴说I did it。

在去朋友家的途中,Penelope喝完牛奶之后只顾端着奶瓶,忘了把瓶盖盖上,因此,车一颠牛奶就颠出来了,妈妈说“If you put the top on, it won't spill”同时,把瓶盖给Penelope。呵呵,孩子的良好习惯,就是这样培养出来滴,在这之前,妈妈是没有说什么的,出现状况后,妈妈才给Penelope建议。


回家后,Penelope上厕所,刚开始忘了关门,后来想起,就重新起身去关门。晚上睡觉之前,她还把睡衣的扣子都扣上、把drawer抽屉关上,close the picture book,最后睡觉了。呵呵


旁白:Oh, Penelope. You’re looking very pretty today. I’m going out. I’m going out.

旁白:I think she is going to Cesarine’s house. Well, ready to go? Oh, it’s cold.

Maybe it’s because you haven’t zipped up. My zip?

I see! Well. Oops! Oh. Let me help you.

There you are. You can do the rest yourself. Yes, I did it. Yippee! I did it. It’s warm. Mommy is sitting next to me today. Wow, taste good.

Are we there yet? Are we in Cesarine’s house yet?

旁白:Oh, dear. If you were Penelope, what would you do with the bottle after drinking water?

If you put the top on, it won’t spill. Yes, Mum.

旁白:Oh, Penelope. You must be careful. Close it. The top is on it.

Penelope(蓝色小考拉)分集介绍+字幕 71-33

旁白:Yes, Penelope, well done! Now, you’re at Cesarine’s house. Boat. Banana. Penelope and Lily Rose. Wow, you are good.

I’m going to draw orange chili and red chili. I’m going to use a different color. Oops! 旁白:The tops are not on the pens. What would you do now? We have to put the top on. The top?

旁白:That’s right. If the top is off, the ink dries, and you can’t draw with the pens. The top, the top.

旁白:Oh, dear, Are you sure about this? What do you think? Top, top.

This one is for Lily Rose. This is for Penelope. Here. Here. It’s done.

旁白:You can all put the tops back on properly, can’t you? It was fun today? Yes.

It’s time to go to bed now, Darling. You need to go to the toilet first. Yes, Dad.

旁白:Oops, Penelope, haven’t you forgotten something? Do you all know what she’s forgotten?

Oops, yes, the door. I have to close it. Oh, Mom, I can close everything properly now. That’s wonderful, Penelope.

旁白:It looks like there’s still something that needs to be closed. The drawer.

旁白:Well done, Penelope.

Well, now the curtains are closed. What’s the last thing that needs to be closed? I know, the picture book.

Well done darling, you can read it tomorrow. Night-night, Mum. Good night, Penelope.

旁白:You closed a lot of things today. It was fun, wasn’t it, Penelope?

Penelope(蓝色小考拉)分集介绍+字幕 71-34 Penelope(蓝色小考拉)第30集是Penelope Learns about Different Shapes。

在这一集里,Penelope学了三个shape:round, triangle和squire。首先,Penelope 画出这三个shape,然后妈妈引导Penelope到现实中来找这三种形状的物体——这就是理论联系实际了,呵呵。

Penelope首先在房子里找到了round shape的东西——镜子。在找的过程中,旁白也引导我们观看的人和Penelope 一起来找round shape的东西,呵呵。这可是练孩子眼力及学习形状的大好机会哦,呵呵。

后来Penelope 的双胞胎表妹Milo and Madeline也一起参与到找round, triangle和squire这三个shape的游戏中来。甚至连他们吃的点心都是这三个形状的组合呢,呵呵。

旁白:Hello, Penelope, what are you doing? I’ve done it. This is a circle. That’s right, it’s a circle. This is ... a triangle. Yes, a triangle. This is a…

Can you tell me what shape that is? Oh, a square.

That’s right. It’s a square.

I learned the shapes in nursery. 不确定

旁白:It seems Penelope has learned about different shapes. Can you tell me about different shapes?

Now Penelope, there’s something round in this room. Can you find it? Round?

旁白:Well, everyone, can you find it? The table isn’t.

The flower vase isn’t either. Oh, I found it. Round! Oops!

The cat isn’t round at all. I made a mistake. 旁白:Oh, dear Penelope, that’s not quiet right. Oh, I found it. Round! Yes, the mirror is round.

旁白:Well, everyone, did you find it? I am going to find something triangle-shaped. A tomato? No, it isn’t.

Something triangle. Something triangle. Oh, a flower! Milo! A leaf! Madeline!

Penelope(蓝色小考拉)分集介绍+字幕 71-35

旁白:Your twin cousins have come to play with you. Hello, Penelope. Hello.

旁白:It’s Aunt Marin Christine.

No, flowers and leaves aren’t triangle-shaped. Let me see! Triangle-shaped? Oh, I found it.

旁白:That’s right. The tent is triangle-shaped. Next is … a square!

A swimming ring! A guitar! The net catching insects! 旁白:Erm, is that right? What do you think everyone?

A watering can? That’s not right. Something square? Oh, could it be the red box? 旁白:The big red box? Maybe. Penelope.

Aha, that’s mum! Yes! Let’s hide from mum! Let’s hide from mum!

Oh, I wonder where Penelope is. Milo, Madeline. Yes, where we are. I wonder where they are. Where are you children?

旁白:Where do you think they are? I see some little ears.

旁白:Penelope and the twins are having a treat. We have some of your favorite chocolate biscuits. Yippee! A square! A circle! A triangle!

I know them all now.

旁白:That’s right, Penelope. You learned about lots of shapes today. Look, this is round. No. Are you sure? That is … a cat! That’s right! A cat!

旁白:Oh, Penelope, how funny!



