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Penelope(蓝色小考拉)分集介绍+字幕 71-11


旁白:Oh, I wonder what Penelope’s idea is!

I can hide all the toys under the blanket. Then tidying would be easy. It’s a great idea. I will do it.

Penelope, what are you doing? I’ve had a great idea. Oh, what is it? Tell us Penelope. It’s a secret.

旁白:What are you up to Penelope? Oh, It’s nice and clean. Thanks to mum and dad. Next time you will do it all by yourself, won’t you Penelope?

Penelope(蓝色小考拉)分集介绍+字幕 71-12 Penelope(蓝色小考拉)第19集是Hide and Seek。

这一集里,Penelope和朋友们玩Hide and Seek的游戏,就是我们躲猫猫的游戏。看样子国内外小孩间的许多游戏是共同的哦。这一集,我们可以和Penelope一起学学如何用英语表达Hide and Seek这个游戏,比如:用Rock-paper-scissors(石头、剪刀、布)来决定谁当那个找人的人,他们会说you're it。这是Penelope当,所以她说Ok, I'm it.

在找人的时候,Penelope会重复说where's...?这个句型,旁白也会重复Anybody's here?这样的表达。游戏英语,就是这么学来的,呵呵。

旁白:It's a beautiful day. Penelope and her friends are having fun at the farm. Lily Rose, Cesarine, Aladin, and Stromboli are all here. Let's play hide and seek. OK.

Rock! Paper! Scissors! Rock! Paper! Scissors! So you are it. Your are it.

Ok, I’m it. I will find you all. Ok! Hurry up! Let' hide!

旁白:So, do you think Penelope can find everyone? Where did they go?

旁白:Where is everyone hiding? Do you know? Erm...Where are they? Hee, hee.......

Erm...Anybody there? Let's see...I can't see anyone. Oh! I forgot Max! Ah! I found Stromboli! Is anyone here? Shh.......go away!

旁白:Do you know whose tail that is? Shh........

Err.....Who's that? Oh.....I found Aladin!

旁白:Do you think anyone's hiding here? Have a look. Oh! I found Lily Rose!

旁白:Only one more to find now. Who’s still hiding? I can't see anyone here. I found Cesarine!

Penelope(蓝色小考拉)分集介绍+字幕 71-13

You found me. Oh, no! Look, the pigs! 旁白:Oh-oh, now what's Penelope done! Stop! Wait! Come back! My godness! There you are. Oh, I’m glad. Where is Glossy? Is she hiding now? Let's go find her! Yes.

Stop! Wait! Wait! Stop! Ouch! Wait! I got you! Oh, I think I hear Penelope. Really? Where is she? Yeah, where is she? Phew!

Oh. We found Penelope!

旁白:Penelope and her friends have fun playing hide and seek!

Penelope(蓝色小考拉)分集介绍+字幕 71-14 20. Grandpa’s birthday


旁白:Mum looks like she is in a good mood. Mum? I am hungry.

Just a second, Penolope. I am preparing for a party. Party?

It’s grandpa’s birthday today. Grandpa’s birthday?

Look, Penelope. This is the present for grandpa. Present? What’s inside?

You have to wait until grandpa comes? I see. I've got a great idea. What is it? I won’t tell you.

旁白:What is her great idea? Can you guess?

I am going to give grandpa a present too. I will give him my sweets. I hope he'll like them.

Ahh? It’s empty. Oh, I ate them yesterday. 旁白:You are careless, Penelope.

Erm, that’s right! Grandpa loves hats. Erm, maybe this is too small. How about mine? I’ll have to wrap it.

旁白:Oh, no. The woolly hat is being unravelled. Oh, what happened?

旁白:That’s not good to give to grandpa.

What can I give him? Oh, I can draw a picture of grandpa. That’s great! He will love it. Grandpa has a kind of round face. Round, round, nice face. His isn’t pointy. Ahh? Do they look like this? His nose is also round-shaped? Oh, so cute! Next his eyes. Smiling, smiling away. Finished! Hello, Penelope! Oh, grandpa! Grandpa!

Penelope(蓝色小考拉)分集介绍+字幕 71-15

Have you been a good girl? Yes.

So let’s all celebrate grandpa’s birthday together. Oh, yes.

Happy birthday grandpa! Oh, thank you! What is it? Nice pullover.

I have a present too. This is for you. A present from you? Yes! Happy birthday grandpa!

Thank you! Wow, what a lovely picture! Did I draw it well?

Yes, very well done. It looks exactly like you. It’s very cute. 旁白:Oh, is it supposed to be her?

I will put this in my room. Then I can see you everyday. It tickles.

旁白:Grandpa is very happy. Penelope is also very happy. Cheers to grandpa. Yes!

旁白:Birthday parties are fun. Aren’t they Penelope?



