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Penelope(蓝色小考拉)分集介绍+字幕 71-26 Penelope(蓝色小考拉)第26集是School Trip。

今天Penelope和同学们有个School Trip,看把Penelope乐的——把所需带的东西一一检查一遍并放到自己的小包里——孩子的事情孩子自己做哦,他们会很高兴自己来为自己做准备的,咱做父母的不用为孩子包办哦。

School trip是在一个lake旁边的公园里,呵呵。让孩子接触大自然是必须的,看看Penelope和朋友们玩得多开心,一片片的绿色真是醉人心脾啊。



Biscuits, chocolates and apple juice. 旁白:Penelope is very excited.

OK, I’m ready for the school trip. Mum, is my lunch ready yet, mum? Yes, here you are, Penelope. Sandwiches, I love sandwiches. There! How’s that?

Wow, I am ready, I am ready. Oh, I forgot Max. Penelope, are you ready?

Oh, that’s Lily Rose. Yes, I’m coming. 旁白:Oh, what did you just pick up? Oh, Penelope! Wait, Penelope! Yes, mum.

You’ve taken the rubbish. Your bag is here. Oh, I took the wrong one.

旁白:What are you doing Penelope? Everyone is ready to go. We’re going on a trip to the forest. Yes. What are we going to play there? I want to play catch. Let’s play hide and seek, too. I want to eat my lunch. Hehehe…

旁白:Oh, they've arrived at a beautiful place. Look at the lake. Look at the flowers. Wow. Stromboli, wait. Wow, that looks fun. OK, kids, go and play. OK

Wow, I can push you.

Penelope(蓝色小考拉)分集介绍+字幕 71-27

Thanks, Lily Rose. I’ll try the swing next. I like the swing. I’m first.

Penelope, there are still two more. Oh!

旁白:Be careful, Penelope. Lunch time! Yes. Lunch, lunch!

旁白:Penelope can run really fast. Mum made the sandwich. 旁白:Mmm, it looks good.

Let’s have some dessert after lunch. Here you are. Chocolate? Here, Cesarine. Thank you. I’ve got sweets. They look good. Mmm, it’s yummy. Yes, it’s yummy.

旁白:Mmm, it all looks delicious. Let’s play catch over there, shall we? Yes. Let’s play catch.

How about clearing up first, Penelope? Ahh? Oh, oops!

旁白:That’s right, Penelope. Wait, wait, Penelope. I got you. Now you're it. OK, I’ll get you all. Penelope, I'm here. Hello, mum Hello, Penelope. This is for you.

Oh, how pretty! Thank you very much.

Mum, it was fun today. We really had a lovely time. 旁白:Yes, let’s do it again soon, Penelope.

Penelope(蓝色小考拉)分集介绍+字幕 71-28 Penelope(蓝色小考拉)第27集是Merry Christmas, Penelope。

这一集依然是Christmas这一主题,和第25集的主题一样,不过,侧重点不一样。这次,Penelope的爷爷奶奶叔叔阿姨表妹们要来Penelope家,因此,在这个下着雪的white christmas里,Penelope家里有一个christmas party。在国外,party很常见的,生日有birthday party,圣诞节也可以有christmas party,其他想要庆祝的日子都可以来个party,呵呵。

于是,Penelope就帮着爸爸妈妈一起装饰房子,装点圣诞树——这次圣诞树上的装饰品都是两个两个的,为什么呢?因为双胞胎Milo and Madeline要来,呵呵。还记得第23集吗?Milo and Madeline来Penelope家玩,三个人玩得可开心了,呵呵。


让孩子参与到生活中去,在Penelope这一系列动画中经常又体现,其实,在peppa pig(粉红小猪妹)和其他英语动画片中也经常体现。

旁白:It’s Christmas Day today. Can you see outside? Oh, it’s snowing. Wow!

Mum, Daddy, it's snowing. Good morning, Penelope.

Good morning Good morning,

It’s snowing, it's snowing.

How nice to have a white Christmas! Yes!

We are having a Christmas party this evening, Penelope. A Christmas party?

We’ll have a Chirstmas cake and ... Cake?

And we’ll all get presents.


We’ll have lots of guests. Lots of guests? Come here!

Look, grandpa, grandma.

Auntie Marin Christine, uncle Nikolas. Merlin and the twins—Milo and Madeline. Yes, the twins are coming too.

Wow, everyone’s coming. We are having a Christmas Party. After breakfast, let’s start preparing for the party.

Penelope(蓝色小考拉)分集介绍+字幕 71-29


旁白:They are preparing for the Christmas party. What would you prepare for the party? Penelope and Dad are decorating the room. I love Christmas. This is pretty.

旁白:Is that for you to decorate yourself? What do you think? There! It looks good.

Well, lots of twinkling stars. Merlin will love it. Let’s decorate our Christmas tree next. What shall we put on the Christmas tree? These will be perfect for Milo and Madeline. For Milo and Madeline?

旁白:Perfect for the twins? What could they be? See!

Oh, twins. They’re all twins. You are right.

They are like Milo and Madeline. The twins will like this very much.

And grandma and grandpa, what ornaments do they like? I know. 旁白:What is Penelope going to do?

Grandma gave me this toy and a hat from grandpa. They would love it. 旁白:They are such special ornaments, Penelope.

Mmm? Something smells good. It smells yummy. What is it? It’s roast beef, Penelope. Your uncle Nikolas loves it. Does he? Wow, it’s pretty.

I got the recipe from Auntie Marin Christine. She is very good at making this Christmas cake.

Christmas cake!

This is for grandpa, and this is for grandma, Milos’ here, and Uncle Nikolas, Madeline, Auntie Marin Christine and Merlin. Mum and Dad. Oh, who’s this for?

旁白:This is the last one. Do you know whose plate it is?

Oh, it’s for me. I forgot.

旁白:Don’t forget yourself, Penelope. OK, everything is all set. Oh, the room looks so festive.

Are they here yet? I can’t wait. Oh.

Merry Christmas, Penelope! Merry Christmas!

旁白:Now the party has begun. Merry Christmas, Penelope!

Penelope(蓝色小考拉)分集介绍+字幕 71-30 Penelope(蓝色小考拉)第28集接着27集的Merry Christmas来的,

上一集Penelope的爷爷奶奶、叔叔阿姨及表妹们都来了,他们家的Christmas Party晚宴也准备好了,这一集,就是晚宴及晚宴后的活动了。

看看Penelope家里的Party晚宴多么丰盛,呵呵。吃完饭,就是present time了。看看这几个小小孩异口同声地说presents, presents。喊完,孩子们就去拆礼物,Penelope在拆礼物之前征询妈妈的意见“May I open it?”在妈妈回答“Yes, of course!”之后,Penelope开心地开礼物去了,注意:这里,没拿出一个礼品,孩子们都说出这一礼物的名字:a tricycle, a plane, a toy, a picture book, rackets。Penelope收到了一件honey bee的衣服。呵呵。

接下来是cake time,Penelope非常喜欢吃cakes。然后是游戏时间,大人们准备了一个玩具rocket,Penelope和表妹们骑在玩具rocket上,一起喊take off。


旁白:Everyone's got together at Penelope's house. They are having a Christmas party. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Wow, it's yummy. Very good.

These are all delicious. Penelope's mummy’s an excellent cook. I helps her. It's so good.

Hey, look, the presents from Santa Claus are here. Wow!

Presents! Presents! May I open it? Yes, of course. Yeah!

旁白:It's so exciting to open presents, isn't it? Oh, a tricycle. It’s nice and shining. Oh, a plane. This is for you too. This is also for you. A toy and a picture book. Oh, what are they? You shake them. Try. They’re called maracas. Maracas, I've got maracas.

旁白:Err? What did she get? It looks like it’s got black and yellow stripes. Is it a tiger, or a snake?



